Alright, I don't think anybody has posted it here yet, so I will..
Here's Elite for PS3. I took some photos with my webcam but the quality isn't very good, sorry.
This is the Elite Summary with the latest news and stuff. You can see the main menu on the left and the subcategories on the top.
This is the main 'Career Summary' page that shows your K
ratio, wins and loses, score, accuracy, etc..
Custom classes too!
Here's the Connect page that's not working on the website yet. You can search groups. As you can see, I'm on the Osaka (where I live) and Neogaf groups.
You can see information about the groups, like the number of members, have leaderboards, even a comments page to leave any comments you want. This should be fun once more people join in.
These are the 'featured' groups. Tons of pre-made groups for cities, countries and football teams.
I love this. Here you have all the maps of the game. I choose Fallen because it seems to be very popular around here during the last page or so
But wait!
Yep, you can zoom in quite deeply and you can change the gamemodes to see where the flags are, where the domination points are, etc..
This is another example of Improve. Here you get all the info for weapons, stats for it, progression, etc..
I didn't take any more pics because I didn't want to flood the thread, but you can get an idea anyway. The whole thing feels so much better than the website. It's faster and overall looks prettier. Of course, being on the PS3 is kind of meaningless because you might as well just play the game itself. But they are going to release iOS and Android apps, and I wouldn't be surprised if the iPad app is something like this. It should be awesome to zoom in on maps while on the go or while sitting on the sofa waiting for the next match to begin