Well, they can't have the crossbow be explosive, that is essentially what Outrider's Sparrow is, so I can see why they made the crossbow a non-explosive OHK
Honestly, after toying around with them for a while, if they release in their current condition, I don't see the crossbow
not getting nerfed. It's essentially a rapid-fire ballistic knife. It doesn't suffer hip-fire spread. It has 6 bolts to a clip, and the reload time isn't too bad. I was only playing against recruit bots, but it's potential is amazing. Especially as a silent weapon.
I figure either clip size or fire rate will get nerfed on that thing.
On the other hand, the Marshal 16 is garbage. It has OHK potential, but only at very close ranges (like, maybe a tiny bit further than the KRM
if you aim). But the fact that you have to reload after every shot (and it apparently won't be getting either fast or extended mags) makes it garbage. You could maybe take one person out with it not too bad, but if you ever encounter more than one enemy at a time, you're dead.
If I were to fix it, I'd turn it into the Ranger from MW2. Make it so you can fire one or two barrels. At very close ranges (like, a step away from knifing), one barrel will kill, but adding the second will ensure a kill at a slightly further out range. With dual wield, the effect would be further sweetened.
As it is, the weapon has no practical use outside of
one-on-one close range engagements.
The M2 Raider seems like it could be a solid risk/reward weapon. It seems to be pretty much identical to the Sheiva but with a lower clip capacity and a higher fire-rate (as well as a potential bayonet attachment). Add on fast+extended mags, and it could be a decent little beastie.