Personally, I think people look for excuses in games like this, and COD just happens to provide the perfect excuse to point towards when the game is new to you and you're not doing as well as you think you should. The kill cam is wrong!!!!!!
Very few other online shooters will even show you a killcam, so the very nature of internet lag is left behind the red curtain, never to be seen by the unknowing public. The fact of the matter is every time there is a new COD game released some people are going to complain about lag, lag, and more lag. They're going to complain about the killcam not showing what actually happened, and how people with "better connections" are winning.
There is always going to be some delay between what you see on your screen and what your opponents are seeing. This is the nature of online gaming, particularly on peer 2 peer connections. So when the killcam shows you something slightly different than you saw on your screen, that is really not weird, at all.
I'm not going to call anyone a liar, but I've put over 12 hours into this game online now, and I have yet to "empty half a clip into someone, only to be killed by them". Maybe I'm just super duper lucky, but it hasn't happened. Almost all of the time the killcam shows me exactly what I expect it to show me. What I saw, but with a slight delay.
When I hit someone hard, but they kill me anyway, the killcams I've watched have always showed them being hit hard, but barely surviving. I've begun watching more of them since noticing the rampant complaints in this thread.
I've long accepted all of the above, especially since I've been playing COD games online heavily since COD4. I no longer look for excuses to blame my performances on. I just play, and let the chips fall where they do. Of course I'm adjusting to learning new maps just like everyone else, and these maps are more busy than any previous COD maps, but I've accepted that is the choice IW made with this game. They wanted a more active map style. With that said, I've still found my old tactics work on many of these maps. Control the power points for maximum damage.
Anyway, that's just my 2 cents. When I get killed I accept the fact that 99.5% of the time it was just how things played out. The instances where I think of the word "lag" while playing are very rare.
fyi, I only play TDM and it's variants. One last note. Whenever I'm searching for a match alone, I always back out if it doesn't find me a match in the 50ms search. With that said, I've still played in 75ms matches and not noticed anything really different, but I just prefer to try and keep myself in those 50ms matches when possible.