I always used this combo in BLOPS2.Shock Charge + Trip Mine = <3
I'm such a dirty fucking camper and I love it soooooooo much.
The Man-o-War is an underrated weapon.
I'm still grinding to reach the level for shock charges and trip mines. Love those as well. I'm also so glad you can throw grenades again instead of the "shooting underneath your arm" way in AW. Hated that!I always used this combo in BLOPS2.When I saw they were back, I kinda wet myself.
Fiddling with distance is great for comical effect. If you place them together, the shock charge is useless and lessens the comical effect.
They just go off together or the tripmine destroys the shock if it goes off first.
Placing the shock a few feet in front of the tripmine just adds insult to injury.
First their movement and vision is limited, and then, 4 steps later, the final blow!
First you hear the shock charge go off... Then you wait while laughing like this:
Then BOOM and you laugh like this:
I always laughed out loud when using it. It's a great trolling mechanism for Domination matches and rigging camping spots.
Hmmmm..I played Hardcore TDM yesterday.
This is the first time I have played Hardcore.
I....I understand now guys.
I can see all.
I can see everything (except the minimap).
I can see forever.
How is it underrated when everyone says it's awesome and so many people use it?
By that logic every weapon is underrated, lol.
I played Hardcore TDM yesterday.
This is the first time I have played Hardcore.
I....I understand now guys.
I can see all.
I can see everything (except the minimap).
I can see forever.
I started playing it last week and enjoy it way more than standard matches.I'm saying I understand now why people like to play hardcore cause I found it to be very very fun and a nice change of pace from core.
Don't forget people may not have unlocked, or I should say, have the ability yet to unlock, certain guns.Most of the players on XBONE use an SMG. Some use an LMG because of the insane amount of damage per shot. I barely see the Man-o-War being used. Might be me. When people do kill me with an assault rifle it's usually the KN-44.
I just love how this game plays. Sure, online can still be a pain in the ass ... but it's much-MUCH better than Ghost or AW was. I noticed yesterday that, despite people having a "green" bar ... they still lag all over the place. Never noticed that before. With AW/Ghost I always had the feeling I was shooting a (no pun intended) Ghost.
This last chapter is more annoying than thefrom every angle. Seriously, if you're going to make a difficulty and call it realistic where you go down in one hit, then enemies need to also die in one hit. These last 2 chapters are almost taking me as long to beat as all the previous ones combined.mothership. Enemies spawning out of thin air
I still would give Ghosts the nod on lag and hit detection, as long as you weren't on pure P2P, that was trash, but BO3 is very close. Better than AW and huge improvement over previous Treyarch games.
I played Hardcore TDM yesterday.
This is the first time I have played Hardcore.
I....I understand now guys.
I can see all.
I can see everything (except the minimap).
I can see forever.
I'm saying I understand now why people like to play hardcore cause I found it to be very very fun and a nice change of pace from core.
LOL xDDon't frown him, crown him!
Welcome brother, to the fraternity of Hardcore. May your soul find joy...
Those are one in the sameJust bought this after seeing Battlefront reviews. On a scale of 1 to Killzone Shadow Fall, how bad is the the story mode/SP mode?
Just bought this after seeing Battlefront reviews. On a scale of 1 to Killzone Shadow Fall, how bad is the the story mode/SP mode?
It's not bad at all. The core abilties are a great addition once you learn to use them right. The story isn't "great" but you can see by reading a lot of posts here that it's very misunderstood.Just bought this after seeing Battlefront reviews. On a scale of 1 to Killzone Shadow Fall, how bad is the the story mode/SP mode?
I was a big hardcore player in Battlefield but not much in CoD. The TTK is already so low and the guns are obviously not balanced for it. I just walked around with a Sheiva one-shotting everyone.
Have not really played kill confirmed since black ops 2. Forget how fun it was. More run and gun and less camping.
Same here. Its tough when your holding a point on your own and everyone is ahead of the map and not defending.Agreed, it has become my favorite game mode. The point totals are extremely good also. Especially when you are awful like myself, as it's nice to grab tags and get points.
I don't play Domination solo as it becomes a lesson in frustration for me who loves to get captures. Nobody seems to want to play as a team. When my friends are on we rep Domination pretty hard though.
Agreed, it has become my favorite game mode. The point totals are extremely good also. Especially when you are awful like myself, as it's nice to grab tags and get points.
I don't play Domination solo as it becomes a lesson in frustration for me who loves to get captures. Nobody seems to want to play as a team. When my friends are on we rep Domination pretty hard though.
I love kill confirmed because so many people ignore getting the tags after killing someone so I pick them up and get results like this:Yeah going lone wolf in domination sucks. Sometimes it seems like no one even wants to capture points. Made me think they should maybe fiddle with the points you get in that mode.
Kill Confirmed to me is the best mode to just randomly match make.
Use the Kinetic Armor. It's made for HCLOL xD
Cool, glad you guys enjoy it
But I find that you already die really fast, and there SHOULD be some means to escape and survive a gun fight. The balance is also not there.
Anyways, I tried it, but I feel this game is meant for the normal core
Man I love when people come running around the corner, spamming the Haymaker and I just drop them in one Argus shot
Argus for life
Use the Kinetic Armor. It's made for HC
For the first time ever I saw Kinetic Armor last night.
An enemy came out of a door I was aiming at and I started Shooting and then These weird WOOSH CLANK WOOSH sounds started playing as my bullets hit the armor.
Was pretty crazy :O
kill confirmed as a game mode also yields some of the highest potential SPM![]()
(thanks to the GAFer that keyed me in on that a couple weeks ago)
went from like 250 average playing ground war to 600-900SPM games playing KC
Exactly why I like playing it. Especially for not being that great at the game. I just need some more seat time and I'll get back in the swing of things.
Right now it's a struggle for me to break even.
Do you lose all camos when you prestige in this one?
When I see a tag in KC, I usually wait a bit to see if there's an enemy that's going to pick it up or is watching who will try to pick it up.
This helps a lot. Lots of times, it isn't just grabbing the tag the moment that you see it.
Agreed, it has become my favorite game mode. The point totals are extremely good also. Especially when you are awful like myself, as it's nice to grab tags and get points.
I don't play Domination solo as it becomes a lesson in frustration for me who loves to get captures. Nobody seems to want to play as a team. When my friends are on we rep Domination pretty hard though.
Ugh I want to hop back in but fallout has its hooks in me
Until they remove the k/d ratio from domination players will continue to ignore captures.
On domination there should be 2 stats: defends and captures. Nothing else.
Cool, thanks. So basically you just lose your weapons / unlocks, nothing else?