tsigo said:
sweet jesus, i hate you
tsigo said:
Are you being spawned into walls? Because that would probably be something they fixed. If you are being spawned then shot, then I doubt they will fix that.DR3AM said:any official news to fix the spawn points?
X-Frame said:Why use Steady Aim with an SMG when the differences are negligible? Use Dead Silence instead.
Tmartn - Weapon Proficiency Test
Start at 2:00 to see the SMG testing. ADS is a little bit better with Steady Aim but hip-firing there is no difference.
Smokey said:This is starting to irritate me. My NAT is still Strict and I can barely join games. PS3 connection test returns NAT Type 2 which is open. I have tried putting the PS3 in a DMZ. I have assigned the PS3 a static IP. I have moved from wireless to wired. MW3 still says Strict. The 360 version of Black Ops says Open.
What am I doing wrong here? Do I need to open ports? I don't think there is anything else I can do here.
Plug directly into the modem bypassing your router. If the problem still exist, contact your internet service provider. If it goes away, try forwarding ports since you have done everything else. If that still doesn't work, you probably have to get another router.Smokey said:This is starting to irritate me. My NAT is still Strict and I can barely join games. PS3 connection test returns NAT Type 2 which is open. I have tried putting the PS3 in a DMZ. I have assigned the PS3 a static IP. I have moved from wireless to wired. MW3 still says Strict. The 360 version of Black Ops says Open.
What am I doing wrong here? Do I need to open ports? I don't think there is anything else I can do here.
No, Like the BlackBird'sMrCompletely said:what does it looks like to your teammates when you tag enemies with the recon drone? Do they just show up as orange dots like a regular UAV?
bobs99 ... said:So which Sniper do people think is the best one?
madmaxx350 said:No, Like the BlackBird's
I hate those recon drones. Assassin doesn't protect you against them. And, you have to manuay try to shoot them down, because for some odd reason, they also carry flares so can avoid stinger missile. A attack helicopter doesn't but a toy helicopter does. What...madmaxx350 said:No, Like the BlackBird's
knitoe said:I hate those recon drones. Assassin doesn't protect you against them. And, you have to manuay try to shoot them down, because for some reason, they also carry flares so can avoid stinger missile. A attack helicopter doesn't but a toy helicopter does. What...
GQman2121 said:With the Assassin perk, do you still show up on the map when you fire a non silenced weapon?
Xater said:My favorite loadout right now for Kill Confirmed and TDM:
ACR with silencer and red dot
USP .45
Sleight of Hand Pro
Hardliner Pro
Stalker Pro
Specialist Package:
Blind Eye Pro
Assassin Pro
Dead Silence
I basically become invisible.![]()
Syph Medwes said:For those that have gotten a M.O.A.B., do you unlock an emblem or callsign for getting one?
Nah. Rather carry flash / stun for campers. There's way more of them than recon drone. They are just annoying and can ruin my deadly silence flanking style.Alienshogun said:3 letters and 1 word for you.
knitoe said:Nah. Rather carry flash / stun for campers. There's way more of them than recon drone. They are just annoying and can ruin my deadly silence flanking style.
I run sitrep too, but I just shoot the explosive devices. Only switch to dead silence against someone using headset.Alienshogun said:I use sitrep, so EMP grenade gets a lot of use on claymores, bouncing betties, IMS and all the other junk.
Speaking of which, here's a video on how explosives still don't suck.
Some cool bouncing betty kills.
knitoe said:I run sitrep too, but I just shoot explosive devices. Only switch to dead silence against someone using headset.
knitoe said:I run sitrep too, but I just shoot the explosive devices. Only switch to dead silence against someone using headset.
BlindSwordsmanZ said:
Most of the time, they are set behind walls. I just shoot through the walls. They don't see me. I need the flash/stun to disorient the camper sitting behind them. EMP destroys the explosive device, but does nothing to the guy waiting to shoot someone walking through the door.Alienshogun said:Why shoot them and put yourself in sight when you can simply toss a grenade from cover?![]()
knitoe said:Most of the time, they are set behind walls. I just shoot through the walls. They don't see me. I need the flash/stun to disorient the camper sitting behind them. EMP destroys the explosive device, but does nothing to the guy waiting to shoot someone walking through the door.
MW3 CHARS is now off the table. I still have MTN DEW PERKS to trade.AnEternalEnigma said:Alright, DewXP friends. Got some more duplicate codes to trade.
What I have:
What I need:
I will accept the first request I get for each.
Most guns have good iron sights, at least that's my loadout. So, EMP does really nothing to the player. Even if they are using red dot, is it really that hard killing someone walking through the a door if the dot doesn't appear. Now, if the EMP phsyically hinders/disorients the players, that would be another story.Alienshogun said:Sure it does, it shuts off any electronics he has on. I've gotten more use out of my EMP grenade than stun grenades, but perhaps my playstyle is different.
Thanks.Procarbine said:No, there are no challenges/emblems/titles associated with MOAB.
He has 0 ping so still better.vyperzero said:![]()
i cant beat Z :<
a Master Ninja said:If you get Call of Duty Elite 6 months from now, do you get access to the MW3 content already released or would you have to buy it piece-meal?
MSR, Barrett (my favorites) and AS50 I think are the best. L118A is good too, but more because of the high character mobility factor.bobs99 ... said:So which Sniper do people think is the best one?
The hip fire accuracy with steady aim on the SMGs is outrageous. I've gone entire games doing nothing but hip firing.Procarbine said:Kick isn't Steady Aim. Steady Aim is worth it, Kick is not.
Foliorum Viridum said:I hate that whenever someone posts a connection speed picture you get 50 others trying to top it or show how shitty theirs is by comparison.
There's an OT thread for this stuff, guys.
Agreed, Interchange and Carbon are my least favourite maps.vilmer_ said:I can't say I'm a big fan of Interchange :/ As far as the new game modes go, Kill Confirmed is soooo good. It's all I've been playing.
Syph Medwes said:Agreed, Interchange and Carbon are my least favourite maps.
Karl2177 said:So Elite is still borked. I can't say I'm surprised that the service doesn't work, but it's really disappointing to not have it work even a week after launch.