Strider2K99 said:
According to that site linked a few posts ago, EMP nades destroy air support. I need to see this for myself.
This is very true. EMP destroys anything up in the air. Now, here's a thought. You're playing through the game air support comes in. Do you A) Stinger it down in two shots? Or B) EMP it to death. Hmmmm. Oh, and if you hear a Juggernaut package coming in from the enemy, EMP will gladly deny it.
Now! I haven't even bother play SP so I have no impressions of that. However, MP I'm already rank 53 so...
MP is a beast. It's much more fun than BO and playing the little amount of MW2, much more improved. Through out my gameplay, I've encountered make a total of 10 or less noob tubers cause the thing just doesn't do shit. Praise. Network connection I've ran into a small amount of issues. Though I'm not certain if it's lag or the game itself. I'll have a moment where the game freezes, stutters for about 5 - 10 seconds then continue on as if nothing happened. Very odd. I'm always at 4 green bars and I've had only one server disconnection.
Weapons. Oh man. I've liked so many that I've earned. SCAR seems like it may become THE weapon of choice however if you're looking for more range, the obvious sniper weapon will do or the Type 95. One burst, one kill (though that really only applies to medium to short distances of your target. Long range you may have to squeeze a couple bursts for the kill).
SMGs are beast as well UMP is the best starting weapon of choice. The other two I played around mostly was the PP90 and the P90. With Steady Aim, I didn't have to focus aim at all to get my kills at close range. Medium you may have to do some minor focusing but it is still doable to fire from the hip. With the PP90 however, attaching rapid fire causes perhaps a little too much recoil at a focus fire, but from the hip, godlike. It's the same as well with the P90. Rapid fire on these guns make them much much more leather when firing from the hip.
Currently I am playing around with the ACR. It feels more or less like the SCAR with the silence attachments. I don't see any other reason on assault rifles other than to apply the Kick option because it makes the gun a world of difference. Same with the SMGs. I'm sure with LMGs, a different option may be better but I'll play around with those on my nest prestige.
As for maps, I enjoy all but one. No, it's not Dome I'm putting down cause I actually like that make in a sick and twisted way. I may have the name wrong but I believe it's the map called Mission. There's so much shit on the map that you can't tell which way is which. From tanks, to buses, rubble, etc. The map feels like there's no direction involved and was created by some five year old.
Now only if Elite would work. Anyway, for just the MP I've played, I'd give it a 9/10 for sure. Moves great. Sounds great. Feels great.
Edit: Forgot to mention. 360 version.