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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


does anyone know what's the youtube channel's of the guy who gets really mad when he played cod4? i remember one of the video where he drove by gamestop and said "battlefield sucks!" to the people lining up for battle 3.

Nori Chan

Man wtf is this bullshit :\

Apparantly my accuracy for the 50 Cal (11%)and L118(15%) is less than 20%. In BO all my accuracy for Snipers were above 40%. How the fuck does beach head track this shit?


does anyone know what's the youtube channel's of the guy who gets really mad when he played cod4? i remember one of the video where he drove by gamestop and said "battlefield sucks!" to the people lining up for battle 3.

El Presador... and the guy is a Fred Durst looking douchewagon.


So many hackers tonight :(. This is on the PC.

First four games of HC Kill Confirmed I was at the top of the lobby leaderboard and was running a K:D like 3:1 or better.

Next game I'm running like 1:8. The new guy that just joined is owning everyone. Guy proceeds to go 48-0. Obvious hacker is obvious.

Quit that lobby. Next one is even worse. Guy is headshotting guys across the map. Every shot is a headshot, he's not even bothering to try and make it look legit. It was absurd, it was a constant scroll of his name and headshot icons, I'm talking CONSTANT. I finally quit when he's at 51:0 and I'm at 1:10.

They need to fix this shit ASAP. I love the game, but hackers ruin the shit out of it.


"Head glitching" isn't the problem, the developers always insist on putting these boxes just high enough to cover your neck. Especially on Lockdown, it's way too easy to mow down 3+ enemies just from that one spot.

MW3 has some of the worst head glitches of any COD game though. There are some maps where you can stand in a position that literally covers 60-70% of your screen and still shoot. The person on the other end can only see the top of your head. It looks like a rock pretty much

Is there a way to easily tell if you're the host?

They "removed" the trick where you could hit back and see who had 4 bar first. I'm pretty sure if you see the match counter over 10s to start and also see everyone connect at once then you are the host.
MW3 has some of the worst head glitches of any COD game though. There are some maps where you can stand in a position that literally covers 60-70% of your screen and still shoot. The person on the other end can only see the top of your head. It looks like a rock pretty much

And that's the biggest issue with the whole head and perspective thing.

Maaannnnnnn I've had a 56 and 57 kill game today with 4 and 5 caps and lost both, fuckin damnit!


So many hackers tonight :(. This is on the PC.

First four games of HC Kill Confirmed I was at the top of the lobby leaderboard and was running a K:D like 3:1 or better.

Next game I'm running like 1:8. The new guy that just joined is owning everyone. Guy proceeds to go 48-0. Obvious hacker is obvious.

Quit that lobby. Next one is even worse. Guy is headshotting guys across the map. Every shot is a headshot, he's not even bothering to try and make it look legit. It was absurd, it was a constant scroll of his name and headshot icons, I'm talking CONSTANT. I finally quit when he's at 51:0 and I'm at 1:10.

They need to fix this shit ASAP. I love the game, but hackers ruin the shit out of it.

Damn, I've been real lucky so far. I haven't noticed a single hacker yet, just a bunch of dickheads. I only play Normal Kill Confirmed, so maybe they don't even bother with that.


And that's the biggest issue with the whole head and perspective thing.

Maaannnnnnn I've had a 56 and 57 kill game today with 4 and 5 caps and lost both, fuckin damnit!

I've won a game where the end score is 99-100.

My Predator, Hind and AH-6 took them out and we dominate for a good 1 minute for the win. I think I made 3 cycles of killstreaks that game. Feels good man.

Still, my win ratio is awful. :/


I keep getting raped by akimbo FMG-9's

It's almost as overpowered as shotguns on point blank.

Difference is this has more ammo and faster reload.

I ditch my stinger for this to pair with my T90. Though I miss my stinger especially when I hear the enemies calling their hinds, straferun, etc.


The CoD gamer collective, out of every other gaming collective out there in any game ever made, has the biggest amount of fucking bitch players out there.

Christ sakes a 12 year old can pick this garbage up and sit in a corner on these poorly designed maps and wait for people to walk by. This game knows no bounds when it comes to bitch gameplay. FUCK campers

edit; i have no idea why i just made that post. needed to get this shit out somewhere i guess.
I've won a game where the end score is 99-100.

My Predator, Hind and AH-6 took them out and we dominate for a good 1 minute for the win. I think I made 3 cycles of killstreaks that game. Feels good man.

Still, my win ratio is awful. :/

pullin out those close matches feels good man I know, but losing them feels worse than anything :mad:
The CoD gamer collective, out of every other gaming collective out there in any game ever made, has the biggest amount of fucking bitch players out there.

Christ sakes a 12 year old can pick this garbage up and sit in a corner on these poorly designed maps and wait for people to walk by. This game knows no bounds when it comes to bitch gameplay. FUCK campers

m8 if you know it's going to happen, throw a flashbang/stun grenade/shoot first/play better/stop whinging


The CoD gamer collective, out of every other gaming collective out there in any game ever made, has the biggest amount of fucking bitch players out there.
There are only a limited number of camp spots though and COD as a series has some of the best weapons to flush those campers out or just kill them outright giving them zero chance.

BTW, just some anecdotal evidence to counter yours: I play othergame 3 and there are a ton of campers there too but it's even worse.. it's all spawn camping and pretty much the goal of most of the game modes at least from my experience.

pullin out those close matches feels good man I know, but losing them feels worse than anything :mad:

I love close matches win or lose. Losing sucks initially but then I realize how much more exciting the game was and it usually was a pretty good game. I'll always stay in the lobby for the "rematch" as well although I've noticed that whenever I'm on the winning end of one of those close matches, the other team will back out ಠ_ಠ
But if I stop to do anything, how can I run around with no strategy whatsoever and still expect a 10.0 kdr? That's not fair. Those players are bitches.

Hey man, if I want to run around like the energizer bunny with a shotgun don't rain on my parade until after finish my AUAV, Stealth Bomb, EMP combo. ;)


Jesus fucking Christ. Why!? There's no emblem, no challenge for it, no accolades, NOTHING. WHY WOULD YOU STILL BOOST!?!!?!

FUUUUUUUUCK at this dumbass community.
Because they can't get a legit one and are curious as to what it's about?

I'm not sure why people react like that... I loved boosters in MW2. If they both had tacs, that was 4 ridiculously easy kills for my Predator! Also, some of the most fun I ever had in MW2 was finding boosters, lying in wait right next to them and then popping up with an RPG when they hit 23 kills. Hilarious! Following them around using join session was pretty glorious too.


I have successfully went through the 3rd prestige, in it's entirety, without using the Type 95 once. Proud?
I don't think a call of duty game has ever pissed me off as much as this one-there are so manynfucking kills I've been robbed of due to this fucking lag-there have been so many times when I throw my hands up in the air and stare at the kill am in disbelief. I am ALWAYS 1-2 seconds behind the person that kills me, so in the kill am it looks like I just run up in their face and stare at them and never fire a shot. That shits embarrassing, man.
I don't think a call of duty game has ever pissed me off as much as this one-there are so manynfucking kills I've been robbed of due to this fucking lag-there have been so many times when I throw my hands up in the air and stare at the kill am in disbelief. I am ALWAYS 1-2 seconds behind the person that kills me, so in the kill am it looks like I just run up in their face and stare at them and never fire a shot. That shits embarrassing, man.

This game would be godly (like BO) with dedicated servers.
Oh cool , well at least elite isnt totally useless now. The connect feature is neat

Ranked #1 in my city, ( houston ) #93 in the US. In kills. Thats pretty cool


same here. pro pipes and super soldiers never bothered me in mw2, thunder x3 never bothered me in cod4, but the lag made me so mad and stressed out i smoke 1 pack a day now, last month i was smoking half pack a day at most.
same here. pro pipes and super soldiers never bothered me in mw2, thunder x3 never bothered me in cod4, but the lag made me so mad and stressed out i smoke 1 pack a day now, last month i was smoking half pack a day at most.

Stress is the right word. I get so mad I can feel my heart thumping and can almost see red. I KNOW I GOT THE JUMP ON THAT GUY. why can't they just have dedicated servers. Tonight I would call in a UAV and I would hear one of of my teammates speakers about 2 seconds later "UAV up" 2 seconds after the announcer said it on my end.


This game would be godly (like BO) with dedicated servers.
Black Ops had the same netcode. I guess people didn't notice as much because the maps were larger.

At this point I'd pay for them to just patch up MW2. Rip Commando, OMA and maybe SoH Pro out of there and I'll just play that instead.
I have successfully went through the 3rd prestige, in it's entirety, without using the Type 95 once. Proud?

As much as I hate the gun you should give it a try if you haven't yet. You never know it might be DESTINY.

Yeah those akimbo fmg9's are happening more frequently but their users always have terrible scores, in my experience at least.
Hey guys, I'm trying this game out....again

Is something wrong with my connection? I tried unloading 6 Striker shots onto a guy point blank with one hit marker, and he got me with a FAD.

My Striker has Focus and Foregrip..


Ok I think that's it for me. I just can't take the lag. I really don't get it. This is more frustrating than fun for me any more. I'm so bummed.

Same here.
I've been persisting since launch but I'm just not feeling it like I did MW2.
The lag is annoying me. In one game it's fine, in the next it's horrendous. The maps are generally boring (both to look at and play on) and have far too many routes through them, which ruins the flow for me. Map control was what I loved about the old IW cods and it's quite clear that those days are over.
I'll try it again if they patch spawning but they won't patch out the terrible maps :(

It's a shame, I was really hyped for this game, after playing MW2 for 2 years. I'm doing ok in 3 (1.7 K/D) but it just doesn't have that IW spark.

Wish I hadn't fallen for that Hardened Edition, I really should know better by now.
Something like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJOpFCCnv0E

i got it constantly, also when i'm not the host.
It's really ridiculous and made me stop playing it for now, just isn't fun at all

I just stumbled on this vid randomly on the internet ( cuz I can't sleep ) and was about to post this, then I thought " didn't I glance over this on NeoGAF?" lol

interesting video, I already noticed that there was some unusual lag compensation, it's obvious because this and Black ops share similar issues that are exclusive to each of these entries in the series; such as the frame rate stuttering and the random spikes to 0 frames, and no one the lobby having a full 4 bar connection sometimes.I'm just wondering how much is lag compensation playing to the advantage of people with shitty connections? I know to me, I'm seeing alot of what this guy is seeing, with people having damn near instant reaction times, but I've learned to cope in a way. I just wanna know how lag compensation works......

does anyone here have a guess at least?


Fuck this game.

Either the netcoding in this is worse than BO or the low health makes the shit netcoding stand out even more.


I dont think I saw you pick up a single dog tag in the entire video. Despite sometimes being 3 feet away from them. Why not just play team deathmatch?
That's not me playing but isn't that, like, kind of a nice thing to do? If you kill someone and pick up their dogtag, you get +50 for the kill and +50 for the dogtag. If someone else picks up your dogtag, both players get +50 for the kill confirmation. So basically putin' is sharing XP all over the place!

Seriously speaking, though, running head first into every single dogtag you see is a very unintelligent way to play. Better to skip some and keep that streak going.

Or just Machine pistols like Skorpion or MP9?

Heads up, btw, GAF. The next problem after FMG9 is going to be akimbo Skorpions. They unlock later so the community hasn't noticed yet, but they're even more insane than the FMG9's. They have like zero recoil even akimbo'd and at full spray. WTF, IW? :(


Yeah! Who cares about actually trying to win the game? FUCK THAT! MORE KILLSTREAKS!

I am so sick of this retardation, man. It is not possible for a team to win anything, in any way, if there's an enemy Reaper in the air. Why does GAF have to keep pretending like killstreaks do absolutely nothing to the flow and power balance in any given match? They so very obviously do.
I am so sick of this retardation, man. It is not possible for a team to win anything, in any way, if there's an enemy Reaper in the air. Why does GAF have to keep pretending like killstreaks do absolutely nothing to the flow and power balance in any given match? They so very obviously do.

A Reaper that gets shot down, or EMP'd, or that does effectively nothing when all of the killed players' tags are denied before your guys can get to them.
I am so sick of this retardation, man. It is not possible for a team to win anything, in any way, if there's an enemy Reaper in the air. Why does GAF have to keep pretending like killstreaks do absolutely nothing to the flow and power balance in any given match? They so very obviously do.

I mean, killing is an inherent part to winning kill confirmed! I can honestly say my team doesn't win that if I don't get the killstreaks in the air, and I had that in mind during the match.



Heads up, btw, GAF. The next problem after FMG9 is going to be akimbo Skorpions. They unlock later so the community hasn't noticed yet, but they're even more insane than the FMG9's. They have like zero recoil even akimbo'd and at full spray. WTF, IW? :(

Thx. Been playing only with SCAR until gold, same with Type95. Now I'm with the M14 and the ACR. But it's really difficult to win a 1vs1 against an akimbo runner turning the corner with this weapons. When using the Type95, I had an option if shooting earlier. But with the M14, even with rapid fire, my click click is slower than zillions of sprayed bullets flying to me...
I'm always carrying the Stinger as secondary to send things down to earth.
Maybe I'll give a go to the machine pistols...
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