Having spent some time in multiplayer, this game is good but, for the life of me I can't figure out the hate for Advanced Warfare. That game to me is clearly far better than this one. The wall running here feels largely useless a lot of the time, and beyond that and the boost slides it is just aother CoD game, albeit a well made one. It's just hard to go back following the freedom to boost around Advanced Warfare gave.
Precisely.Should I start with the shitty maps, the shitty RNG supply drop bs, the crazy movement 24/7 all over the place bs, etc.
And also, does FMJ increase all general damage, or just damage against scorestreaks?
Should I start with the shitty maps, the shitty RNG supply drop bs, the crazy movement 24/7 all over the place bs, etc.
Go to weapons for me are: Man O War, HVK, Vesper, Weevil, Razorback, Dredge. Kuda and KN are decent.
Just scorestreak damage. And I think it's supposed to decrease damage loss when shooting through walls, but for the life of me, I can hardly find walls that you can actually shoot through.
Picked this game up via the Target B2G1 sale. Haven't played a CoD in years, so I was interested in diving back in. Just finished the first campaign mission and man...that was really boring. I'm sure it'll get better once I get access to "powers" or whatever they are, but I wonder if I've just outgrown FPSs. I mean, the last ones I played were Destiny at launch and Far Cry 4, but I just thought the reason I didn't care for those games was because they were tedious as the reviews stated.
Picked this game up via the Target B2G1 sale. Haven't played a CoD in years, so I was interested in diving back in. Just finished the first campaign mission and man...that was really boring. I'm sure it'll get better once I get access to "powers" or whatever they are, but I wonder if I've just outgrown FPSs. I mean, the last ones I played were Destiny at launch and Far Cry 4, but I just thought the reason I didn't care for those games was because they were tedious as the reviews stated.
The campaign is not that great. The gameplay is exciting, but it's grindy and most stuff around it is boring. It reminds me a lot of Destiny actually.
The multiplayer is pretty fantastic though. And zombies is cool.
There's not a lot of fondness for the campaign this time around. "Poor execution out there" as the MP announcer says. It is more fun to play with friends though.
Multiplayer and Zombies are where the meat of the game lies.
Ah, okay. I'll temper my expectations as I jump back into the campaign. I just remember MW2's campaign being crazy fun and worth the purchase itself, though it could just be because I was younger.
Wow I just got gifted a copy of Blops III for PS4! So I'm really excited having not owned a CoD game since Blops 1 but I had tons of fun playing the beta earlier this summer.
Any advice on beginner weapons starting guide for MP? I like the Kuda and Man-o-War in the beta a lot.
Also I'm reading the campaign is a little by the numbers but if I can play local co-op with my brother or sister I'll likely squeeze some fun out of it.
Wow I just got gifted a copy of Blops III for PS4! So I'm really excited having not owned a CoD game since Blops 1 but I had tons of fun playing the beta earlier this summer.
Any advice on beginner weapons starting guide for MP? I like the Kuda and Man-o-War in the beta a lot.
Also I'm reading the campaign is a little by the numbers but if I can play local co-op with my brother or sister I'll likely squeeze some fun out of it.
XR 2 is a solid weapon if you don't mind burst (it's auto burst though, so you don't have to press the trigger more than once).
Dead Silence is not so much to hide your noise from others, but rather for reducing the noise of your own footsteps from yourself so that you can hear others. The combination of dead silence and awareness is just too strong in this game, almost to the point of being unfair. I can literally hear people coming from miles away with my headset, especially with volume set to super crunch in game.
Where the fuck is my dew tho![]()
lol Target
Having spent some time in multiplayer, this game is good but, for the life of me I can't figure out the hate for Advanced Warfare. That game to me is clearly far better than this one. The wall running here feels largely useless a lot of the time, and beyond that and the boost slides it is just aother CoD game, albeit a well made one. It's just hard to go back following the freedom to boost around Advanced Warfare gave.
So Elite and Legendary crate drop rate is the exact same whether you buy the 10 or 30 cryptokey one, the only difference is that you guaranteed get a Rare in the 30?
Wonk wonkkkk.
That was my opinion at first, but you do get used to it. Really enjoying online!its hectic as shit.
Getting killed from every direction, and from above.
Maps are designed for one thing, and thats to rush. No downtime at all.
Ah good to know. Anyone know if rapid fire hurts any other stats. I remember in all the previous games it would decrease range or something, so it's weird that it doesn't seem to do that in this one.
Hardcore is kinda weird to me.
In a game where you and the enemy already die in less than a second, you now die and kill EVEN FASTER.
It's like....I don't quite get it.
what about all the bullet sponge enemies
I've been playing through campaign on Realistic difficulty with a friend. Damn it's tough. We are on mission five so I know it probably hasn't even gotten "hard" yet, but it's pretty intense. And lol if they expect me to get every single medal at the end of these missions. It would be completely impossible on Realistic. Don't die while playing this mission? Yeah, ok lol.
Yeah I added a silencer to my KN44 and the range dropped by 50%protip: dont look at the ingame stats, they are always wrong.
Rapid fire less range actually means you wil have more recoil with rf and thus have a harder time hitting stuff at range.
Just like a recon sight supposedly improves your range in the stats, it only makes it easier to see targets at range.
The only thing i can think of is a suppressor actually reduces the range from a gun and in BO3 it's friggin HUGE.
All the attachments got a huge nerf in BO3.
Does medal completion transfer between difficulties or nah?
I do wonder why some players even bother with objective game modes. There is always one idiot on the team who has no interest in playing the objective.
There are several problems with the objective based game modes in CoD. One important such is that the points that you get for doing the objective is ridiculously low. Often, I'm the person in the team with the most points gotten from objectives (capturing zones and killing attackers/defenders, scoring goals in Uplink and defeating the robot in whatever it's called), but I'm not even close to being the MVP because two kills gives you the same as or more points than doing the objective. Since KDR and points/minute are important for stat reasons, the system gets flawed. Compare this to Battlefield where you get insane points for being a team player.
Was it MW3 that had support steaks that didn't reset after you died? I liked that even if it was overpowered if you stuck with the low streaks.Because kill/scorestreaks are tied to not dying, there's always going to be tension between playing the obj and just killing people - combine that with people's natural propensity to NOT play the obj and...
I just ignore the kill stats altogether. I love Hardpoint and I'm always the guy blazing for the grab so I do die often. I play Reaper with Psychosis so I tend to send my clones in often to help me survive and flank a bit better. I don't like sitting back so I roll with an SMG for mobility and CQC. I keep some placement tacticals on me to help cover my flank when I'm alone and use Thermite lethals to help with some AOE that lasts a few seconds to create a momentary barrier in hallways to let me slip out of harm's way and prevent enemy movement. This also causes most to blow their lethals and since I am careful about my lethal use in tight areas there's only one line of sight their lethals can take, so I know where they will be thrown based on their own constraints.
My K/D suffers as I like rushing hard full stop but I get back in the game fast when I die. I don't expect to have a shining K/D being a rusher but hey - goes with the territory.
When I play other modes I tend to lean back a bit more and my K/D goes up, as usual. Sucks when you're "that guy" and I generally don't care much for MVP. I look for the team win, not padding my own stats. I'll play TDM if I want to pad hard.
I just ignore the kill stats altogether. I love Hardpoint and I'm always the guy blazing for the grab so I do die often. I play Reaper with Psychosis so I tend to send my clones in often to help me survive and flank a bit better. I don't like sitting back so I roll with an SMG for mobility and CQC. I keep some placement tacticals on me to help cover my flank when I'm alone and use Thermite lethals to help with some AOE that lasts a few seconds to create a momentary barrier in hallways to let me slip out of harm's way and prevent enemy movement. This also causes most to blow their lethals and since I am careful about my lethal use in tight areas there's only one line of sight their lethals can take, so I know where they will be thrown based on their own constraints.
My K/D suffers as I like rushing hard full stop but I get back in the game fast when I die. I don't expect to have a shining K/D being a rusher but hey - goes with the territory.
When I play other modes I tend to lean back a bit more and my K/D goes up, as usual. Sucks when you're "that guy" and I generally don't care much for MVP. I look for the team win, not padding my own stats. I'll play TDM if I want to pad hard.
Having spent some time in multiplayer, this game is good but, for the life of me I can't figure out the hate for Advanced Warfare. That game to me is clearly far better than this one. The wall running here feels largely useless a lot of the time, and beyond that and the boost slides it is just aother CoD game, albeit a well made one. It's just hard to go back following the freedom to boost around Advanced Warfare gave.
Skill based matchmaking is what killed it for me. Everything else was great. If you're a good player, it's not a fun time at all. I don't play COD to game in uber tryhard lobbies.
Does anyone know how to open classified hero outfit for Outrider class? I just unlocked all outfits and then this showed up.
There is no explanation how to unlock it.