Hmm seems theres a new Bribe option in black market now where for 60 keys you get a guaranteed Taunt or a Gesture and its only up till thursday. I wonder if theres going to be a Bribe option at some point for a weapon, kinda doubt it but I didn't think people would be interested in taunts and gestures that much.
There should be a taunt where people hold up the new weapons and then smack other people with their wallet.Hmm seems theres a new Bribe option in black market now where for 60 keys you get a guaranteed Taunt or a Gesture and its only up till thursday. I wonder if theres going to be a Bribe option at some point for a weapon, kinda doubt it but I didn't think people would be interested in taunts and gestures that much.
Got back to this, whats the prefered gun nowadays?
Im beasting with the pharo, any other ones Im not aware are good?
The only stupid dance I want to see added to this game is Harlem Shake as a super legendary that even affects the 2nd and 3rd place players.A guaranteed TAUNT or GESTURE?! Joy of joys!! Black Market redeemed! I'm going to spend $500 on codpoints!
In better news, here's the gameplay trailer for the new zombies map.
Looks like black market weapons will be available in some form.Now how about the other missing guns?
Looks pretty good overall, though very dark. Hope it's not horrible in split-screen.
Hmm seems theres a new Bribe option in black market now where for 60 keys you get a guaranteed Taunt or a Gesture and its only up till thursday. I wonder if theres going to be a Bribe option at some point for a weapon, kinda doubt it but I didn't think people would be interested in taunts and gestures that much.
Has anyone noticed a whistling sound in some matches? It sounds like something is whizzing past your head, but it seems to happen at random and when it does happen, it happens for the entire match and happens every 10 seconds or so. It's really, really annoying. PS4 btw.
It's the Shadowclaw crossbow. It's super obnoxious how you can hear it from anywhere on the map. I believe it's a glitch.
"HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME I'M USING THE NX SHADOWCLAW"Has anyone noticed a whistling sound in some matches? It sounds like something is whizzing past your head, but it seems to happen at random and when it does happen, it happens for the entire match and happens every 10 seconds or so. It's really, really annoying. PS4 btw.
It's the Shadowclaw crossbow. It's super obnoxious how you can hear it from anywhere on the map. I believe it's a glitch.
A guaranteed TAUNT or GESTURE?! Joy of joys!! Black Market redeemed! I'm going to spend $500 on codpoints!
Man I would pay extra to guarantee not getting either of those.
Man I would pay extra to guarantee not getting either of those.
Hah, not a bad idea.
Dust camos for everyone.
Vonderhaar's recent tweets shed a bit of light on overall weapon stats. Apparently the Vesper as it currently stands is under performing and is the "worst" SMG at the moment, which is either measured by average K/D or general use, maybe both. No surprise there. Razorback is also apparently under-performing a bit. Kuda and VMP are unsurprisingly the most popular. The KN-47 is very popular (duh) but not "the most popular". Whether he means the most popular gun or assault rifle specifically, I dunno. M8A7 is the third most popular of the ARs.
Then he retweeted someone saying that nerfing things based on stats is stupid, so...
Still, he led this all off with a tweet mentioning that he was looking over a weapon balance report with change proposals, so we might be seeing some balance changes to go along with the new DLC. Hope they nerf all the weapons I don't like and buff all the weapons I do like, etc. etc.
Nah, but seriously the Vesper could do with not being awful.
He tweeted "goodbye vesper" before he applied the final nerf, of course its the least popular. Had to laugh at the shop..60 keys for a gesture. How long to earn 60 keys on average non 2x cryptos..bloody ages. And you'll get a decal, royal for the vesper, and a wave for ruin who you stopped using in december.
I'd love to see the stats on the Haymaker, or does the team at Treyarch just ignore shotguns since making them useless?
MAYBE it would be worth the 60 keys if there was an increased chance of getting a weapon. I don't know who cares enough about gestures to spend 60 keys on them.
I was hoping that at some point soon (and not four days before space ops comes out) there would be a bribe for a weapons crate but does not look like it because God knows how much money people keep pumping in to buy d̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶c̶a̶m̶o̶ keys.
Useless? Not sure if that's a troll or not, the shotguns wreak havoc!
Useless? Not sure if that's a troll or not, the shotguns wreak havoc!
I totally agree, i'd pay 100 keys for a weapon easy, maybe even 200 - just give me what I want instead of goddamn stealth and dusts. Treyarch know this, they must be raking in the cash from the whales spending 300 dollars. The thing is aswell, every time they add more stuff, it must decrease the chances of weapons. It certainly decreases your duplicate item cashback, because theres 200 useless decals nobody wants, or rare calling cards. Who gives a shit about a calling card! I love watching youtubers doing drop videos desperately praising them...oooh...RARE calling card there, pretty cool! Um, no, you just spent 300 dollars on a jpg you idiot.
Thought I'd take 1 for the team and try out one of these "Bribes" for giggles as I'm not overly bothered by the black market weapons, result ? Stealth Camo for Weevil ( a gun I fucking hate btw and luckily have it golded so no need to use it ever )... Verde camo for Man-O-War, you know the ugly as shit greenish camo and last but not least... a "shrug"-boast for outrider. Oh yea and I got 3.. YEAH 3! fucking cryptokeys refunded. On avarage I get a bigger refund opening a regular 30 key chest.
I haven't been taking part in the whole cryptokey complaining as I just see it as an added incentive to play but this Bribe thing is just a load of fucking crap and the fact that you can use the real money points for it too and the results being potentially so utterly fucking lame as mine were is just downright disturbing.
Got my Pharo gold, and now I'm on Prestige 2 and am back to having nothing again lmao
I wish I could get 4 or 5 headshots a game! I'm lucky to even get 1 since I always go for the body. I'm not anywhere good enough to actually go for headshots.Done my shotgun diamonds, hooray. The argus is a bit of a beast actually, got a hell of a range on hardcore, did the bloodthirsties in no time. Doing headshots with the rk5 now, or rather barely scraping 4 or 5 per game.
I've started playing Ground War. Now that I have dark matter, I feel like an old man who has found new life in retirement. No more mucking about with weapons I don't like. I couldn't stand the more concentrated objective game modes-- too easy to get an enemy team that completely locks you down. In Ground War, there's enough chaos to slip by unnoticed and string together lots of kills in between. I still have clueless teammates, but it's a lot more fun. Nearly prestige master and I hadn't gotten anything better than a frenzy kill before I started playing GW. 2 games in and I get my first super kill. Got another one a few games later.
This was a particularly satisfying attacking run in safeguard. Too bad saving the clip ended up crashing the system and kicking me out of the game. I think I'll take that upgraded PS4...
I wish I could get 4 or 5 headshots a game! I'm lucky to even get 1 since I always go for the body. I'm not anywhere good enough to actually go for headshots.
You are aware that the Argus has the exact same one shot kill range regardless of whether you're playing hardcore or not, right? The only difference is that the hipfire is much more unreliable in core, and that long barrel actually increases your one shot kill range in hardcore (whereas in core it just adds a 2 shot kill range for the Argus, which is stupid. It's better to not run long barrel in core since then you'll always guarantee one shot kills).
I've started playing Ground War. Now that I have dark matter, I feel like an old man who has found new life in retirement. No more mucking about with weapons I don't like. I couldn't stand the more concentrated objective game modes-- too easy to get an enemy team that completely locks you down. In Ground War, there's enough chaos to slip by unnoticed and string together lots of kills in between. I still have clueless teammates, but it's a lot more fun. Nearly prestige master and I hadn't gotten anything better than a frenzy kill before I started playing GW. 2 games in and I get my first super kill. Got another one a few games later.
This was a particularly satisfying attacking run in safeguard. Too bad saving the clip ended up crashing the system and kicking me out of the game. I think I'll take that upgraded PS4...
Ive said this a few times but put your sensitivity on low, 4 horizontal and 2 vertical so youre always aiming at head level. My record is 20 headshots in a FFA game and that was with the dingo. 4 or 5 is only with the crap guns like the rk5, give me an AR or SMG and i'll give you 15 per game, just aim at head level and forget the body. My attitude doing it is im not trying to win the game, body shots are irrelevant, get those head pops.
I only use hipfire on it, the slug is useless, I just find it easier for some reason in hardcore because you get your 50 flat damage doing a 1 shot kill every time you hit. Had a load of fun with it, infact all the shotguns are hilarious in hardcore once you stop needing to get headshots or bloodthirsties. I'll be going back to them once I've unlocked all the other stuff.
I've stopped using long barrel on my KN I just don't understand what it actually does.
I've started playing Ground War. Now that I have dark matter, I feel like an old man who has found new life in retirement. No more mucking about with weapons I don't like.
I am on the sniper rifles now and I am just doing beyond awful. I played safeguard on infected and I am just flat out going for kills and not the objective. Got 25 kills but I also died 60 times.
I've stopped using long barrel on my KN I just don't understand what it actually does.
25 kills isn't half bad and I'm guessing they were mostly 1 shot kills which is solid progress on the first bunch of camos but 60 deaths suggests that you're doing something wrong and perhaps unnecessarily feeding the enemy team killstreaks.
I heavily disagree. The slug is useless for someone who isn't accurate. For somebody like me, who rarely misses with the Argus, the gun is borderline overpowered.
They were (mostly) one shot kills. What I am doing wrong is using the sniper rifles to begin with lol. I just may not have the patience to camp and wait around for people to come running to me. I am close to getting the 100 one shot kills though. Overall it's a grind and I die a lot.
On the KN(and all ARs), it doubles every single range. It's awesome on ARs, nearly useless on shotguns and SMGs.
I find that suprising, the slug is basically 1 dot of pellet, but the spread is much wider. As long as some of that spread hits you get the kill, not like old cods where its 5 damage per pellet of 15 or whatever and you need a lot to connect. It stands to reason a big spread is easier to use, the slug is like a mini sniper and it seems to dissapear into the ether when I use it.