junkster said:
I wonder if these map decisions were to keep framerate at 60. Looks higher detail than even MW2 but it's been awhile.
You can spectate, no? Try spectating during a game and zooming out.
And adding clutter and shit everywhere is a double edged sword for cutting framerate because, well, that clutter has to be rendered now.
I think it's a good guess, but the reality from my point of view is that they thought a run n gun game was what COD was all about and made run n gun, where's waldo, I shoot first derpa derp maps. That and it's much easier to just throw walls and blockades in the way and call it a day than it is to make a map with balanced choke points and counter-anti-counter line of sight.
Why balance for snipers when you can just make them obsolete and throw them a bone with quick scoping and calling it a day.
Midrange combat is hard. Make everyone shoot each other from 10-20 feet away no matter where they are and call it a day.
Don't come up with a new idea or concern yourself with pesky verticality. Just run until you run into somebody and shoot.
Why balance this open space when you can just fill the space with walls so nothing really matters anymore. If there's only 1 way to flank then everything depends on the balance of that one flank. If there's 5, well then have fun. Not a single place on this map is important enough to warrant serious consideration. Everything intertwines with everything.
There is simply a lack of confidence/talent in these maps.