Are you in the Multiplayer menu? Clicking Options for me brings up a new menu that has Identity, Challenges, etc. Paintshop is under Identity in the lower left corner.I dont see that
Are you in the Multiplayer menu? Clicking Options for me brings up a new menu that has Identity, Challenges, etc. Paintshop is under Identity in the lower left corner.I dont see that
Ahh that worked now. I had to close the game and restart. For some reason it wasn't working before. Thanks man!Are you in the Multiplayer menu? Clicking Options for me brings up a new menu that has Identity, Challenges, etc. Paintshop is under Identity in the lower left corner.
51k concurrent on Steam right now. That is the most for a CoD in a couple years I believe?
what review is this from? seems like the impressions of the campaign are pretty mixed. i've seen both "worse campaign ever!" and one of the best lol
What is this about?
Are there no black people in the game? Are there any Asians, or Hispanics?
Did Fallout 4's PC preload just take major shit on Blops 3's MP? Suddenly all lobbies are 150-200+ ms in latency, for all players in lobbies. Insane amounts of warping around.
Anybody having issues getting people to join your party?
Had this problem with the beta, keeps saying lobby is not joinable. PS4 btw
EDIT: None of my friends can join anyone now. What the hell? Party is open
In the notification thingy? Downloads?So this dumb game has been installing for 4 HOURS.... how do I check the install progress?
EDIT:I'm on PS4
Sorry if this has already been talked about, but is the game 1080/60 on Xbox One like it is on PS4? Or is it 900p like the beta? I can't find solid information on this anywhere and it's not in the OP either.
So whats up the ps4 version? Is the framerate chuggin or not?
In the notification thingy? Downloads?
That's a long time though....
what does fallout has to do with BO?
Any of the AR's have the godly reload animation of the AN94 or FAL OSW from Blackops 2?
Press the options button when you're at the Black Ops icon in the PS4 menu and go to information, download status should be there.Its one of those installs that tricks you into thinking the game is ready but when you boot it up, only 1 part is. I can play Zombies but everything else is blocked off with no indication of when it'll be ready![]()
Press the options button when you're at the Black Ops icon in the PS4 menu and go to information, download status should be there.
I have not had issuesso the most important question
is the netcode better than AW
Combine still xD need more time with the others to decide, not even sure about all their names yet lol Aquarium is fun thoAnyone have a favorite map yet?
unlikely, some people took screenshots and it's blurrier on the xbone.
Anyone have a favorite map yet?
If you happen to be playing this with a wireless connection, particularly on a PS4, don't. Wireless connections on the PS4 are shit. I just switched over to a wired connection, as I often forget to do, and it's like a different game. I'm not winning every firefight, but I'm winning the ones I should and losing the ones I shouldn't.
Why do you keep posting about halo in here? Before it was warzone sand now this?Damn there ten sub ranks in a tier. Thought there were 5.
Anybody having issues getting people to join your party?
Had this problem with the beta, keeps saying lobby is not joinable. PS4 btw
EDIT: None of my friends can join anyone now. What the hell? Party is open
And why can't you use your existing loadouts in Combat Immersion? And why can't I modify my loadout from loadout selection rather than having to bring up the loadout menus in that one spot in the HQ? And why can't I examine my unlocks after each mission that lays them all out like cards? And why does the Data Vault browser require you to manually scroll down with the cursor to fully view everything? There is so much unused space there they could have fit everything on one screen but it looks like they purposefully decided that you had to scroll it for some weird reason.Why on earth is local and online campaign separate progress? I started offline last night and just went to rejoin my game but because I was online it wanted me to start from scratch again.