There seems to be something going on with PSN somewhere? I just went onto bloodborne and I cant connect there either. My friends got kicked off of Destiny as well.
Damn. I just tried the Pharo because people in this thread were hyping it up, and I'm not sure if it was a placebo effect or not, but I did even better than usual. I was my team's MVP in almost half the games that I played today, and top 3 in the others. It doesn't have the range as my Kuda or my AR Man'o'war, but its other qualities are impressive.
jorge and everyone else using it, what attachments are you using? I've always used silencers on my SMG's, but I don't know, I can't decide if it's worth it or not. Stock and grip have worked well for me, so I got those two on it too. I'm not sure about laser sights since I rarely hipfire, and they do make you easier to spot. I also haven't unlocked extended mags yet. I use it on my Kuda since it's a necessity for double and triple kills, but Pharo seem to be doing alright without it.
EDIT: And yeah, servers went down on PS4, that's why I came here ;b
This is the one game I don't use silencer, I don't think it's neededDamn. I just tried the Pharo because people in this thread were hyping it up, and I'm not sure if it was a placebo effect or not, but I did even better than usual. I was my team's MVP in almost half the games that I played today, and top 3 in the others. It doesn't have the range as my Kuda or my AR Man'o'war, but its other qualities are impressive.
jorge and everyone else using it, what attachments are you using? I've always used silencers on my SMG's, but I don't know, I can't decide if it's worth it or not. Stock and grip have worked well for me, so I got those two on it too. I'm not sure about laser sights since I rarely hipfire, and they do make you easier to spot. I also haven't unlocked extended mags yet. I use it on my Kuda since it's a necessity for double and triple kills, but Pharo seem to be doing alright without it.
EDIT: And yeah, servers went down on PS4, that's why I came here ;b
It's that you're primary weapon?I haven't been too impressed with the camo they offer but I think this Ice one looks really nice. You can't tell by the picture but it's if there's water moving around.
This is "Epic" camo from the Black Market, btw.
I just run Quickdraw and Stock on it.
This is the one game I don't use silencer, I don't think it's needed
Also, as far as I'm concerned, the pharo has better range than the Kuda
I tend to use grip, stock, Quickdraw, extended mag
Ghosts and fast hands
Also, welcome to the club as well!
Agreed about the game being balancedWhy use an inferior weapon? Unless you really value perks or use a primary as secondary (I do have that on one set-up).
I use quickdraw on everything, but it doesn't seem necessary on Pharo. It has a nice ADS time. I'll probably put on the extended mag when I get it though.
As for perks, I go completely different. Sixth sense is way, way, way too good not to use. It has to be the most OP perk. Fast hands is useful if you're rocking with a sniper as secondary, but otherwise, I rarely see a need to switch weapon, since SMG's reload so quickly. I use the scorestreak killer as my secondary on all my set-ups but one, where I rock the Gorgon. Tracker is my go to greenie, and if I have the points, then hardwired as second greenie is really nice too. The red perks are all pretty meh.
And yeah, glad to be in the Pharo club, haha. Although I will say the game is pretty well balanced, all things considered.
Why use an inferior weapon? Unless you really value perks or use a primary as secondary (I do have that on one set-up).
I use quickdraw on everything, but it doesn't seem necessary on Pharo. It has a nice ADS time. I'll probably put on the extended mag when I get it though.
As for perks, I go completely different. Sixth sense is way, way, way too good not to use. It has to be the most OP perk. Fast hands is useful if you're rocking with a sniper as secondary, but otherwise, I rarely see a need to switch weapon, since SMG's reload so quickly. I use the scorestreak killer as my secondary on all my set-ups but one, where I rock the Gorgon. Tracker is my go to greenie, and if I have the points, then hardwired as second greenie is really nice too. The red perks are all pretty meh.
And yeah, glad to be in the Pharo club, haha. Although I will say the game is pretty well balanced, all things considered.
It's that you're primary weapon?
Lol I seeNah, I rarely use that gun...but I'm using it now in hopes of getting a Nuclear, haha.
Nuclear has always been annoying to get. I'm always a run and gun person but for this medal, I need to take it slow..and, dare I say, camp it out lol. It's what I did in BO2. No shame in that.
I'm trying to do this in hardcore domination. 2 shock charges (just to slow down people), ghost/flak jacket, scavenger and awareness. As soon as I unlock dead silence, I'll be putting that on. After that, just a matter of taking my time while I move through the map. Definitely a different playstyle than I'm use to...and I really don't like it, lol.
The FFA nuclear challenge is going to be a BITCH though. You need to pray you get in a lobby with clueless people.
Lol I see
I let those happen on their own, don't really focus on nuclears, if they happen naturally then awesome!
Also, I used to use six sense, but they need to be too close for it to take effect
Agreed about the game being balanced
I use fast hands because when you run, your weapon gets put up MUCH faster, it's as important as quick draw. These two are the difference between life and deaths is some SMG v SMG gun fights.
I like stock because I'm so fast to win gun fights, and it goes well with Ghosts because walking with stock/ADS makes you not appear on radar
Is anybody else not getting Nuketown in Team Deathmatch? Got the game yesterday, have the map installed, but haven't played on it yet.
Jesus the final specialist (not hero) gear sets are hard. Firebreak is kill two people rapidly stunned by your heatwave...Jesus...
And what's your go to go Jeff?
You have to go into the bonus playlist to play nuketown
Can't connect online anymore. On xbox1.
xbox one servers are junk right now, can't join a game
Can't connect online anymore. On xbox1.
What have they done, I'm connected but can't find a game (ps4). It was ok then booted me midgame and then took me a few attempts to get back in but no luck for games.
Jesus the final specialist (not hero) gear sets are hard. Firebreak is kill two people rapidly stunned by your heatwave...Jesus...
Thought i had rebooted, was showing correct version as well. Have rebooted now and in again thanks.I think they just updated to version I noticed this matchmaking issue this last friday, you'll only be able to connect with people who are running the same version. just reboot the game.
Kinetic Armor is useless in Core. I can't think of one moment it's saved me.
Is the GI unit worth it?
Is the GI unit worth it?
Gotcha thanks for the input!I'm using it just to complete some challenges. Other than that, I'm not a fan.
Just went 78-3 in a kill confirmed game moments after posting about dying one or two kills away from nuclear, same thing happened in this one![]()
saw some kid with the hero gear unlocked for seraph and the dark matter gun camo, jesus - dats alotta hours
does anyone know how to get gun camos to show up on your character in post game? the kid with the dark matter had it there, but when i go to my customize specialist menu i dont see how to apply a camo to the gun you want to showcase, any help?
You have to create a paintjob for that gun. Then when you choose to showcase it, the paintjob will be there among the choices.
jorge and everyone else using it, what attachments are you using? I've always used silencers on my SMG's, but I don't know, I can't decide if it's worth it or not. Stock and grip have worked well for me, so I got those two on it too. I'm not sure about laser sights since I rarely hipfire, and they do make you easier to spot. I also haven't unlocked extended mags yet. I use it on my Kuda since it's a necessity for double and triple kills, but Pharo seem to be doing alright without it.
EDIT: And yeah, servers went down on PS4, that's why I came here ;b