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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


Buh buh people haven't been doing that! Sniper classes will pick up as more and more people learn how to do this. I've had it happen to me enough to know people are more than capable of doing it.
You have not had a clip like that happen very often. Maybe you've faced some dude who gets 2-3 quickscopes before getting taken out, but not like 10. The kid in that clip is insanely skilled at what he's doing.
Has anyone ever killed an LS/L3 button in this game, because of the sprint?

I have ruined a stick (gets stuck upwards) in CoD4 and my friend who only plays CoD titles has gone though a few controllers. As long as you remember you just need to click it in once to sprint and not hold it in, you should be fine.


You have not had a clip like that happen very often. Maybe you've faced some dude who gets 2-3 quickscopes before getting taken out, but not like 10. The kid in that clip is insanely skilled at what he's doing.

Skilled? Skill involves aim, not a coin flip in the air. The guy didn't even aim at most of them; just faced their general direction. For all he knew, he could've hit them anywhere on their body or even not hit them at all. He could take the same 10 shots and have hit zero of them and some random scrub could've taken the same 10 shots and hit all of them.

And aim assist with a sniper is completely different than aim assist with an AR. You get aim assist with an AR and it still takes 2-3-4 bullets to kill. You get aim assist with a sniper and bam, pretty much every lucky shot is a one hit kill. I would have zero problem with the mechanic if it took HALF as long to zoom in as long as the dude was actually aiming at me and not looking at a black screen and shooting. Hell, even if snipers had a "snap-to-person" effect, it wouldn't be nearly as annoying. People can accept getting killed by skill, but not getting killed by a coin flip.




Some of you guys are ridiculously good, I just went 33-17 in kill confirmed and that's like my best game ever. (non-Domination or Demolition)
Sort of wish that some developer would man up and just not include a sniper class at all.

TBH I can't really remember a recent shooter in which a sniper class was completely OP. Chalk it up to years upon years of compounded complaining.

Beyond DERP QUICKSCOPEZ in IW cod games, which isn't really sniping in any traditional sense, the class as a concept has been pretty marginalized in a lot of recent releases, either by map design (blops, mw2) or generally shittyness in relation to other classes (BF3)


I was always a big fan of railguns in Quake II. If a modern shooter would bring those back, I'd be ecstatic. Just as long as people have to aim and nothing assists their aiming.


Wow, turning off Theatre mode made a world of difference. Was lagging like mad all day, turn it off and the connections were flawless. I went on to have some games I wish I had recorded. But that was always going to happen, wasn't it...
Wow, turning off Theatre mode made a world of difference. Was lagging like mad all day, turn it off and the connections were flawless. I went on to have some games I wish I had recorded. But that was always going to happen, wasn't it...

There was always speculation that theater mode had a lot to do with Black Ops' issues. I will now forever wonder how Black Ops would be with theater mode turned off.


As an Elite founder and/or premium member, I know you get more slots for your vault; do you also get to upload longer clips? 30 seconds isn't much.


As an Elite founder and/or premium member, I know you get more slots for your vault; do you also get to upload longer clips? 30 seconds isn't much.

60 seconds I know, not sure about more slots...

Didn't know about the clan thing giving you a colored tag, I wonder what level our clan here is. The guy I was mainly refering to had a all green tag and name.

My best game so far has been 53-11, got several 50ish-10ish in my vault. Went 30-3 last night in first game I unlocked my Type 95. Shoulda kept it after prestiging but didn't as I whored it to prestige. :)
I'm done with this shit game - and I've played every iteration from COD4 to BLOPS off and on all year long until the next one came out. I just cannot fucking stand the maps and spawn system in this iteration. Zero map control, enemies respawing behind you...it's all bullshit, and I'm out.


I think you're right, but sadly Brink was a giant piece of shit regardless of the presence of a sniper rifle.

I dont understand how you could fuck up the formula of Wolf: ET with more customization. How can you fuck that up? Unbelievable. Probably the most devastating thing for me this year in gaming was Brink.
I'm done with this shit game - and I've played every iteration from COD4 to BLOPS off and on all year long until the next one came out. I just cannot fucking stand the maps and spawn system in this iteration. Zero map control, enemies respawing behind you...it's all bullshit, and I'm out.

I've put in about 2 days worth of play now, still cannot fucking stand these maps. they just aren't well designed at all and aren't fun to play,
Seaside is the worst offender. If I random join that map I'll just quit out and take the loss - I don't care. I can't think of single map that I enjoy after 28 hours of play - they're all clusterfucks of blind corners, doors, windows, 2-story buildings and endless other bullshit that make it impossible to not get fucked over constantly. Usually around this time I've settled in with each map and they have a kind of ebb and flow to them you can predict - I have zero sense of "knowing" the maps this time around, and it's completely contrary to fun. Maybe some will disagree, and that's their prerogative.

Sorry for the rant. Peace.
I dont understand how you could fuck up the formula of Wolf: ET with more customization. How can you fuck that up? Unbelievable. Probably the most devastating thing for me this year in gaming was Brink.

I feel you man. WolfET is one of my most cherished gaming experiences, so goddamn good (especially Jaymod). Brink was a digital disembowelment.
Fuck the Type 95, how can they knowingly add such an overpowered gun?

Probably for the same reason they would knowingly make dual full auto guns have a tight hipfire spread while the KSG fire pump-action with only six pellets per shot.

Just an hour ago i watched a killcam where some dipshit relied on his dual FMGs to kill me and he only was properly aimed at me for a split second. The rest of the time he was flailing around like an idiot but the rate of fire for those FMGs meant he got the kill before i could even fire a second shot with my USAS.
Probably for the same reason they would knowingly make dual full auto guns have a tight hipfire spread while the KSG fire pump-action with only six pellets per shot.

Just an hour ago i watched a killcam where some dipshit relied on his dual FMGs to kill me and he only was properly aimed at me for a split second. The rest of the time he was flailing around like an idiot but the rate of fire for those FMGs meant he got the kill before i could even fire a second shot with my USAS.
What's with that USAS gun? I could not get a single kill with that peashooter. I'm getting a lot of fun with the striker on Arkaden though (the only shotgun compliant map).

Shotguns and LMGs really got shafted in this game... That's a shame, I like using different types of guns but it seems only ARs and SMGs work in this game :eek:/


Fuck this laggy mess of a game, every time I get the itch to play I only get about 2 or 3 games in at the most before I need to stop. So damn awful


Probably for the same reason they would knowingly make dual full auto guns have a tight hipfire spread while the KSG fire pump-action with only six pellets per shot.

Just an hour ago i watched a killcam where some dipshit relied on his dual FMGs to kill me and he only was properly aimed at me for a split second. The rest of the time he was flailing around like an idiot but the rate of fire for those FMGs meant he got the kill before i could even fire a second shot with my USAS.
Extended mags adds 1.5x the pellets letting you get kills much easier.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Twitter update:
fourzerotwo said:
Lots of #MW3 updates planned this week. We'll be addressing "laggy" games, stat loss prevention, & more. Pushing for pre-Holiday release!


To every one that hates the Type 95, how do you suppose they "fix" it. Going by the damage chart, it kills in 2 bullets. From my experience in game, it can take up to a couple bursts; specially at range. Do they need to make it so all 3 bullets need to connect to kill? If they do that then I don't see how it makes a difference since you will still be dying before you knew what happened. The way I look at it is if I don't kill you on the first burst I should be dead. Don't complain about the gun if it takes 2 bursts to kill you, it's your fault then. It's the same way I treat sniping.

I'm not trying to be lame about this, just trying to understand how they could "fix" it but still keep it viable.
To every one that hates the Type 95, how do you suppose they "fix" it. Going by the damage chart, it kills in 2 bullets. From my experience in game, it can take up to a couple bursts; specially at range. Do they need to make it so all 3 bullets need to connect to kill? If they do that then I don't see how it makes a difference since you will still be dying before you knew what happened. The way I look at it is if I don't kill you on the first burst I should be dead. Don't complain about the gun if it takes 2 bursts to kill you, it's your fault then. It's the same way I treat sniping.

I'm not trying to be lame about this, just trying to understand how they could "fix" it but still keep it viable.

it takes two bullets out of the three to kill you man, put rapid fire on and it kills with one burst at any range.
Have these guys ever gave a reason why they refuse to do beta's? Why do they keep making the first few weeks hell for players with the lag and then choose to patch it.


I'm done with this shit game - and I've played every iteration from COD4 to BLOPS off and on all year long until the next one came out. I just cannot fucking stand the maps and spawn system in this iteration. Zero map control, enemies respawing behind you...it's all bullshit, and I'm out.
I am constantly backtracking in this game. It's got a certain flow at times and if you can get into that flow you can rack up a lot of kills.

As a run and gunner I am actually enjoying these maps and play style quite a bit now.
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