Press - MP1st.com
Super lame that supply drops can give something that you already have. I just got the Argus Hallucination camo for the 2nd time.
If someone wanted to get everything in game I'd say it might be statistically impossible. Of course you'd be insane as well. Being that you can get repeats and there's so many items....
UGH! Didn't know this. Yeah, they should have a filter or something so we don't get the same stuff twice.
]I'm glad I'm not the only one who seems to be having an issue with hit prioritization. It feels like I can hit a guy 4 or 5 times and do nothing but die in one hit myself. Now, I'm pretty awful, but it can't always be that it's just me being awful.[/B]
Same. This is by far, the Call of Duty that I'm the worst at in recent memory. I friggin remember calling in two Attack Dogs in one roun in Ground War Dom in Black Ops 2. Here? Fuck, can't even get a proper scorestreak going. And I always die in head to head encounters.
Oh finally, a double XP weekend. Wonder if they will put nuketown by itself again.
It was soooo much better in MW1 and MW2. I didn't get anywhere near as many fake hit markers as in BO2 and in BO3. I don't think my memory is failing me.
It might be because the experience is so fresh, but it is a lot worse in this than any other CoD for me even AW, which a lot of people hate around here, wasn't as bad. It happened there, but it just didn't seem as bad.
Same. I remember being in two-bar games in MW2 and wasn't anywhere this bad. Sigh.
It was better with CoDs before BO1. You're not imagining anything. I use to have an below average internet in MW2 and two bars never had me so behind. The game still felt responsive and I wasn't at any significant disadvantage, but it did matter more in a competitive setting. In BO3, I am at a bigger disadvantage against full four bar people if I am at three bars (even when my ping is floating somewhere between the 3-4 bar threshold), which is any game based on the east side of NA or Europe.
Lol, I usually see you on, but I never bother to join session or message you because I assume you're already full.
I'll just pester you if you are online and I am fed up with the meat shields I get, which is 90% of the time.
I'm running the traditional tactical setup and don't have much problem aiming whilst in the air. I'll probably try bumper jumper tactical to see the difference, but I already abuse the hovering too much already.
Yeah. Kinda glad to see it's not just me suffering through hit priortization then.