Played this weekend. Random things (360)....
- Please buff the shotguns. I want to play with them, I really do. But right now, they are TERRIBLE.
- I saw more stealth bombers and EMPs than I have during my entire run of all the CoD's combined. Every... single... game, was the screen rocking and flashing non-stop. Playing team defender, kill confirmed, and domination.
- QS'ing burns me, but Ill be honest... I havent seen it that much. And in the games I do run into it... I bail immediately. No thanks.
- Im guessing I ran into the care package glitch a few times. I havent been following everything as closely as normal, but two of my buddies told me about it. I just know there were 5-6 games where the other team got a attack helicopter or pave low 20 seconds in, and from there on out, they simply didnt stop.
- I need to find a group of people to play with that are committed to playing together when each other is online. CoD just simply refuses to put me on a competitive team. Im ALWAYS put on team "getting rolled on".
- In other CoD games, when someone went 1-21, I would go "How the hell? You should do better by accident." My worst games, even in MW2, would be 5-15, 8-20 type games. In this game, and this is after months of gameplay in the series, its the first time where if I blink, Im 0-10. Ill die, and get killed by the same guy SO QUICKLY, I often wonder if they were awarded a double kill. I had a 1-21 game... trying the whole time. Im average at best, but that should NEVER happen.
All said, the games that go well is like another hit of the CoD drug, keeps me coming back despite my complaints (of love!)