Truant said:Graphics and framerate are pretty good, and the guns feel and sound incredible.
Were their slowdowns or something? I'm not trying to make it a big deal, but it'd be surprising if there were framerate drops in SP.
Truant said:Graphics and framerate are pretty good, and the guns feel and sound incredible.
VASPER said:So the reset of the leader boards / rank is a sure thing?
ZZMitch said:Ugh, My Xbox 360 borked out RRoD style a few days ago and I am sending it in tomorrow... so i won't get it back for three weeks or so.
My new PS3, however, is still working fine and I was wondering how the PS3 version compares to the 360 version? Such as with the online differences between the two versions created by Xbox Live/PSN. I just got my first PS3 a few weeks ago so I am not sure how multiplatform games usually differ when it comes to online.
Another problem is I preordered the xbox 360 version at best buy... do you think I would be able to swap it for a PS3 version in store or is the demand for both versions just to great that I will have no shot?![]()
Zeliard said:Is it still the same endless respawn bullshit too? Single-player gameplay in CoD has never evolved and I would expect nothing different here.
h4k said:Yeah, it's a sure thing. Everyone should be on a level playing field come release day, so it definately makes sense to reset the stats.
Zeliard said:Is it still the same endless respawn bullshit too? Single-player gameplay in CoD has never evolved and I would expect nothing different here.
Net_Wrecker said:Does that mean purely leaderboards will go back to 0, or will ranks/unlocked stuff be reset as well? I guess if you reset stats, that would mean all unlocks get reset too right?
Strider2K99 said:From most impressions here, PS3 version sounds fine, other than possible trophy glitches. That might need a patch.
Also, I don't see why Best Buy wouldn't allow you to switch preorders, these places should have tons of copies of the game, the demand is too great for them not to have enough copies.
Same here. My wait'll be a bit longer with super saver shipping but oh well.Strider2K99 said:I'm upset cause already 4-5 people on my friends list already got the game early and I'm waiting on Amazon. But the $20 gift card is too good to pass up.
Uh-oh.Truant said:I quit the current level I'm at because of infinite respawning, so yeah.
There was this one mission that seemed pretty open, in that there was no strict path you had to follow. Then I got to the 'Hold X to place charges' and it was good old 2003 again.
And no, there were no 'slowdowns', but the framerate did drop a few places, quite noticeably at one time. It didn't impact the gameplay really, but I felt it.
ZZMitch said:Alright, PS3 doesn't support cross game chat though right? Not a big deal, just something I was wondering...
And how long are the times exclusives for the map packs?
There's slowdown on occasion in SP. I remember one scene in particular early in the game that dropped to 25ish for a few seconds... BUTTT I'm certain it's like that for the 360 as well, becauseNo_Style said:Were their slowdowns or something? I'm not trying to make it a big deal, but it'd be surprising if there were framerate drops in SP.
Wait, they specifically mention the 360 in that and pirates... there are no pirates on the PS3 playing the game.h4k said:Yeah, it's a sure thing. Everyone should be on a level playing field come release day, so it definately makes sense to reset the stats.
Truant said:I quit the current level I'm at because of infinite respawning, so yeah.
There was this one mission that seemed pretty open, in that there was no strict path you had to follow. Then I got to the 'Hold X to place charges' and it was good old 2003 again.
Truant said:I quit the current level I'm at because of infinite respawning, so yeah.
There was this one mission that seemed pretty open, in that there was no strict path you had to follow. Then I got to the 'Hold X to place charges' and it was good old 2003 again.
And no, there were no 'slowdowns', but the framerate did drop a few places, quite noticeably at one time. It didn't impact the gameplay really, but I felt it.
Strider2K99 said:No it doesn't, but neither does the 360 version. Only like 3 playlists allow cross game party chat (not counting 1 on 1 private chat).
The map exclusivity period is unknown, but it's supposed to be pretty short.
Mrbob said:Wat. I could have sworn I read IW said they would address this issue with MW2. :/
yes we can said:To anyone that is having a problem with installing trophies on the PS3 version. When you first boot don't download the 1.01 update. That update stops trophies from being installed. IW will probably push 1.02 on the release day. If you have already updated to 1.01 just exit to your XMB and delete the MWF2 game data and reboot the game. Your trophies will now install. Enjoy!![]()
But... I got a few trophies already, WITH the update installed.yes we can said:To anyone that is having a problem with installing trophies on the PS3 version. When you first boot don't download the 1.01 update. That update stops trophies from being installed. IW will probably push 1.02 on the release day. If you have already updated to 1.01 just exit to your XMB and delete the MWF2 game data and reboot the game. Your trophies will now install. Enjoy!![]()
Mrbob said:Wat. I could have sworn I read IW said they would address this issue with MW2. :/
:lolPapercuts said:
The second one is just perfect.Papercuts said:
Papercuts said:
h4k said:Uh, what the hell.
I thought they fixed this problem in MW2? :S
It's not intentional. There was a bug with the first PS3 update we pushed that has a timing issue that means on some game boots trophies aren't granted. The bug is already fixed, but I don't have an ETA on when that update can be pushed - we're trying to get it out there ASAP.Wario64 said:Why prevent trophies? Do trophies unlock anything?
Sounds like a dick move. Just let people enjoy their games.
VibratingDonkey said:The second one is just perfect.
Thanks for the update. Let us know when it's on it's way, please.Calen said:It's not intentional. There was a bug with the first PS3 update we pushed that has a timing issue that means on some game boots trophies aren't granted. The bug is already fixed, but I don't have an ETA on when that update can be pushed - we're trying to get it out there ASAP.
Papercuts said:
Omi said::lol
What a great PR man.
I dunno about infinite respawns, but the game does overwhelm you with dudes everywhere, shooting at you from every angle. The AI just kind of "homes in" on you, and sometimes it feels very, very cheap,especially if you're a lover of AI driven gunfights. Like in Halo, usually when I die, it's because I've been soundly beaten by the Convenant, I feel like they've worked for their kill, they've earned it. In CoD, I've never ever had that feeling from any game in the franchise, when I die, it's because I dont know where the AI spawns from.Zeliard said:Is it still the same endless respawn bullshit too? Single-player gameplay in CoD has never evolved and I would expect nothing different here.
Mrbob said:What is up with F02? Is there anything that is coming out of his mouth that is trustworthy? He is making Randy Pitchford look like a saint.
I know he works in PR, in which they normally stretch the truth. Flat out lieing is another thing. Disappointing. But this is not the thread for that so onward to more MW2 impressions!
Papercuts said:
Nah - I'm just making this shit up as I go. I wait for someone to say a negative, then I tell them that the opposite is actually the case. Then I sit back and wait for the money to roll in.
fixedCalen said:It's not intentional. There was a bug with the first PS3 update we pushed that has a timing issue that means on some game boots trophies aren't granted. The bug is already fixed, but I don't have an ETA on when that update can be pushed - we're trying to get it out there ASAP but be sure to buy MW2 on X360 at Wal-Mart at midnight because it is the best way to play MW2.
No_Style said:Were their slowdowns or something? I'm not trying to make it a big deal, but it'd be surprising if there were framerate drops in SP.
Papercuts said:
Eric WK said:Uh, I don't know that he's lying at all.
I'm roughly halfway through on Veteran and enemies are absolutely not infinitely respawning. Yes, you still need to advance at a fair pace and yes it can be overwhelming, but they aren't infinitely respawning.
Zeliard said:Is it still the same endless respawn bullshit too? Single-player gameplay in CoD has never evolved and I would expect nothing different here.
cameltoe said:this is true....but the will occasionally spawn behind you to move you forward.
The whole "controversy" about how MW2 doesn't have dedicated servers didn't make me feel any ill-will towards IW, just disappointment. This, however, made IW lose a couple of points in my book.Papercuts said: