This is a ban-able offense. Post carefully.CartridgeBlower said:Cool story, bro!
This is a ban-able offense. Post carefully.CartridgeBlower said:Cool story, bro!
BruiserBear said:No, I'm not saying that, but nice try at stirring up some drama. He was complaining that I judged him regarding his decisions in this game, as if this is a serious discussion. So I pointed that out by siting something that would be serious.
FYI, I have never prestiged for the symbol change. For me it's just always felt like the way the game was designed to be played. Also, as I said earlier, I don't feel like I'm really at a disadvantage starting over. I just change up my tactics and begin to rethink how I play again, since initially your options are more limited.
BiggStankDogg said:No, I just thought that was a weird comment for a video game discussion, that's all. And if your point is that you like changing up your tactics, maybe limiting your options is not the best way to do it.
Nelo Ice said:I've surprisingly only run into 1 blatant aimbot hacker so far but yeah if only we had dedicated servers. Also I really need to pick up the 360 version since everyone else I kno is on 360 =(.
foomfoom415 said:There are dedicated servers. Enable the server browser in the options.
Beware. Crouch-only/no run servers by the boatload.
computers putin' said:Not for me. It's more like I don't feel like going through the effort of unlocking pro perks and weapons all over again and I think unlocks are a stupid idea; Everyone should get everything at once, no unlocks.
Forsaken82 said:Let me play Miss Cleo here for a second...
You are an old school FPS gamer that was pretty decent. Likely dominated because you had a strong knowledge of the levels and weapon layouts and games like MW come around and you no longer dominate because knowing where the power weapons are no longer matter... instead you have to work to unlock them. Am I in the ball park?
Scarecrow said:Sounds like someone had a bad day.
I thought it was a nice touch being able to seeMadtown_ said:I liked all of the flashbacks for the most part. My favorite wasFlashing back to the sniper shot on Zakhaev in Pripyat from Makarov and Yuri's POV.
The Antitype said:*shrugs*
To say nothing of the bad netcode, amateur hour map design, and non-existent weapon or killstreak balance.
ZZMitch said:I haven't had a problem with any of these things, this is far and away the best CoD since 4 in my opinion. Having a blast at the moment.
You have no heart.Foliorum Viridum said:The former seemed to try too forced and the latter had no impact on me, personally.
The Antitype said:*shrugs*
Not really. 1.4 K/D about average for me in this game.
But to suggest that the game is somehow more skillful because of how players can start the game with different weapon loadouts is asinine.
To say nothing of the bad netcode, amateur hour map design, and non-existent weapon or killstreak balance.
Taking down a UAV is harder than taking down a bloody Osprey Gunner! The houses and mountains and shit all block the tiny UAV so you can never find it... Still think there's a massive imbalance there. Some streaks are way too easy to earn (EMP comes to mind), some way too hard and most are far too easy to counter. (EMP? Just put on Assassin Pro.)Bumblebeetuna said:I have to applaud IW though for keeping MW2's insane streak rewards and even adding more and even different tiers of them yet making it all very balanced. MW2 Demolition was just a clusterfuck of choppers and harriers and emergency air drops and predators. In this one it seems people rarely do any real damage with anything. I do wish advanced UAV's were not so easy to take down though. They take 12 points to get yet one stinger takes them out.
The Antitype said:I have spawned 10 feet away from enemies, and had enemies spawn 10 feet behind me. It is hilariously poor. Just absolute trash.
The maps are too small. As somebody riffed on my comment, the game is basically a racing game with guns now. Everybody uses stealth perks because in previous maps, even if you showed up on radar, you had a few seconds to move around before the closest guy got to you.
You've had no problem with the netcode? You've never been killed, watched the kill cam, and seen a completely different sequence of events than what transpired. Or been killed by a shot well after you were fully behind cover? Or poured bullets into a guy, only to be killed with a single shot? Well you're literally the only person on the internet.
You've been repeating the same stuff since yesterday and that's all you've been posting here. Just because you repeat it, it's not going to get magically fixed.The Antitype said:I have spawned 10 feet away from enemies, and had enemies spawn 10 feet behind me. It is hilariously poor. Just absolute trash.
The maps are too small. As somebody riffed on my comment, the game is basically a racing game with guns now. Everybody uses stealth perks because in previous maps, even if you showed up on radar, you had a few seconds to move around before the closest guy got to you.
You've had no problem with the netcode? You've never been killed, watched the kill cam, and seen a completely different sequence of events than what transpired. Or been killed by a shot well after you were fully behind cover? Or poured bullets into a guy, only to be killed with a single shot? Well you're literally the only person on the internet.
Pretty much.Kyoufu said:I've had bad spawns but they don't happen often enough for me to get mad.
Only P2P lag makes me mad.
Very well put. This is why I prefer Halo and Gears of War. Sadly enough my roommates, friends, and random dudes at work don't dedicate as much time as me at absolutely destroying people tactically in first and third person shooters and more prefer buying Call of Duty and getting those occasional kills because the whole thing is a disorganized mess. So here I am.The Antitype said:You're absolutely right. The game IS brainless.
There isn't a modicum of skill, since killing people just results in them getting spawned behind you for some easy behind the back kills.
You just run a nascar route through the map, kill everybody you see, unless they see you first and kill you. Cause really, whoever sees the guy first and has the better connection wins. Period.
As I've become more acquainted with the maps I find this to be true more as I go, but I'll never stop being bitter at my spawn a few days ago with 2 teammates where we hit the ground running to make it ten feet and be picked off by a sniper with acog at 9 o'clock. True story. He was to our left, all 3 of us took a few steps forward and he picked us all off. The best part was watching his killcam where you could see us spawning.I've had bad spawns but they don't happen often enough for me to get mad.
CartridgeBlower said:The problem with the maps isn't necessarily that they are small, but that they are CLUTTERED.
There is crap EVERYWHERE. Blown up cars, buses, buildings, boxes, etc. So many places to hide. So many places for people to camp and stay hidden when they shoot, making it impossible to fire back, even if you spot them first.
I think there are ways to deal with it, like knowing where those hotspots are for people to hide and camp, but even then there are a ton of deaths that come from people firing from positions that make them practically invisible.
BruiserBear said:You learn how to get by without them. I would even suggest that this game more than any other allows you to compete at the lower levels. The starting guns are very good, as they have been in all of the Infinity Ward made games.
AbsurdG3nius said:The clutter is a huge deal, but I'm having a more difficult time discerning the other team from the background itself - almost like there's a lack of depth between the two. I'm only about 8 hours into MP, but hour one coming right out of BLOPS it was almost impossible to pick up the enemy from the environment, cluttered or not. I ended up turning up the brightness in the display settings to compensate a bit, but it still feels like the character models don't "pop" as well as in past games in the series...
...or maybe this modern camouflage is just THAT good.
Ha. Play S&D and tell me that. They call in a UAV and you're screwed. You can't hide because you don't get Assassin until lvl 27. You can't run (or even crouch walk away) because you don't get Dead Silence until like lvl 55. Oh and crouch walking EVEN WHILE AIMING makes noise. I hate it but if I know the enemy's close, I have to just sit in a corner and wait or else anybody with any sort of headset will know EXACTLY where I'm at.BruiserBear said:You learn how to get by without them. I would even suggest that this game more than any other allows you to compete at the lower levels. The starting guns are very good, as they have been in all of the Infinity Ward made games.
This is what I roll with too. Nothing beats that feeling when you get all of them and RAMBO mode kicks in.rCIZZLE said:Wow, I underestimated the specialist streaks. Ever since I started using them I feel pretty unstoppable. Soon as you get 8 kills you feel like Superman.
xpadder, motherfucker, use it.Omiee said:im sure it does for most of the people, but i loved playing black ops on my big screen on the couch with a controller
is there seriously no controller option in the pc version?
for fuck sake![]()
bwahahahaha, if true.Ostinatto said:so cod is running 960×544 on PS3 again?
anyone can confim this?
See You Next Wednesday said:Oh, COME ON.
Every single online videogame has a standard deathmatch & TDM of some kind. Can't really call CoD out on it.
At least they have well over a dozen different playlists & more than any other comparable games.
No one seems to be calling out Battlefield, even though they added nothing to the standard Rush/Conquest/TDM over the years or the Crysis 2 MP, which it did nothing over the standard FPS modes.
The bolded can't be possible!. Some people here says the walking sound isn't loud enough. They can't even hear their own steps! Surely someone here is exaggerating.SmokeMaxX said:Ha. Play S&D and tell me that. They call in a UAV and you're screwed. You can't hide because you don't get Assassin until lvl 27. You can't run (or even crouch walk away) because you don't get Dead Silence until like lvl 55. Oh and crouch walking EVEN WHILE AIMING makes noise. I hate it but if I know the enemy's close, I have to just sit in a corner and wait or else anybody with any sort of headset will know EXACTLY where I'm at.
If you have a prestige token (or a few) use them on Assassin, Dead Silence, and Blind Eye (probably in that order). Otherwise prepare to get absolutely fucked by UAVs, Predators, helis, and people with headsets. I got 22 kills in a row without a headset just because I kept running in the opponent's spawn and I could hear every single one of them running close to me.
Alienshogun said:Added NeoGAF as a group.
That should go there.
Edit: Can't make clan yet still bugged.
Yep, I'm getting a 404 every time I click his link, but yours works flawlessly. I joined the group yesterday, btw!aristotle said:You're late. I made a neogaf group a few days ago. I even posted it here. Figures it gets lost in all the anger comments.
In fact, I get a 404 every time I click your link.
aristotle said:You're late. I made a neogaf group a few days ago. I even posted it here. Figures it gets lost in all the anger comments.
In fact, I get a 404 every time I click your link.
ZZMitch said:And I really don't put much credence into what is shown on the killcams because they never really represent what actually happened. The other things I haven't really noticed because they either haven't happened to me enough for me to remember, are the result of the way I play or the fact I play SnD which means interactions between players are different. Most of the times I die I never really get off a shot and most of the times I get a kill the enemy never really gets off a shot... I dunno. Maybe I just don't notice the issues as much but I can't deny that I am having a lot of fun with the game.
I was actually able to create the clan GAF, loldmg04 said:Trying to create a clan. taking forever and keep getting errors.