Pimpbaa said:Is there any legitimate reason for having ranked matches peer 2 peer only in the PC version? Getting real sick of it.
Boosters. You can have 2+ people creating a password-protected game and just boosting their stats/unlocks/etc.
Pimpbaa said:Is there any legitimate reason for having ranked matches peer 2 peer only in the PC version? Getting real sick of it.
Yea I disagree, I feel like I move plenty fast without extreme conditioning.CcrooK said:Well that's more ideal for Support or Assault. But yes, for Specialist...
Same gun setup.
Extreme Conditioning
Steady Aim
Have Slight of Hand as the first, Assassin as the second, and Dead Silence as the third choice (unless you don't have that, then I'd go with Sitrep).
Radec said:So this is the Elite Founder Title huh..
more [URL="http://www.pwnedgamers.com/MW3/titles.htm"]here[/URL][/QUOTE]
I like this one:
And I'm currently using this one:
Lolerzors said:Man.. the FAD is hands-down the best assault rifle in the game, almost non-existant recoil, fast rate of fire and a larger magazine (I think?) it wrecks everyone at medium to long range fights. Sucks that it had to be a level 78 unlock, I had to use my token for gear unlock to keep it instead of the p90.
Jrmint said:Yea I disagree, I feel like I move plenty fast without extreme conditioning.
I like having SoH as my first perk and Assassin as the first unlock.
Different strokes though.
Noriega said:Oh and I have a question.
When you play as the SAS, what does SGT. Wallcroft say? Is it "Prepare Wings"?
cause that's just as awesome as "Let's Do This"
Silencers typically hurt you most at medium ranges because that's where the falloff ends up being different. The guns at long ranges still fall off to the same damage value (usually) unless they have changed that mechanic in MW3.foomfoom415 said:Isn't the opposite true? Like if you're doing a lot of long-range shooting then doesn't the silencer not change the number of shots you need to land?
The impression that I had was that if gun X does 40 damage close up, and drops to 30 damage at say 10 meters, adding a silencer would only change where the damage drop occurs (say at 5 meters instead of 10). So if you're doing long range shooting, with or without a silencer gun X will be doing 30 damage a hit.
Or I may be completely off-base. I was under the impression this is how it worked in MW2 at least.
Just as good.Strider2K99 said:
johnFkennedy said:As long as the symbols are in their clan tag then it's legit, there's some trick with the xbox keyboard to make them appear. THERE'S NO HACKING INVOLVED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Lolerzors said:Man.. the FAD is hands-down the best assault rifle in the game, almost non-existant recoil, fast rate of fire and a larger magazine (I think?) it wrecks everyone at medium to long range fights. Sucks that it had to be a level 78 unlock, I had to use my token for gear unlock to keep it instead of the p90.
And have hackers started appearing on the PC version? I was playing yesterday and there was a guy who was tracing my team mates through walls and snapping to people's bodies without over-shooting or under-shooting straight to everyone's bodies. Funny how he didn't go 25-0 though.. why don't hackers just go all out if they're going to do it anyway?
See You Next Wednesday said:So I been filing complaints on people all day for system tampering for nothing?
snack said:
CcrooK said:PP90M1 + Range + Silencer
Slight of Hand
Stead Aim
Don't even bother focus aiming unless they have some range on you. Otherwise, kill with ease.
Anyone?Aigis said:Can someone tell me the non-default control schemes in MW3? Specifically, is there one where you can ADS with the right bumper like Black Ops.
SteveWD40 said:So, I went onto a dedicated server, they had none standard kit but I could only select the default stuff. They said you could do it in Private Match but I assume that means you have to host the server yourself / be invited to the game by them?
ilnadmy said:So they don't get caught maybe?
Yup. Just give it time is what I'm telling my buds.Sethos said:Finally got past the 2 K/D ratio and it's starting to really click, the maps are still the biggest pile of shit I've ever come across but once you learn the spots, get to know the weapons and play with people you know, it's just awesome. Lots of Search & Destroy <3
DR3AM said:if you have 3 green bars, the game is unplayable.
Yenrot said:"The most homoerotic tale in any medium"
:lol We need a Gameswipe series
junkster said:There is no fix for netcode. Maybe one game in history has had improved netcode. CoD won't get it. A home internet connection can't easily host a 12 man game. Hell, 2 man games get hiccups. This is the best it's gonna get. The only thing they can do is either offer nearby dedicated servers (not happening) or giving a local only option. Don't hold your breath.
All Elite memberships got extended by 30 days. Founder registration was extended through November 30.thezerofire said:So when does Elite go up? Are they offering an extension of that Founder business?
vatstep said:Does anyone else feel like the matches in this game really fly by? I'm guessing it's the smaller maps plus the fucked up spawns resulting in more kills in less time. Not sure if I like it or not.
It's for game balance. You get a shit-ton of accuracy with those things.Calibur said:Is it me or does the 'Hybrid Sights' really weigh down the movement of your gun & move speed?
Enosh said:just did all the spec ops mission (did it on normal)
some really great missions in this, loved every second of it
oh and:
remember the turret mission you have to finish in exactly 4 mins?
rance said:p2p isn't some magic system where it's automatically as good as possible from the get go, dependent on the user. there's a netcode there that can still be optimized
junkster said:There is no fix for netcode. Maybe one game in history has had improved netcode. CoD won't get it. A home internet connection can't easily host a 12 man game. Hell, 2 man games get hiccups. This is the best it's gonna get. The only thing they can do is either offer nearby dedicated servers (not happening) or giving a local only option. Don't hold your breath.
-.-StalkerUKCG said:Try Solo Veteran then ill be impressed. I managed to get rank 125 on the last mission. Get Destroyed Spec Ops
Sethos said:Anyone noticed a different with Theater mode disabled? Thinking of disabling it, it might use bandwidth / cause higher latency as it records or saves the matches.
U2NUMB said:Days later .. still can not log into elite. What a total cluster...
tsigo said:They have an entire separate company of people to work on the site, with basically unlimited resources and they still can't get it working after almost a week, it's pathetic. Disable the social network crap, cache stats every hour and serve static pages until you can meet capacity. It's not that hard.
Also I like how you can tell which shitty emblems Neversoft did because they all look like the bullshit the "skater kid" would draw on his notebooks in eighth grade.