Mr. Enigma
Call of Duty Elite memberships have been extended by 30 days due to the launch failure.
AnEternalEnigma said:Call of Duty Elite memberships have been extended by 30 days due to the launch failure.
Ah sorry, I was thinking of something different. Yeah, Hazard is such a horrible map though..Kermit The Dog said:Hazard? That's the golf-course map, you remember that right? It was fucking huge and had huge sight-lines. Jungle barely scraped through on my 'big maps' criteria but I think you're understimating its width and space. Jungle is the smallest 'big map' in BO and I'd argue it's still bigger than anything in MW3.
It's not about how big they are but more how the designers made it flow and how your line of sight is.Mik2121 said:You have no idea. And I don't think you played it much.
Are at least as big as Jungle or Hazard. Though I admit probably not as big as Array.
MarshMellow96 said:And meanwhile in the MW3 thread, people who like the game a little too much have flocked to let everyone know that there are no problems whatsoever and all those problems don't exist because COD is the best.
MarshMellow96 said:And meanwhile in the MW3 thread, people who like the game a little too much have flocked to let everyone know that there are no problems whatsoever and all those problems don't exist because COD is the best.
Kyoufu said:Nobody here has said MW3 has no problems or is the best. Go back to the garbage thread.
Angry Fork said:I hope someone from IW or Sledgehammer gives a response to the maps and weapon/health damage bullshit. I doubt they will but I need to know that they know it's awful.
Kermit The Dog said:Yep, but what's wrong with that? The argument is with variety. MW3 doesn't have any in terms of size.
Yeah, flow problems indeed. With you there.
Don't agree with you about Treyarch's influence on MW3 maps. Tryearch likes their long sight-lines, verticality and sprawling nature. None of that in MW3.
Pretty much agree.
Bigger that Downturn?Kermit The Dog said:Hazard? That's the golf-course map, you remember that right? It was fucking huge and had huge sight-lines. Jungle barely scraped through on my 'big maps' criteria but I think you're understimating its width and space. Jungle is the smallest 'big map' in BO and I'd argue it's still bigger than anything in MW3.
COD4's maps were comparatively tiny, even compared to MW3, but they wereShorty11857 said:I honestly don't mind the smaller maps, never really loved any of the big maps in previous CODs, although I don't think any of the maps compare to the best of MW2 at least not yet
I agree with most of this, but how does a map littered with more cover/set dressings have anything to do with netcode?Mr. B Natural said:COD4's maps were comparatively tiny, even compared to MW3, but they were
1. Simple
2. Creative with lots of variety.
3. Not overly cluttered and system demanding (thus the lag was much better)
4. Had simpler killstreaks
5. Had flow - because you can camp out windows if you wanted or hide, but your options were limited. Not every outlet was viable for run and gun. Not every direction was viable for camping. Also, because the maps weren't overly cluttered, you can spot the guy out the window or the guy in the corner a lot easier.
6. It wasn't all Gun on Gun. Nades could destroy you if you were camping with no 50/50 chance about it. Of course, the 3x nades were an oversight and could have been addressed with a simple patch.
But that was a long time ago, when IW was, well IW.
I wouldn't be so sure that Carnival or any of the maps in the last map pack were designed by the same IW guys who designed the maps for MW1 and MW2. It's possible the guys who designed those were from Treyarch and/or the guys who designed the MW3 maps.Foxy Fox 39 said:Well, Im not really saying Treyarch influenced MW3 - especially since IW made Carnival (before BlOPS) and that map is so close to MW3's offerings.
Mr. B Natural said:4. Had simpler killstreaks
Kyoufu said:I hope someone makes a shooter as fun as COD but on dedicated servers. P2P, when its bad, its REALLY bad.
RJNavarrete said:Has anyone noticed how ineffective stun grenades are this time around? It seems like you walk slightly slower but you can turn, aim, crouch, go prone, and jump just the same. Its really annoying for me since I have been a huge stun user since mw2.
Some of the MW1 maps weren't very large, acreage-wise, but they were always open and not cluttered. Rat mazes they were not.TheApatheticOne said:This one is a big one. You have MW1 maps and MW2 killstreaks. The levels just dont go well, IMO, with the killstreaks available to you. Makes the maps seem smaller than they are when they are actually very comparable, maybe even bigger, than MW1 maps (from what my memory can recall).
I know that. I'm just saying that stun grenades aka concussion grenades suck in this game.Alienshogun said:Concussion grenades slow you, flash grenades blind you.
RJNavarrete said:I know that. I'm just saying that stun grenades aka concussion grenades suck in this game.
Kyoufu said:I hope someone makes a shooter as fun as COD but on dedicated servers. P2P, when its bad, its REALLY bad.
RJNavarrete said:I know that. I'm just saying that stun grenades aka concussion grenades suck in this game.
Jack Scofield said:Isn't there any reason to use grenades in this game instead of Semtex? I haven't played much MP, but I want to know if it's worth my time to use the normal grenades, unlike MW2.
Alienshogun said:You can cook a regular grenade and bounce them.
StevieP said:You mean like all other CoD titles on PC outside MW2 and... well, sadly, MW3?
Because a semtex allows a tiny room for escape while a perfectly cooked frag does not. It's harder to use but more reliable, but ultimately not worth it since so few people escape semtexes.Jack Scofield said:You could do that with them in MW2, but Semtex was always the way to go. Why spend tme cooking a grenade when Semtex was already pre-cooked (in a sense)? Dunno if IW somehow nerfed it in MW3, such as by reducing the damage or the distance thrown. Just want to make sure either way.
It has nothing to do with netcode or ping, but it has a lot to do with your experience when it comes to connection. It's the same reason why dedicated servers are better than PvP.soultron said:I agree with most of this, but how does a map littered with more cover/set dressings have anything to do with netcode?
Jack Scofield said:You could do that with them in MW2, but Semtex was always the way to go. Why spend tme cooking a grenade when Semtex was already pre-cooked (in a sense)? Dunno if IW somehow nerfed it in MW3, such as by reducing the damage or the distance thrown. Just want to make sure either way.
The Spetsnaz victory theme is the best in the whole game, IMO.thechemist said:
Mik2121 said:809,354 players online right now on PS3. Damn!![]()
Mik2121 said:809,354 players online right now on PS3. Damn!![]()
Really? I'm in Japan where the game isn't even on sale yet (only the people that imported it) and I always find a room within 30 seconds, always people from either Japan or Korea.Brian Fellows said:And it still takes 2 or 3 minutes to find us a match half of which end in the first two minutes.
on the main menu, when you press 'FIND GAME' and shows all the playlists, it shows the total number of players at the bottom.Kyoufu said:Where does it show that?
As I said, I'm on the PS3 and I have only had a couple laggy games, but that's because the game's not even on sale here so I ended up matchmaking with some people from the US a couple times. Back when I was playing Black Ops, from day 1 all the way up to three days ago, I pretty much never had any lag problem... :/Alienshogun said:I'm beginning to see a pattern.
Most of the people complaining (especially about lag) seem to be on the PS3.
I wonder if that's indicative of something.
I'm on the 360 and haven't experienced a bad game yet. (lag wise)
Alienshogun said:I'm beginning to see a pattern.
Most of the people complaining (especially about lag) seem to be on the PS3.
I wonder if that's indicative of something.
I'm on the 360 and haven't experienced a bad game yet. (lag wise)
Mik2121 said:Really? I'm in Japan where the game isn't even on sale yet (only the people that imported it) and I always find a room within 30 seconds, always people from either Japan or Korea.
on the main menu, when you press 'FIND GAME' and shows all the playlists, it shows the total number of players at the bottom.