why the maps sucks tho? i've played a lot of shooters too and i can tell these kind of maps are pretty good for a cod game......unlike freaking black ops.
and it a first time i hear someone complained about the maps when they're good at the game, aren't u supposed to be out there destroying everyone with your beast-like skills?
really? downturn? Not nuketown-ish maps like dome? not shit like resistance that has no good shotgun routes? not carbon where instead of chokes points you have the entire middle 3rd of the map (going top to bottom) be a giant clusterfuck choke area?
Ok, I need to know. Is this lag every going to be fixed? I'm not whining, but if it's not, I need to sell the game now to get the most out of it on the resell. I will keep it for good if I don't have to see half second discrepancies between what I see and what the kill cam ends up showing me.
Seriously, this is not a "OMG, THE LAG IS SO BAD POST!" I really actually need to know if there's a chance they'll address the lag or if it's just bad netcode.
see, I don't understand how this is humanly possible. Do these people have a pair of 600FPS eyes with totally lag free hard wiring to their finger tips? I was barely able to detect some of the enemies, let alone act on it instantly.
Also how on earth are they aiming? Do they place the enemy to the centre before even raising the scope? Or do they just do a swipe across the screen and press the fire button exactly at the right time?
that's some god tier stuff, if real.
It's not. In COD there is hip fire accuracy and ADS accuracy. On consoles when you ADS there is a bit of sticky aim.see, I don't understand how this is humanly possible.
I'm getting back online Noriega + anyone else who wants to join.
GT: Strider2K99
gg guys, although we totally got destroyed in the last match. lol
A 1.5x increase in pellet count, not necessarily damage directly.Supposedly, another secret (glitch?) is that Shotguns get a boost in damage when equipped with Extended Mags. Sorry if this has been mentioned before.
A 1.5x increase in pellet count, not necessarily damage directly.
I swear I'm gonna frickin lose it.
I'm more than halfway to second prestige but my connection over the past three days has been crap.
I always had a 4 bar connection (like during the first 100+ levels) and now it's consistently 1 bar.
I've reset my router and modem a million times, and the few times that does work, it's only for a couple matches.
I guess it's Spec Ops for me then for now...
Since Tuesdays launch, Modern Warfare 3s multiplayer has been working great. In fact, the amount of players online is even higher than what it was this time last year for Black Ops. Have fun -- we hope you continue to enjoy MW3 to the fullest.
However, on Call of Duty Elite, we are having trouble scaling the service to meet demand. We're aware that many of you are currently experiencing problems with the Call of Duty Elite service. Youre frustrated, we know it, and we know we need to fix it. Our teams have been working non-stop to identify issues and resolve them as quickly as possible. Again, these issues have no impact on the performance of the game. If you have questions about the state of the Call of Duty Elite service, please go to http://www.callofduty.com/elitestatus.
Please note that we are experiencing heavier than normal volume. As a result, there may be a delay in receiving a response. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.
We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 96 hours.
Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.
I don´t think so. The issues are the same for me since COD4.You guys think that any of these lag issues could be partially blamed on XBL or PSN? I mean, this is the biggest gaming release yet, and XBL reported over 3.3MM players on day one. Granted, that number hasn't endured, but I'm wondering if any of IW's problems are being compounded by added stress on the base services.
In that clip, he's centering the enemy in his hipfire reticule and then scoping in to fire. He does it so fast because he's ready to do it before he even turns the corner; he's well aware that the enemy is spawning there and will come running so for a few of the kills he was probably already lifting his rifle before he even spotted an enemy. And, like someone already posted, that's probably a theater clip with data missing so it looks like he's not scoping in.Also how on earth are they aiming? Do they place the enemy to the centre before even raising the scope? Or do they just do a swipe across the screen and press the fire button exactly at the right time?
It means you're in a group together on Elite, and shockingly, that feature actually works! If you select their name in the lobby, press A and go "show common groups," you can see what group it is.What's the deal with the little icons next to peoples names [far right of screen when in pregame lobby]
it has a little person with a plus sign in it
The game already does force region-based matchmaking. I'm guessing you're in NA so you don't really notice, but I'm in Sweden and I keep playing against the same 5-10 teams over and over and over. It kinda sucks and I'm actually wishing for the opposite of what you want - an option to turn it off!would've been nice to have the option to play games regionally. I'm stunned that many of the small improvements Treyarch made to the series weren't carried over.
Has anyone ever killed an LS/L3 button in this game, because of the sprint?
Seaside is the worst offender. If I random join that map I'll just quit out and take the loss - I don't care. I can't think of single map that I enjoy after 28 hours of play - they're all clusterfucks of blind corners, doors, windows, 2-story buildings and endless other bullshit that make it impossible to not get fucked over constantly. Usually around this time I've settled in with each map and they have a kind of ebb and flow to them you can predict - I have zero sense of "knowing" the maps this time around, and it's completely contrary to fun. Maybe some will disagree, and that's their prerogative.
Sorry for the rant. Peace.
Same here except I have to admit that I'm the more abusive of the few that use my 360. I've worn out like 5 controllers with CoD... One of which I just bought less than a year ago!Several of them, ha. Several people use my Xbox/contollers so it gets extra abuse. Its a miracle that my 360 is even still alive. I could only imagine the amount of hours its ran compared to average.
Just got booted off Live to download a 4MB patch for MW3 yet again. Second time this has happened to me.
Well, I want the update. 3 of my 4 friends playing it at the moment just got the update but not me. Its been 10 mins. Wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I am running the new beta dashboard? Unlikely as I can still talk to them over party chat. Weird and frustrating!
It's not. In COD there is hip fire accuracy and ADS accuracy. On consoles when you ADS there is a bit of sticky aim.
They're exploiting a game mechanic where they fire the shot right as the acurracy flips from hip fire to ADS which means less random shot as well as the autoaim in the game.
I'm on the new dashboard too. I didn't expect another patch so soon, so I thought something was up with my Xbox.
Also, you can force the update by clearing your cache.
I'm not sure why that tip would work, though? If an account isn't getting an update push, that means the server hasn't flagged it for updating yet. Why would doing stuff on your local HDD change a server setting/queue?Thanks for the tip!
I'm not sure why that tip would work, though? If an account isn't getting an update push, that means the server hasn't flagged it for updating yet. Why would doing stuff on your local HDD change a server setting/queue?
I'm not sure why that tip would work, though? If an account isn't getting an update push, that means the server hasn't flagged it for updating yet. Why would doing stuff on your local HDD change a server setting/queue?
I feel like Treyarch will be the better CoD dev once they get the latest IW engine to build off of. I hope they get to add all of their additions in the previous Black Ops IW engine to it. They seemed to have actually worked their asses off and built a better multiplayer experience with all the features and really cared for their game past launch, unlike what I've seen with MW3. MW3, while fun, seems less polished and robust as a multiplayer whole.
What? They're not keeping patches in RAM...Clearing the cache takes away all title updates for 360 games that don't install to the HDD, so the next time you start a game you download the latest update. There is no downside to doing it.
Hooray, I got a gold badge in that domination capture competition. I thought I only made it to silver.
Also I'm not feeling good about the Type 95, even though it's supposed to be overpowered I think I'm missing something because I'm not doing that great with it. Using it for a couple of hours my KDR is only 1.16 with it, while sticking with the ACR I get 1.84. The ACR is paying off big time too with my weekly KDR in TDM being 3.31. I'm finding it really easy to get long streaks when I go Predator Missile -> Attack Copter -> Reaper. When I prestige I'm taking the ACR with me for sure.
You using rapid fire?
The ACR is paying off big time too with my weekly KDR in TDM being 3.31. I'm finding it really easy to get long streaks when I go Predator Missile -> Attack Copter -> Reaper. When I prestige I'm taking the ACR with me for sure.
I tested with and without rapid fire. I don't notice any major difference. Impact is much more useful imo.Yep. Two attachments, red dot and rapid fire.
Yup. The awfulness of these maps cannot be overstated.
I'm hanging on to my copy until the first map pack comes out. If they are as bad as the standard maps I'm done.
Red dot + silencer. Perks I use are sleight of hand, assassin/quickdraw and marksman. I don't camp but I like knowing people can't see me, hence assassin. If I feel confident I put on quickdraw, since that super fast ADS and grenades is pretty darn good. It's not a run and gun class that's for sure but it's not a campy class either.What attachments do you use for the ACR? It was one of my favourite guns in MW2 along with TAR21 but I'm not doing too well with it in this game. It just feels a bit too slow and ineffective when compared to SMGs.