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Call of Duty: Black Ops III |OT| No Content For Old Gen

"Rapidly kill 2 enemies with the HIVE 3 times"

How the hell are you supposed to get this by anything other than luck? Can you shoot this stuff into a spawn point without making the spawns flip? It's the only way I can think of.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
"Rapidly kill 2 enemies with the HIVE 3 times"

How the hell are you supposed to get this by anything other than luck? Can you shoot this stuff into a spawn point without making the spawns flip? It's the only way I can think of.
Im starting to think maybe i can get lucky by trying to shoot it it at people and see if it sticks to them.
Man remember when it was harder to get kills with Rejack than Hive? Oh how the tables have turned.


New update coming tomorrow for PC users. Hope this includes Awakening

Hi PC folks! Your next BlackOps3 PC Update is scheduled for release on Steam tomorrow. I will let you know when it goes live so stay tuned.


Just got on. Yep it's gone. Really bothered me seeing that.

I don't even try and learn a weapon anymore because of this. What's the point when a month or two later what i learned with it will be half undone.

It's like developers are abusing the consoles ability to be constantly updated this gen. It's a gift and curse.

More fucking weapon changes in this patch!? Fuck it, I'm selling this game and rebuying AW.

Yes. Advanced Warfare is out of balance support so it should be stable. Perhaps in the future you should wait until at least March before buying a Call of Duty title because as you can see below, they continued to perform weapon balance in Advanced Warfare into the month of March.

  1. Dec 2014
  2. Jan 2015
  3. Mar 2015
There may be more but I didn't bother digging up more because the point is: they're going to make tweaks until they are satisfied or until they move onto the next game. It's silly to criticize them for wanting to level the playing field. They want to make all weapons viable and not have a clear dominant force out there.

And what's wrong with changing the meta game and adapting to changes? Did you make a blood pact where you swore to only use one specific weapon for all time?


Unconfirmed Member
All those weapon changes in AW and they still never managed to make balanced weapons.

BAL and ASM1. Then maybe one or two more weapon variants could just about match them, but you'd have the weapon variants for BAL and ASM1 over top of them anyway.
"Rapidly kill 2 enemies with the HIVE 3 times"

How the hell are you supposed to get this by anything other than luck? Can you shoot this stuff into a spawn point without making the spawns flip? It's the only way I can think of.

On nuketown wait until your team gets a good burst of kills, from the middle of the map you can hive all four exit points from spawn. It only took me a couple of matches to get it that way.


He touched the black heart of a mod
If I were a betting man, I'd bet that those guns are Black Ops 3 versions of the FAL and Executioner. The handgun looks like it's got shotty shells loaded in, and the rifle has the make of a semi-auto weapon. Then again, I don't see a visible clip, and a low-capacity semi-auto rifle that's weaker but faster-firing than the Sheiva (as a proper FAL replacement would be) doesn't make much sense.

I guess we'll see.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Another patch, another lack of Haymaker buffs.



There's gameplay of the new weapons floating around, videos are getting taken down though. The sword and crossbow are sick. Hope I don't have to gamble for them in supply drops..


There's gameplay of the new weapons floating around, videos are getting taken down though. The sword and crossbow are sick. Hope I don't have to gamble for them in supply drops..
I saved my cryptokeys from the 2x event just in case this happened.

Also, ggs gore. That first game we joined we did a super quick comeback haha.


He touched the black heart of a mod
So the pistol is some kinda double barrel shotgun type thing, only it seems as though you can only fire both barrels at the same time. Doesn't look very strong. Maybe worse than the Executioner. Might be half decent dual wield, but it's a very uphill climb to get there. Still need a revolver.

Rifle seems to be semi auto. Damage looks the same as the Sheiva; two shot kill, but it only has 8 shots in the clip. Wonder what it's strength is?

Crossbow doesn't explode, sadly, and the bolts look like they'll be very hard to use in such a fast-paced game. OHK though, and maybe sticks & stones can return. Reminds me more of the ballistic knife than the old crossbow, but with no melee advantage and a larger clip.

The melee weapons look like cool knife skins.
New weapons here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxrcZsibxvM

- NX Phantom is a crossbow, doesn't seem to be that good other than it does 1 hit kills. Hard to aim from what I see, unless the enemy is running at a straight line in front of you.
- Marshal 16 does not look like a good gun at all, it's a revolver but it seems to be weak.
- Fury's Song looks awesome, but it's like the other combat knife skins. Just a sword.
- M2 Raider looks like a Sheiva clone but with only 8 bullets in a mag.
- Iron Jim is another Combat Knife skin. Half-Life 3 confirmed.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I think I found the M2 Raider's strength. I disconnected from the internet then started the game up. While setting up a custom game, in the ban/protect menus, I found listings for a "bayonet" attachment. After using it, I'm fairly certain it fires faster than the Sheiva too.

There was also Tri Bolt, and a sight called the LRX3.


He touched the black heart of a mod

Also, according to the weapons listed under certain attachments in the Restrictions menu, the Marshal 16 won't be able to equip high caliber, extended mags, fast mags, or FMJ. It does get all the other secondary attachments though, including dual wield.
Well, they can't have the crossbow be explosive, that is essentially what Outrider's Sparrow is, so I can see why they made the crossbow a non-explosive OHK
Why are people mad about weapon changes? The vesper has been a stupid gun since release and was the only gun nerfed this patch. The only gun that didn't need a buff was the shieva, that's a head scratcher. The changes to the guns don't even affect the weapon's overall handling that much, so i'm not seeing the reason for outcry. I'd rather have frequent patches with small changes than once every couple months like some games.

it's a multiplayer shooter. everyone will always complain no matter what. leave the game alone and people say it's not being supported, update the game and people complain about continuity.

the support for this game has been great, and the changes in this patch are great.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Well, they can't have the crossbow be explosive, that is essentially what Outrider's Sparrow is, so I can see why they made the crossbow a non-explosive OHK

Honestly, after toying around with them for a while, if they release in their current condition, I don't see the crossbow not getting nerfed. It's essentially a rapid-fire ballistic knife. It doesn't suffer hip-fire spread. It has 6 bolts to a clip, and the reload time isn't too bad. I was only playing against recruit bots, but it's potential is amazing. Especially as a silent weapon.

I figure either clip size or fire rate will get nerfed on that thing.

On the other hand, the Marshal 16 is garbage. It has OHK potential, but only at very close ranges (like, maybe a tiny bit further than the KRM if you aim). But the fact that you have to reload after every shot (and it apparently won't be getting either fast or extended mags) makes it garbage. You could maybe take one person out with it not too bad, but if you ever encounter more than one enemy at a time, you're dead.

If I were to fix it, I'd turn it into the Ranger from MW2. Make it so you can fire one or two barrels. At very close ranges (like, a step away from knifing), one barrel will kill, but adding the second will ensure a kill at a slightly further out range. With dual wield, the effect would be further sweetened.

As it is, the weapon has no practical use outside of one-on-one close range engagements.

The M2 Raider seems like it could be a solid risk/reward weapon. It seems to be pretty much identical to the Sheiva but with a lower clip capacity and a higher fire-rate (as well as a potential bayonet attachment). Add on fast+extended mags, and it could be a decent little beastie.
I was under the impression that they weren't going to put new weapons in supply drops. And now they are. I don't mind reskins or different weapons with the same stats as others. I don't want unique weapons to be available from supply drops ffs. I bet you'll get a new weapon that'll be OP for 2 months or something to get people to splurge on cryptokeys.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I was under the impression that they weren't going to put new weapons in supply drops. And now they are. I don't mind reskins or different weapons with the same stats as others. I don't want unique weapons to be available from supply drops ffs. I bet you'll get a new weapon that'll be OP for 2 months or something to get people to splurge on cryptokeys.

We don't know how they'll be available, only that they will, eventually, be available.

They might be in supply drops, they might be distributed to everyone for free.
Well, the brass knuckles and crowbar are also supply drop only. Don't see them giving these new weapons out for free.

But we'll see. I was just under the impression that supply drops were meant to be cosmetic only, and I hope it stays that way. Actual new weapons should be available for everyone.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Well, the brass knuckles and crowbar are also supply drop only. Don't see them giving these new weapons out for free.

But we'll see. I was just under the impression that supply drops were meant to be cosmetic only, and I hope it stays that way. Actual new weapons should be available for everyone.

But the brass knuckles etc. are functionally identical to the knife. They don't affect balance.

Daffy Duck

This has me worried, it's all in how you earn them, I'm fine with skins in SD, that makes it cool and rare if you get one, but obtaining new weapons that way is not cool in my book.

At least we won't have the super OP variants from AW back, that was an awful way of doing things.
I'm most worried that they will be DLC which I will never be able to get because I have the US version of the game and I play on an EU account. I can get supply drops with cryptokeys normally but can't buy COD points.


Yeah. i admire the devs who are quick to patch exploits and bugs, but CONSTANTLY changing weapon balance and other nerfs really irks me. Every time i boot up the game, the y either nerf the pharo or the M8 or the Vesper. That makes it next to impossible to get used to the weapons and learn their strengths and weaknesses.

I liked that M8 was the best gun in the game. it's a level 55 unlock after all. It wasn't great at close ranges and the funny thing is that it still isnt. It took skill and the right attachments to make it good over long distance. You had to use an extra primary gunfighter wildcard or two to make it really good. That mean rolling with as little as two perks and nothing else. thats a good trade off.

Nerfing the VMP and Pharro early on created this vacuum where Vesper became OP by default. Now people are asking to nerf that. It's a never ending cycle. Devs should just release the game after beta testing and just live with their decisions. This constant cycle of updates really hurt the game.
Battlefield is the same. It's a fucking nightmare.

I've said this many times on forums in the past but devs really need to stop listening to the moaners on forums and simply check the data they receive from us playing the game. Half the time someone plays 1 game, gets owned, blames everything but themselves and heads straight to the forums.
I'm fine with it never bothered me in AW and doesn't bother me in this one.

It will be the Kuda next I've been using that gun a lot and it's fantastic.

Now it seems everyone is jumping on board and using it, YouTube's are making videos so it's only a matter of time till it's useless.

Add the ICR with Rapid Fire to that too.

Daffy Duck

Battlefield is the same. It's a fucking nightmare.

I've said this many times on forums in the past but devs really need to stop listening to the moaners on forums and simply check the data they receive from us playing the game. Half the time someone plays 1 game, gets owned, blames everything but themselves and heads straight to the forums.

Apparently, that's exactly what Treyarch does, they did it for BOII as well, they have very detailed analysis of everything and tweak based on this data alone, Vahn even tweeted it/posted on Reddit about it.
The weapons seem more like humiliation weapons than anything else. None of them look practical (even the crossbow isn't effective because the bow takes time to land).


Usually, the first three months of a game is balancing/patching. I agree with the Vesper being nerfed though. Thing melts everything from close-medium range. The Kuda is a great SMG but not as good as the Vesper.

This game is focussed on SMG's like BO2. Which, when looking at the maps, is fine. Assault Rifles are good though ... but take way too long to ADS and, when comparing them to SMG's, have a slow rate of fire. Hell, even the LMG's stand a better change against SMG users.

The M8 and XR2 are great Assault Rifles with the Rapid-Fire perk on them ... without them ... you have little room for a mistake.


I am continuing trying to get gold with all the guns. Weevil is next and I cannot say I am am a big fan. I like the large clips but like the ICR it takes waaaay to long to kill people.


I know I am LTTP but I overall I do like the new maps. Cannot say I am a huge fan of skyjacked though. I know it was the most popular BO 2 map but between the spawns flipping and the people camping above I just cannot stay alive very long. Just too many places to get shot from.


Skins and all that are fun in the supply drops. I'm not a fan of weapons though. I could play the game and never unlock some of those weapons. I could even pay for cod points and still never touch them.


Skins and all that are fun in the supply drops. I'm not a fan of weapons though. I could play the game and never unlock some of those weapons. I could even pay for cod points and still never touch them.
I don't think they'll be stupid enough to put non-combat knife skins into the crates. They probably sell well enough already.
Thanks Treyarch, new update and no map pack.

I wanted to play Der Eisendrache :(
Gonna have to wait 3 more weeks for the map pack on non-ps4 systems

edit: nvm, they're that stupid
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