MW3 PC review
So yeah it's that time of year again, once again I have bought into the COD franchise, so anyway here's a breakdown on how I found the
SP & MP.
pretty much your 5 hour COD campaign, there is nothing new, just your standard jump off this skyscraper , survive crashing helicopters,
multiple car chases and of course shooting, which is great since I expect nothing more from the franchise. If you like the previous MW
campaigns you will feel right at home. I actually do have to applaud infintiy ward of wrapping up MW3 quite nicely considering the
clustterfuck of a story line that was MW2. Set pieces were great and really did show that your were part of a mass global war,
graphics looked great and was really optimized for various degree's of hardware.
Out of all the promises IW made, this makes me annoyed, as you know MW3 does have dedicated servers, but for some bizarre reason
it's unranked, this means you can only use the default kit given in the game in terms of perks and weapon choices, which is just plain
stupid. There are other nit's and grits such as weird/large iron sightings & juggernauts in mp but most people will have there own toothpick
problems with the game. In terms of comparison to mw2 multiplayer it is more balanced, I didn't spend half the time dying from helicopters
but i did notice the new point streak system is easier to rack up points for objectives. MW3 has opted for more MW1 style maps than the
closed off indoor MW2 maps, it's great knowing that they are almost no camping spots considering each space has two or more exits.
Overall nothing much has changed from MW2 except objectives can now count towards points and kill streaks are more balanced if you
like MW2/BO then you will most likely this game.
MW3 is a good game and a a good game in the series, but does it deserve the praise or be awarded the GOTY ? not really. After 4 years
the multplayer formula is still the same, just that everything has to be unlocked now, it's hard to see how they can further advance the
gameplay . The pc version had so much going for it from promises from IW that it would have all the features of BO but as it stands out
there is
no leaning and no gamepad support as well as gimped dedicated servers, IW could still redeem themselves if they
patched up the game, but from previous experience this is the final product we are getting.
overall it's a game you can sink many
ours into with he co-op and multiplayer, it's just sad it's not given the support that BO was given on PC.
7.5/10 (because GAF likes scores rather than text.)