Yea man. I JUST last night starting using the Akimbo FMG9. It's the most fun I've had with the game yet, haha.
You are a beast! WTH is your k/d ratio?
Strider, you going to be up late tonight?
I should be on tonight, yes.
53-1 Easy Killstreaks by Maximilian - Modern Warfare 3
Just a quick vid going over some easier methods to get killstreaks, and how crazy it can get with recycling assault killstreaks.
Nice video Max. I really need to force myself to use the stinger...but that means I won't have my precious FMGs. Decisions, decisions.
The best thing about Elite is that you can look people up!
I've been doing Predator/Chopper/and then whatever my final one is and it hasn't been going very well.
Yea, it's right around 2.6 or so, but goes up and down constantly. Being consistent in MW3 is rough, especially trying out different weapons like shotguns and playing alone almost all the time.
53-1 Easy Killstreaks by Maximilian - Modern Warfare 3
Just a quick vid going over some easier methods to get killstreaks, and how crazy it can get with recycling assault killstreaks.
Wow I wish I could kill someone with 1 shot to the leg with a Famas. I could probably go 53-1 too.
so mp7: kick or range?
Yea, it's right around 2.6 or so, but goes up and down constantly. Being consistent in MW3 is rough, especially trying out different weapons like shotguns and playing alone almost all the time.
kick, if you wanted range you'd go for an ACR (I'd go for two attachments though, probably Red Dot and Heartbeat)
Eh, range. The MP7 has very little recoil and only kicks upwards. That's easy to compensate for unless you're aiming for their head. SMGs are weak at a distance, so it's better to get more range before damage drop off.
so mp7: kick or range?
This glitched out clan tag stuff still isn't fixed. This shit is laughable.
Treyarch would have had this fixed immediately.
What are you referring to? I still can't make clan tags in any COD game, including Black Ops.This glitched out clan tag stuff still isn't fixed. This shit is laughable.
Treyarch would have had this fixed immediately.
53-1 Easy Killstreaks by Maximilian - Modern Warfare 3
Just a quick vid going over some easier methods to get killstreaks, and how crazy it can get with recycling assault killstreaks.
Bah, after the update today I've been having trouble joining parties...I keep getting the "Party is full or private" error.
Because I've had so much fun in this I've actually been tempted to try out the multiplayer (yea yea I'm an anomaly). I've never played COD multiplayrer in the past due to a) i'm not the best FPS multiplayer and b) the whole leveling up competitive system always seemed intimidating. I felt like once i joined i'd get destroyed in seconds by all these people that know what to do and are better skilled at the game. Is there good sites or places to do research? I don't even know the whole perk system, optimal load outs, etc.![]()
Just start playing and not worry about your score as you figure it out. The one thing CoD is great at is rewarding you for doing absolutely anything (even dying).
Just start playing and not worry about your score as you figure it out. The one thing CoD is great at is rewarding you for doing absolutely anything (even dying).
Because I've had so much fun in this I've actually been tempted to try out the multiplayer (yea yea I'm an anomaly). I've never played COD multiplayrer in the past due to a) i'm not the best FPS multiplayer and b) the whole leveling up competitive system always seemed intimidating. I felt like once i joined i'd get destroyed in seconds by all these people that know what to do and are better skilled at the game. Is there good sites or places to do research? I don't even know the whole perk system, optimal load outs, etc.![]()
That killstreak video is great, but not if you're going against competent players. Also Village is one of the hardest levels to find cover in, but still that was a good watch.
Yea, it's right around 2.6 or so, but goes up and down constantly. Being consistent in MW3 is rough, especially trying out different weapons like shotguns and playing alone almost all the time.
I went over why I hated the maps earlier, I'll find what I said and repost it later if I can find it
Do you automatically assume that everyone who complains about the maps suck? There are some good players here saying the same thing I'm saying. I mean, I'm a worse Gears of War player than I am at CoD, but I find the maps on Gears to be incredibly fun to play on and expertly crafted.....unlike in CoD, the game where I'm better at.
I do agree that the initial maps in Black ops were dull, just too straightforward for their own good, but still better than what MW3 is offering right now
I mentioned this last page, but it looks like they reverted to the previous title update. Apparently the one from over the weekend made things worse, lag-wise.So does IW know whether or not they want to let me crouch-walk quietly? The latest patch seems to have made crouch walking make footstep sounds again.
Just start playing and not worry about your score as you figure it out. The one thing CoD is great at is rewarding you for doing absolutely anything (even dying).
Kind of, usually people complains about the game because they're suck at it. shit.....even my friends who suck at the game complained less than you guys.
and gears multiplayer are boring btw. maps are pretty boring and team deathmatch only has 4 vs. 4. half of the people uses shotgun. there a reason why cod is play more than gears.
if you guys want bigger maps, go play battlefield or something. these maps in cod here are pretty good for a gun to gun action. one of the reason why i hated mw2 was because of big maps like derail which took like 30 seconds to get to the other side. it's kool when you have a vehicle, but damn, i don't want to sprint all the way there just to get snipe by the same dude who camped in the same spot.
Health is too low. You can get away maybe 1 time out of 10th even when near coverSo I have to like a game totally and ignore the flaws that hold it back? I complain because the the drawbacks to game are obvious and are a step back from previous iterations of the series. I complain because the game offers top notch gunplay but I have to put up with bs to enjoy it. So I'm gonna complain because I'm not fully satisfied with my purchase.
of course I want gun on gun action, but I want each encounter I'm in to be thoughtful and satisfying. Most encounters in game is usually some sort of an ambush. Whether you're camping a corner of the room waiting for someone to come in, or you're turning a blind corner on someone to shoot them, or you're flanking them, shooting someone in the back or side; hardly satisfying. It's mostly due to the maps because of all the small, cramped rooms and corners spread about in the maps
I'm not asking for bigger maps either, just ones that are well designed. frequent encounters aren't the issue, I welcome them really, it's just that the encounters in game aren't really varied and come in an awkward fashion because of the maps; there isn't alot of spacing to be found in the maps, and to make it worse, there is usually some random object protruding out from somewhere that makes navigating the map more of a pain( the objects in question don't even act as cover either, they're more for decoration than anything, useless decorations is all they are). Oh, and to a lesser degree, spawning is an issue. I don't wanna be forced to play an awkward style just to be successful, it's not fun that way.
I got a few more reasons, but i'll stop, don't want to rant.
This game just seems designed for the ADD generation of kids now who just wants shit to happen, no matter how it happens
It's great. It's a nice easy way to figure out who you don't want to play with!This glitched out clan tag stuff still isn't fixed. This shit is laughable.