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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for Wii |OT| Patch #3 is now live!


not tag worthy
amazon.co.uk seems to have copies in stock to buy?

this morning nothing now today they have some, weird?


Is having to lead your target really a bad thing when you really think about it? It makes sense unless the person is still but that would be something else. Never really thought about it to much either way. It's always been something I did in other games (just adjusted to how games were designed), like against choppers in Battlefield games. You can't hit them where they are but where they are going. It's physics really. I've never really thought negative of having to adjust to bullets dropping because I'm firing from far away or having to adjust my aim so my rocket would arc correctly. It makes sense to me to have to do that when shooting at another player as they are on the move. Bullets aren't instant. Wouldn't not having to lead your target actually be the negative?

I recall the Tribes games being like this as well I think. Video of the new game show players having to lead targets by judging where they're going to land.

Is this the issue people are having and are calling it lag shooting or is it something else I'm missing?


Freezie KO said:
Gotta admit that I'm pretty disappointed with the game so far.

I just played a game that ran at, like, 10 frames per second. Earlier today, I played three games in a row with no hit detection issues, so I was feeling good. I went 18-5 and similar scores, and it felt like Black Ops all over again.

Then I played ten in a row where it felt like I could unload a clip into someone standing still, and it wouldn't register a hitmarker. Meanwhile, I died in two bullets or less.

Black Ops had terrible host lag, but with that exception, the game really ran well after the first couple of patches. I don't know where to put the blame for MW3, but it's baffling why they just couldn't take whatever was used to get Black Ops online and use the same damn thing.

As for the game, my impressions are meh. The gun balance seems good, and the new pointstreaks are nice. But the maps are pretty poor.

The main problems are a lack of sightlines, except from the most vulnerable places, and bizarre, seemingly random, placement of cover and elevation. If you don't like thinking in your shooters, the maps might please you. Otherwise, I find them disappointing.

My thoughts EXACTLY -- frame rate, lagging and map design.
MW3 wii definitely has frame rate issues. It's particularly bad when there are more than 4 players on the screen, <10fps.

Then there is the lag issue.
Freezie KO said:
Is having to lead your target really a bad thing when you really think about it?
You know what, I was thinking about the same thing before put my hands on MW3. The problem is the lag in MW3 is random. W@W had a very bad lag, but it's consistent, which means you can lead your enemy a certain distance ahead and expect consistent hit marks. I didn't mind that very much after I trained myself to look for/listen to the hit mark instead of enemy's body on screen. In MW3, spray and pray seems the only working method. Compounded with the fps issue, close combat is barely playable.

On the map design, all the maps feel very similar. Since mid to long range combat isn't effective due to the lagging/hit detection, everything reduces to close quarter gun fight. There is little variety, corridor after building, alley way after corridor. Oh, how I miss the maps in MW1, or W@W, or Blops.

Also, why do all the gun sound like pea-shooters? SMH.


jufonuk said:
amazon.co.uk seems to have copies in stock to buy?

this morning nothing now today they have some, weird?
Amazon being trolls. I bet you they received that stock today after I cancelled my preorder. -_-;. Will be late next week until I get my copy now I think. Time to find a different online retailer.
Shanadeus said:
That is really impressive, pretty much the difference between low and high graphic settings on a PC game.

The Wii is truly current-gen.

And you didn't get called a troll for saying so by at least a half dozen gaffers yet? You guys are slipping
OK, so I gave the MP another shot this morning and I had a lot better luck getting kills, though the lag and lag shooting is definitely still there. NAT open, 33ms ping.

The PP90 is an awesome SMG, especially coupled with the rapid fire attachment. I don't waste time aiming down the sights anymore, with the lag and all. I have the steady aim perk equipped and fire from the hip every time now and it definitely evens the playing field for me.


Boerseun said:
The on-line store in South Africa where I'd ordered my PAL copy from phoned me this morning to tell me the shipping date has slipped to next week. The lady I spoke with was unsure of when exactly that would be. I checked on their site just now and it states 18 November, which would be next Friday. I'm really hoping 18/11 doesn't become next month. I'd be very annoyed if it did.

I just wonder where the heck this issue came from? Activision underestimating demand and not having enough copies printed? Or are copies being funnelled to specific retailers? If the latter is true, wouldn't Amazon be classified as a high priority retailer? Or was there simply no PAL release at all, anywhere?

The Norwegian distributor have just received their shipment of the Wii-games today, and will probably start sending them out on Monday. They have set next Friday, 18.11, as the release date. The same is probably true for all other European distributors.
Effect said:
Is having to lead your target really a bad thing when you really think about it?

Of COURSE it is, because you're still shooting at empty space, trying to estimate how much lag there is between you and the host and trying to find the sweet spot. On top of that you have to factor in that people can duck, swerve and change direction at will. Next, the fact that the lag may change from one moment to the next, and finally, shooting at an invisible target means you can't effectively target a headshot or a foot or arm that's poking out of cover. It's nothing but an exercise in frustration.

As an example, I vividly remember playing MWR, chasing someone from behind, shooting their head and getting no response. then I started shooting about an inch to their left and got a hit marker. But a moment later this guy whirled around to the right and blew my head off.

Contrast this with Black Ops, where in the same situation I could shot a guy in the head and he would DIE.

To me, the former situation is MUCH more aggravating than whirling around a corner but still getting picked off.
crazy monkey said:
is hit detection and frame rate that bad?

Yes. 95% of the time. Then you'll get 5% good hit detection, and it keeps you hooked just long enough to be miserable for another 12 games.


Is there host slowdown? Cuz I'm playing a bit of Black Ops right now and by God, I'm always the host, and by God, it's unplayable.


AbsoluteZero said:
Am I crazy person or does that anyone find that the Wii version of these games are easier to play because they're not quite so visually cluttered?

Just keep telling yourself that, little fella.
Freezie KO said:
Yes. 95% of the time. Then you'll get 5% good hit detection, and it keeps you hooked just long enough to be miserable for another 12 games.

man I will wait till they fix this :( blackops is so smooth all the time on wii. frame on videos does not look good either.


Looks like TPTB made an announcement on the official forums.

Hello MW3 Wii Community,

We are listening to you and are working on updates to the game based on your feedback. We are currently looking into the two most reported issues:

We are aware that some players are experiencing an issue commonly referred to as “lag shooting” where network lag will cause the player to have difficulty hitting an opponent.

Several players have reported their save data getting corrupted when the game freezes.

Both of these issues are a top priority for us and we will release an update as soon as they have been resolved.

Please continue to check the forums for updates. Any further issues identified for fixing will be updated to this space in the future.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.
by WiiAdmin (Nov 11, 2011)

Mr. Robot

Gave the game another try today and got a better experience, the lag shooting was less noticeable but it was still there.
Also something strange happened and want to know if anyone else has have it happening to them, my gun got stuck in the center of the screen, what i mean is that if i turned my pointer to the left, the gun didn't follow the pointer, it doesn't make the game unplayable, but seeing your gun turn to the side you are pointing is a good feedback of where you are shooting, the glitch got away and returned randomly, so i dont know what made it happen.

If anyone sees me online add me, my tag is MR.ROBOT, and my tittle and emblem are the soap and accident prone ones.
Sooo, finally bought the game. And yea, multiplayer sucks. Reminds me of Goldeneye, just a laggy mess but happy to hear they are attempting to fix it. Still the game looks great for the most part and, outside of the lag, it seems that Treyarch really keeps improving their Wii CODs every year, tech-wise and content-wise. Good on them for doing an admirable job on this ancient hardware.

And while the lack of missions really sucks, surprisingly, the spec ops survival stuff is really damn fun with a partner.
Came here to repost the official update. Thanks, Effect, for doing it.

Glad to see acknowledgment of the issues. Hoping for the best.


Yep was kinda busy today, so wasn't around much. Glad to see some more info.

Added that note to the main post too.

Anyway, looking for reviews to start adding to the main post since IGN as expected didn't posted theirs :p), Metacritic has none an the user reviews is just not pretty, with all the negative reviews just because it's Call of Duty.

Gamerankings brought 1 review, with an 8.5....but it's from a banned site in here. XD

The overall review was quite positive citing as the only negatives the removal of the Mission Mode from Spec-Ops, the expected downgrade in visuals and lack of local multiplayer. Reviewer was more than happy with the visuals in general (saying it's also more stable than Black Ops), the multiple controllers support/options, the headset support and all the online options and additions to the Wii version (compared to previous COD games).

By the way, if anyone's interested in adding an "Ally List" of sorts to the main post, let me know. I'm also planning on cleaning some of the clutter in the main post and re-organizing some things later in the week.


The whole thing with lag is so unpredictable. On-line performance can be influenced by a plethora of variables, making it very hard to pinpoint the specific network bottlenecks, electrical interference, faulty settings, or just plain bad programming that may be causing the problems.

Kudos to Treyarch for stepping up and committing to sorting it out.

happyfunball said:
Sooo, finally bought the game. And yea, multiplayer sucks. Reminds me of Goldeneye, just a laggy mess but happy to hear they are attempting to fix it. Still the game looks great for the most part and, outside of the lag, it seems that Treyarch really keeps improving their Wii CODs every year, tech-wise and content-wise. Good on them for doing an admirable job on this ancient hardware.

And see, I had a very different experience playing Goldeneye. I havn't played Black Ops on Wii (yet!), but Goldeneye remains one of my favourite on-line experiences on any current gen console. It is the one FPS where lag has never been an issue, in my experience.


Effect said:
Looks like TPTB made an announcement on the official forums.
Brilliant! I was worried this one was going to get ignored for some reason. I was actually worried about the possibility of MW3 NOT being able to be patched, but this is great news. Still waiting on my copy and am hoping this lag shooting gets killed fast.
Disguises said:
Brilliant! I was worried this one was going to get ignored for some reason. I was actually worried about the possibility of MW3 NOT being able to be patched, but this is great news. Still waiting on my copy and am hoping this lag shooting gets killed fast.

I really hope so. I was planning to pick this up on Sunday.


Effect said:
Looks like TPTB made an announcement on the official forums.
The lag shooting is one thing, but profiles getting corrupted as a result of console lockups or shutdowns while in-game sounds pretty nasty! Hopefully they get that one patched up quick.


more money than God
This game is fucking embarrassing. The online lag, not to mention the lag shooting, and all the glitches are fucking terrible. Hopefully, there's a patch that fixes things, but Black Ops, thus far, is a MUCH better online experience on the Wii.


There are a good amount of reports of problems, which they acknowledged at least and said are fixing.

But the game's hardly embarrassing. Campaign is nearly identical (compared to previous Wii version on which they even eliminated parts of the campaign), added clan tags and emblems for online (which Black Ops never had), added Spec-Ops (single and online) though doesn't have mission mode. The game supports voicechat, can be patched, has the same online modes as the others; and so on.

Heck, the 360 and PS3 got patches yesterday to fix online problems and other glitches; so the issues are across all versions not just this one. But since the Wii-team is smaller and the version is not the main one, of course it will be getting stuff announced and released at a much slower pace (and different pace too); which is part of the reason for this thread too. To track and update about said problems in one place.


rpmurphy said:
The lag shooting is one thing, but profiles getting corrupted as a result of console lockups or shutdowns while in-game sounds pretty nasty! Hopefully they get that one patched up quick.
This happened to me. I'd just finished the single player campaign and decided to try Special Ops mode and it locked up and I lost all of my progress.


rpmurphy said:
The lag shooting is one thing, but profiles getting corrupted as a result of console lockups or shutdowns while in-game sounds pretty nasty! Hopefully they get that one patched up quick.

Same. Some extra game budget money freed up after I rethought some games so I picked up the game. :( Against my better judgement I believe but if it gets bad enough I'll just resell and eat the loss. Didn't go with Skyrim as Zelda is enough in terms of a big adventure for me and I've decided I'm done with PS3/360 games anyway as I plan on focusing on the 3DS, last few Wii games from Nintendo and then the Wii U.

Anyway, what I was thinking before in terms of leading the target was all wrong in regard to what is screwed up with this game. If a patch or changes on the server end weren't incoming with this game I'd be selling it to Best Buy this weekend and just eating the loss. So I'll give it a few days or weeks.

When the game runs well, as in no lag, it's as fun as Black Ops. It looks nice considering what it was ported from. There is no consistency at the moment though in how it performs. Played a bit of the survival mode and that was somewhat fun. I can see how much harder it will be solo. However the single player is horrible. It's not how it runs but the design of it. Getting shot from all directions. Not knowing where to go sometimes. It's so cluttered that it's hard to make things out. This will be the first time I don't bother finishing a FPS campaign I think. Frustrating.

I do want to note that the issues with this game and other games released by 3rd parties (on any system) is a big part of why going forward, outside very, very few exceptions (once a year for example), I'm going to be focusing primarily on 1st/2nd party games. If I was going to double down on the PS3 it would be same going forward. I've soured on 3rd party efforts so much this generation. This is just one more game in a long list of games that have caused it.
Boerseun said:
The whole thing with lag is so unpredictable. On-line performance can be influenced by a plethora of variables, making it very hard to pinpoint the specific network bottlenecks, electrical interference, faulty settings, or just plain bad programming that may be causing the problems.

Kudos to Treyarch for stepping up and committing to sorting it out.

And see, I had a very different experience playing Goldeneye. I havn't played Black Ops on Wii (yet!), but Goldeneye remains one of my favourite on-line experiences on any current gen console. It is the one FPS where lag has never been an issue, in my experience.

black ops was really well made for wii. Very well controlled. No frame problems or legs. This so far from what i see and hear is no where close but hopefully patch will fix it. Also I heard maps are not that great?


fernoca said:
5,800+ online right now. Going up at least. :)

Black Ops seems to be hanging in around 17k too.

I expect it to stay high. I would assume people are quite happy with the game and see no reason to leave it behind. If there is any brand loyalty the majority would stick with Treyarch as they've been good to Wii gamers and people would know the difference between them porting a game and it being their own creation. Are people happy enough with the one Zombie map and don't have interest in the Survivor mode? Also possible the majority of people could be waiting until the holidays to pick it up as a gift for themselves or to receive it as a gift.

Been playing the game this afternoon and evening. Torn at the moment. Even with a patch coming I'm very close to just cutting my losses and reselling it along with a few other 3rd party Wii games I had been planning to get rid of that were just collecting dust. People say MWR and WaW had this issue but were things just as bad or worse? I get the feeling something else is at play here and this might not be fixable with a patch.


Plus it was the same across 360 and PS3 too. Black Ops was released, but Modern Warfare 2 continued been played, World at War did too. So it wouldn't surprise if while the MW3-Wii sales continue going up (well at least as much as Black Ops); Black Ops will continue been played. Black Ops has zombies, this ones Spec-Ops. 12 maps in Black Ops, 16 different maps on MW3..if anything both can coexist without one taking much from the other.

Online problems, etc; we'll see in a few months. There were 5 patches for Black Ops in the Wii during the year (#1: November, #2: December, #3. January, #4: March, #5: May) while MW3 in just 5 days old.


True. Adoption could simply be slow. Especially on this console.

Just did a match in both games to compare things (I actually put in Goldeneye and Conduit 2 first just because I hadn't played those two in some time. Conduit 2 landed in the "get rid of" pile after that.). It's not just the lag that MW3 has wrong with it for me. Frame rate issues as said before but the game in general in matches runs worse I feel compare to Black Ops. BO feels more responsive. Can't think of a better way of saying it. The difference overall between the two is really noticeable, at least for me, when they are played back to back within minutes of each other. The maps (don't care for MW3s. I didn't like MW2's map to much but would rather have those instead of MW3s. Seatown(sp?) I do like though.) are smaller and less cluttered in BO so that might have something to do with it but as before I think there is more wrong with the game. Perhaps that's just the difference between the two games making me more frustrated and overly negative and I'm wrong. I'd be happy if that isn't the case and patches do indeed fix the game.

I think I might just cut my losses. I had a lot more fun in that Black Ops match then I did in most of the matches I played this evening in MW3. Also even with some kill streaks cut out there is just to much crap in the air in some MW3 matches. Should have kept to my initial decision but personal experience is everything in the end and I wouldn't have been satisfied until I played the game myself.

Edit: Spelling
I understand your frustration, and, trust me, I'm disappointed as well. But I'm at least going to wait until the first patch to see if anything changes.


Yeah, in the end if you're not happy; there's no reason to keep it.

In my case, guess I'll be experimenting some more later today. Haven't been able to play much online; since Im downloading some updates and stuff for the computer which is a few gigs.

Been playing mostly with the Classic controller, both campaign and the few matches online; so maybe that's why I haven't noticed much about lag and problems; might have to try with the Wii Remote/Nunchuck to see if it's the same. (though used it for Spec-Ops, but it was offline).

I also bought it mostly for the campaign (lololol who buys COD for the story :p) and a few online matches here and there; so can't say I'm disappointed; though maybe it was because of some really low expectations; since I still get impressed in the campaign with some really intense moments and stuff going on. XD
I have no intention of playing the campaign. For me it's all about if they can nail the online. I have streaks of great matches when the connection favors me, but when it doesn't, I'm just not having fun. And what's the point of playing a video game when I'm not actually enjoying it? I''m going to hold out for the patch, but if that doesn't solve it, I'll probably give up on the game.


I find the negativity that has swept throught this thread disheartening. Can we get back to the campaign and other available modes? Can we get back to what is right, what is impressive and deserving of praise? And what do you actually like about the on-line gameplay, in the absence of older Call of Duty games or in comparison to them?

The patch is coming. In the mean time, let's share our experiences of what we've enjoyed so far.


Boerseun said:
I find the negativity that has swept throught this thread disheartening. Can we get back to the campaign, other available modes? Can we get back to what is right, what is impressive and deserving of praise?

The patch is coming. In the mean time, let's share our experiences of what we've enjoyed so far.
Hey, I'm still positive ...even when I feel I'm like the only one. XD
I'm still really liking the game too. Campaign's great (on Paris right now)..though a friend spoiled me the outcome of two characters.. :( ..oh well.

Really like how there's something "cool" across each chapter. The building collapsing, exploding walls/ ground collapsing, a sandstorm, that water chapter was really cool too.

And I haven't had problems online (yet), again probably because of me using CCPro..so far. :p ..Though just tried the Wii Remote on the campaign right now (only used it before in Spec-Ops) and like it as much as I did in the previous COD-Wii games; yet I ended sucking and throwing grenades; so I need more practice.


6,790 people online right now. Guess it goes up 1k every day..at least so far.


Boerseun said:
I find the negativity that has swept throught this thread disheartening. Can we get back to the campaign and other available modes? Can we get back to what is right, what is impressive and deserving of praise? And what do you actually like about the on-line gameplay, in the absence of older Call of Duty games or in comparison to them?

The patch is coming. In the mean time, let's share our experiences of what we've enjoyed so far.

Okay. So after playing for about 4hours multiplayer game, I think I am starting to get the grip of it.

The current condition of online play basically dedicates my loadout: since (a) long range battle isn't effective (b) spray and pray is the only thing working now, you need to get close fast, use SMG with large capacity magazine. Therefore, extreme conditioning, sleight of hand, hardline, etc. and P90 with silencer. And when engaged, don't bother ADS, just moving your wiimote around until you find the hitmark. 50 rounds can almost certainly get you a kill if you are not killed first. Also, switching to secondary instead of reloading.

FMG-9 is an amazing sidearm, I'd say it's better than MP5 in most cases. Just remember to switch to it at the beginning of the round (then switch back to primary), since there is a lengthy animation first time you do so.


Well I'm out now. Took this opportunity to get rid of some other games that were just collecting dust and that I hadn't touched in months to years as well. Didn't hate them (in fact I enjoyed them when I originally played them) but there was no way I would play them anymore. So pretty much made back the money I spent on the game and more since there were a few games total being traded in and there was a bonus. Overall what I got from Best Buy was pretty good.

I hope the patch fixes the issues with the game for those continuing to play and that it comes very, very, very soon. I look forward to watching youtube video of matches as usual since they're fun to watch. As well done and fun as Black Ops Wii is it's a shame MW3 Wii turned out the way it has. It bothers me that it was even released in this state.


luoapp said:
Well, you know what you want. Hope you're gonna put the money towards new Zelda :)

Already taken care of before this. However since I originally got MW3 from Kmart it did start the ball rolling on their gaming coupons. So I got Super Mario 3D Land cheaper and with another coupon that I can use for Mario Kart 7. :) So a nice positive out of the entire experience.

ItWasMeantToBe19 said:

Ouch.4.5 is lower then I'd go. Compared to Black Ops on the Wii MW3 Wii is poorer overall. While there was more going on, on screen I don't think the game is better for it. For me at least it was hard to see enemies clearly in the campaign. BOWii was clearer in it's presentation, even if it had less detail in some outside areas. Still that could be up to personal preference and different eyes. You could view the various Wii versions of past CoD games similar at different points going by footage I've seen. However the game should be hit for it's connection issues when multiplayer is such a huge part, the most important part of the game. Even though the other games had issues of their own did they have problems as bad as this?

I can only speak on my experiences of playing BO. So I don't know how WaW or MWR turned out but from what I've been reading MW3's connection issues are wore then those games. Is this really the case?
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