I think what's hard for me to accept is that I just am simply not GOOD at this game. In MW2, my KD was about 1.15. In Black Ops, I finished around 1.25 (prestiged twice), which I'm honestly pretty happy with. As far as I'm concerned, anything over 1.00 is good because at least then I feel like I'm benefiting my team more than I'm hurting it. People who have KDRs of 2 or ever 3 boggle my mind. I can't even aspire to that.
After 6 hours played multiplayer in this game, I'm hovering around .91. First off, I hate that these games focus so much on KDR but that's the reality. I only play TDM.
Time after time, I will make moves that I KNOW I shouldn't. I will charge into an area where I know an enemy is waiting. I don't know why. Sometimes it works, mostly it doesn't. I will inexplicably try to throw a grenade at someone after he's spotted me, which most of the time results in me getting shot before I even get the grenade out of my hand. Poor decision making on my part. The alternative, though, is that I play so cautiously that I'll go 7-4 in a game and while I'm over 1 on KDR, I'm not scoring many points.
I've been playing video games for 20 years but at age 32 maybe I'm just slowing down. Constantly getting outgunned and it just plain seems that dudes are faster than me now.
Of course I have the same issues with crappy spawns, dudes seeming to kill me with 1 bullet after I fire 10 into them, etc. But there are also times when I know I'm definitely getting killed and I know it's my own fault. So damn frustrating to know I'm doing something wrong as I do it, still do it, and end up dead.
I've also got a real problem with trying to shoot down UAVs regardless of what's going on around me. I die all the time with launcher in hand, looking up to the sky. And I know it's going to happen! And I still do it! Anyone else think it's harder to find UAVs in the sky than it has been in past games?