they really need to bring back the double crypto key thing.
That must have been too successful for the players.
they really need to bring back the double crypto key thing.
That must have been too successful for the players.
Don't usually cry nerf/buff at things but the RK5 could do with a bit of love! Easily one of my least favourite guns in the game. I find it totally inaccurate while ADS and utterly inconsistent when hipfiring. Got laser sight and long barrel on it atm and I play hardcore with pistols but I dunno, maybe my attachments are screwing me over. In any case I look forward to have the 100 headshot bit of the camo grind done with this piece of shit.
Teammates going 1-19 and 1-24
I can't do this
So apparently #Blackmarketblackout is a thing. Been seeing a lot of people linking it and lot of people making videos about it. It basically calls for everyone, including popular COD players, to boycott buying anything on the black market with real money from April to July.
So apparently #Blackmarketblackout is a thing. Been seeing a lot of people linking it and lot of people making videos about it. It basically calls for everyone, including popular COD players, to boycott buying anything on the black market with real money from April to July.
and when are we going to get some f****** bans for people downloading level 1000 profiles
God, I'm glad I didn't buy these maps. They're awful. And I'm not the only one that thinks so, they aren't even getting voted on in lobbys.
Anyone watching this?
Call of Duty World League NA Grand Finals
OpTic Gaming VS. Rise Nation
Yeah really not a fan. They're all headless chicken maps.
Been watching almost all day.
My biggest problem is the fact that none of them take advantage of the new movement system to do anything interesting. You've got a few token pools to swim around in, but there aren't any real interesting wall run spots that I can think of.
Rise playing like madmen. Fucking hell just as i typed that the last round happened =/
What an amazing final series.
Game 7, round 11 SnD, complete with the nearly 0-3 comeback from Rise.
That was really something, couldn't have imagined a better Grand Finals xD
I kind of hate watching with the X-ray vision from CODCaster though. Really ruins the paranoia somebody you're watching is feeling when you can see where every other player is, and takes away from some of the skilled shots they make on guys head glitching.
I'm still waiting for them to make the Haymaker desirable at all. It was the first gun they nerfed, and now the Brecci makes it redundant. If they won't increase the damage, then at least make it shoot faster.
Tried using the L-Car recently after golding it ages ago, before it had been touched at all. Came away pretty disappointed. Is it just me, or did they make dual wield less accurate at some point? I remember it being about as accurate as single-wield hip fire, which was great for the no-second-attachment trade-off. Now the accuracy feels too random. Maybe it's just the L-Car damage nerf I'm feeling.
Is the campaign any good in couch co op-mode?
Did it with my gf, but apparently is one of the worst campaigns of the recent CoD titles.
That's what I heard too but it might still be fun in couch co op.
Having said that, did you two enjoy it?
Off topic, why can't I upload to YouTube anymore? I get an error
Saved up 300 Cryptokeys this last week and now I'm opening them.
First one?
My first weapon :]
Saved up 300 Cryptokeys this last week and now I'm opening them.
First one?
My first weapon :]
Was AW like this? I didn't play it, but maybe it's an issue with the engine.. assuming they are using the same one. Or it's because this is their first next-gen gameAlways been there, sometimes they are dreadful.
Was AW like this? I didn't play it, but maybe it's an issue with the engine.. assuming they are using the same one. Or it's because this is their first next-gen game
Speaking of which, are you guys going to switch to the next iteration this year or stick with BO3? I am finally starting to get better at this game (at least in TDM) after applying some of the advice given to me in this thread and watching videos about the spawn system.
This build is nasty and getting a lot of work done
Razorback + Suppressor + Rapid fire + Fast Mags
Ghost / Ante Up + Tracker / Dead Silence
i guess the second tier perks could be replaced with anything and it would be just as good.