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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


I'd say that in terms of perks/leveling/prestige, this is probably my favorite COD, but when it comes to maps it's one of the worst if not THE worst. The matchmaking and spawns need to be fixed ASAP. Furthermore, people are still finding ways to glitch under the map, and the stealth bomber glitch is still there.


I'm downloading the game on PC right now. I'll probably hop onto the multiplayer in a bit. Do we have a consistent group of PC gamers who play together?


I remember reading before the game came out that secondary weapons (at least machine pistols and pistols) were getting camos, guess that was bullshit. :(
Well, they did have a red camo FMG in one of the trailers but it must of gotten cut with the M240 and Vector and all of the other stuff.
Sniper mission in Cod 4, man. Stuff legends are made of.
I like how MW3's campaign finally showed what happened to MacMillan.

About maps, this many days later, I don't really have any I particularly hate. Nor do I have any that I particularly like. None are as bad as the worst in the series (
) or as good as the best (
) but I don't really expect them to be.


Aw man, I went 51-0 with two PaveLows and I couldn't have been more than one, at most two, kills away from getting another MOAB when some kid just suddenly appears all up in my face and spazzes the fuck out. The killcam was ridiculous - his camera was wildly swinging everywhere and he was just hipfiring like mad. Had he not had an MP7 with its massive mag, I would've survived for sure. :(

That reminded me that I still haven't seen an enemy MOAB or even an enemy Osprey or assault Juggernaut. Even Reapers and Assault Drones are pretty rare! Makes the early talk about how "there's constant shit in the air" sound kind of silly.

Well, they did have a red camo FMG in one of the trailers but it must of gotten cut with the M240 and Vector and all of the other stuff.
I'm thinking that kind of stuff (FMG camo) is going to be part of the Elite monthly DLC. There's no way it's going to be all maps... Then again, MW2 also had code for secondary camos and that was never used.


I think I'm more or less done with this game, at least for a while. Made it to lvl 75, 1st prestige. Lag is terrible, and the lag bar indicator is completely unreliable. 4 bars and I'm still lagging behind. I can shoot and kill stuff, but I'm just not having any fun. I quit playing Blops because I hated the tiny ass maps, but this is much much worse. Seatown, Carbon, and a couple others which I cannot remember, annoy the crap out of me.

I miss maps like Quarry.


Havent played a ton of MP but wow did the maps get smaller over the last 2 games?
I've been playing it for a bit.

I looks to me like they added a lot more levels/layers to every map. They are all really multi-tiered compared to MW and MW2. It's too early for me to comment on their quality, but they're definitely more vertical.


I miss Terminal.

Actually, to tell you the truth, this game makes me miss all the maps from MW1 and 2, even the shitty ones.

Edit: Maybe that was their plan all along? It all makes sense now...just according to Keikaku.


After goldifying the SCAR, I've attached to the TYPE95, as some guys recommended me on this thread.
Night and day...
Now, my encounters with akimbo runners are more balanced.
With SCAR I died nearly 100% of times.
Now I can face them with serious options of winning.
The not appreciable recoil makes it great for killing at a distance.

Maybe in 200 matches, I'll be able to get a K/D ratio over 1... xD


I'm indifferent with Village. If people ignore the natural side it's better. If I'm in a game with two equal teams the chokepoint becomes about half way through the village area where there's a little door to pass through.

I'd say that the area around the white truck is the textbook definition of a chokepoint considering it has around 5 different paths meeting at that area (the cliff, the valley, the cave, the two narrow village paths, and the path on the outside of the map right next to the cave)

Maybe it's because I play Ground War mostly, but I've never seen either of these become actual chokepoints outside of Domination. And they're very very weak ones. I do agree about ignoring the natural side, however.


People with akimbo SMGs are everywhere. I'll learn how to deal with it when I get some better perks and guns, but it can be annoying right now.

Speaking of maps, Modern Warfare had these gems that I'd really like to see return:
- Strike
- Ambush
- Countdown
- Overgrown
- Pipeline
Just got my first MOAB. 30-0 in FFA on Resistance. Patrolled the top part of the map between the store and the street all game lol. Suppressed PP90 with Specialist.


Kind of confused with the prestige shop, I'm already at level 80 and tempted to prestige at least once, how does the extra class unlock works ? Can I pick any weapon and keep it while leveling up to 80 again ?


TestofTide said:
Fixed. It's always the dual FMGs and it's because IW needs to at least double the hipfire spread on akimbo FMGs.
Yeah, I've been unlocking akimbo with all machine pistols lately (as opposed to just unlocking it for FMG9 and sticking with that like I've been doing thus far) and there's a world of difference in accuracy between the FMGs and the rest. Same problem as the akimbo G18's had in MW2, only worse. At least the G18's have insane kick.

Kind of confused with the prestige shop, I'm already at level 80 and tempted to prestige at least once, how does the extra class unlock works ? Can I pick any weapon and keep it while leveling up to 80 again ?
You can pick anything from the entire create-a-class menu and once you do, the item becomes selectable for classes when you hit level 4 every prestige and, yes, if you unlock a level 70 weapon when you're level 1, it stays unlocked for the rest of that prestige and any subsequent prestiges.

You can't both unlock equipment and give yourself an extra class slot with one token, though.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Tried out the PP90M1 for the first time last night. Good god.

Up close, than thing destroys people. Had a 2.0 K/D my first game with it, which is a pretty big improvement over my usual scores. Honestly, I don't really care for the gun, but it's pretty good. Going to try and get my MP5 to max level first.


Finally unlocked Assassin perk and my K/D improved a great deal. Also changed from Scar to CM901. Felt much better somehow.

Until I went 3-20 on Kill Confirmed and quickly realized it was time for bed.


Maybe it's already been noticed by everyone but me BUT.... Noticed several low level people last night with colored clan tags. One guy had a green clan tag and name one players list and in game. The in game color sucked because you see green and double take at shooting even though you know the player model is enemy.

First button tricksters now colors?
Maybe it's already been noticed by everyone but me BUT.... Noticed several low level people last night with colored clan tags. One guy had a green clan tag and name one players list and in game. The in game color sucked because you see green and double take at shooting even though you know the player model is enemy.

First button tricksters now colors?

I'm not sure if you can do other colors, but I'm pretty sure if your clan is high enough, you get a gold clan tag. Other colors I'm not sure because I haven't reached clan level 10 yet.


Maybe it's already been noticed by everyone but me BUT.... Noticed several low level people last night with colored clan tags. One guy had a green clan tag and name one players list and in game. The in game color sucked because you see green and double take at shooting even though you know the player model is enemy.

First button tricksters now colors?

I have a gold GAF clan tag, maybe there are other colors?
Until I went 3-20 on Kill Confirmed and quickly realized it was time for bed.

Yeah I've had those matches before lol. Earlier in KC, I only went like 6-15 or something similar to that. Turned it off and took a shower.

Kill Confirmed is by far my favorite MP Mode to play. I like the strategy behind it where if you kill someone you're so tempted to grab their dog tags but dont because you know theres an enemy around. Love it.

Also the maps. There's only a few maps I really dislike..Bakaara,Downturn,Bootleg,Carbon,Underground..

Map I despise and wish it was nuked from the Moon: Village(I never do good on that map)

Maps I love: Resistance,Hardhat,Interchange,Fallen,Lockdown,Arkaden,Dome and Seatown..

Edit: Are there still slots left for the Gaf Clan for 360? I wish to join.


Outpost is pretty terrible as well. I'm with you on Arkaden though. Very good map. Like the game says great for snd.

I have yet to play a game mode that is not fun on Arkaden. One of the reasons I think it's best designed one. Would love to know which studio is responsible for it. Actually that would be interesting to know for all the maps.


The FAD is a decent gun, although it is sort of redundant when we already have the ACR which does everything better.

I do think it looks really cool though.


I think Arkaden is the best map in this game. The prize for the worst is between Carbon and Interchange.

I don't despise Carbon or Interchange. Interchange does kinda suck for the killstreaks I run though. I like to close my eyes and pretend that Downturn doesn't even exist though. How can anyone like that map?
So I got rank 50 in solo/private survival mode. Is there any prestiging in this mode or do you just stay at level 50 forever? (I don't play multiplayer, but I gather that the survival/multi ranks are separate)


I used to have Interchange as my most despised map. After playing many more games my vote is most definitely Downturn. Reallllly don't like that one at all. Most people vote against it no matter what so I haven't been seeing it as often.
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