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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.

Crossfire is the only map in that lot that I'd be excited about. The rest are all rubbish.

I agree. I've been wanting crossfire to return for so damn long. It was my favorite map in COD4.

I'd die for Terminal in MW3

Indeed. I liked the map until it became dedicated noobtube paradise level for some reason. Now that noobtubes are nerfed, I'd like to see this one again as well. Invasion is also an awesome map. Miss that one.
How about people stop complaining and shitting up the thread with constant talk of how boring it is or how laggy it is. There are some people trying to discuss tactics/loadouts and it's getting swamped with people complaining all the fucking time.

If you don't like it STOP FUCKING PLAYING IT, nobody is forcing you to keep playing when you're obviously not having a good time. If MW3 isn't as good a Black Ops/BF3/Tetris then great! Go play those games! They're still there, MW3 hasn't killed/raped the games and then forced you to start playing it instead, you still have the option to go back and play them instead.

There are some people trying to build a community of players on GAF, players who enjoy the game and think that while it has its flaws, it's still a game that they enjoy spending time on.

Haters gonna hate. Suck my dick.

Swag out.

Amen. There's too many threads where people who don't enjoy that particular game pipe in with comments that are either already really well known or are actually more referencing their skill level than the game.

Equally as bad are the games defenders who rather than ignoring the comments feels the need to white knight the product every single time.

Kinda makes us sound like gamefaqs.
By the way, the secret to this game is patience. It WILL take most of us non-pro's about 5-8 hours to both unlock weapons/perks that work with our particular playstyles and to learn the maps and nuances of the game.

I've always been around a 1-1.5 k/d guy on deathmatch (hardcore and standard) and for the first few hours in this game I was at a shittacular .53. After unlocking some nice weapons and choice perks I was able to raise it to .81 in a single couple hour session.

Where as in the beginning I was getting;


Now I'm regularly getting;


May not be "awesome" but it's more inline with what I believe my skill level is.

Again, have patience, things will work themselves out.

Edit: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu akimbo bastards! :)

Double edit: Fuuuuuuuuuu typing on blackberry.
By the way, the secret to this game is patience. It WILL take most of us non-pro's about 5-8 hours to both unlock weapons/perks that work with our particular playstyles and to learn the maps and nuances of the game.

I've always been around a 1-1.5 k/d guy on deathmatch (hardcore and standard) and for the first few hours in this game I was at a shittacular .53. After unlocking some nice weapons and choice perks I was able to raise it to .81 in a single couple hour session.

Where as in the beginning I was getting;


Now I'm regularly getting;


May not be "awesome" but it's more inline with what I believe my skill level is.

Again, have patience, things will work themselves out.

Edit: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu akimbo bastards! :)

Double edit: Fuuuuuuuuuu typing on blackberry.

everybody hits their stride sooner or later, yours is yet to come my friend


It's ridiculously easy to get an AC-130 in Domination, especially when using Hardline.

Capture first point, get 3 kills, kill 2 people with Predator Missile, call in Attack Helicopter, instant AC-130.

I find it crazy how no one bothers to shoot down Attack Helicopters.


By the way, the secret to this game is patience. It WILL take most of us non-pro's about 5-8 hours to both unlock weapons/perks that work with our particular playstyles and to learn the maps and nuances of the game.

I've always been around a 1-1.5 k/d guy on deathmatch (hardcore and standard) and for the first few hours in this game I was at a shittacular .53. After unlocking some nice weapons and choice perks I was able to raise it to .81 in a single couple hour session.

Where as in the beginning I was getting;


Now I'm regularly getting;


May not be "awesome" but it's more inline with what I believe my skill level is.

Again, have patience, things will work themselves out.

Edit: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu akimbo bastards! :)

Double edit: Fuuuuuuuuuu typing on blackberry.

This made my day and gives me hope. I'm not very good at COD or really any FPS but want to improve. Guess I just gotta suck it up and put the time in.
This made my day and gives me hope. I'm not very good at COD or really any FPS but want to improve. Guess I just gotta suck it up and put the time in.

Yup Yup. You'll be playing and all the sudden it will click. You'll learn what guns kick ass and which ones don't (fuck you shotguns).

Also you can't camp in this game, 1) there are only a few spots not open to more than 3 paths and 2) everyone knows where they are and will chuck stickies with much haste at them.

Tip: dual attachement, silencer, red dot + assasin, stalker, and blind eye are your friends :)
Terminal was an auto-Nuke map for OMA/DC tube users. If you got up on the tanker and set claymores in front of the ladder & the boxes you can climb, you were 100% set up for easy Nuke mode. On Domination, all you had to do was let the other team capture A-flag and keep randomly shooting tubes at it. You'd get a Harrier in less than a minute.


Yup Yup. You'll be playing and all the sudden it will click. You'll learn what guns kick ass and which ones don't (fuck you shotguns).

Also you can't camp in this game, 1) there are only a few spots not open to more than 3 paths and 2) everyone knows where they are and will chuck stickies with much haste at them.

Tip: dual attachement, silencer, red dot + assasin, stalker, and blind eye are your friends :)

Trying not to camp much but learning the maps solo (none of my friends play COD) has been a challenge.

I'm looking forward to getting some of the Pro perks as well, just gotta find the time to put into the game. A week off after surgery in December should help with that nicely.
I really hope they get around to fixing that blaring noise issue. I'm afraid it's going to blow my speakers. It's happened 5 or 6 times in the past week. It usually happens after an explosion.


LOL, I thought it was my TV going. I have two PS3's so my stepsons can play at the same time as me, and it started blaring our of my TV. But it wasn't on their's. I was like "HOLY SHIT" on my mic, and they were confused as hell. It's happened like 3-4 times to me. And I could get closer and farther from it, like it was directionally blaring in-game, if that makes sense.
I have to upload some videos.

I had the funniest triple killer ever yesterday. I randomly throw a sticky on accident at about a 80 degree angle up over a small building. It hit and stuck on a guy on the way up some stairs and the dude panicked and ran down the stairs and took out 2 campers (hardcore mode). It was hilarious. They were jumping up and trying to run away. I'm sure that convo went well.

I was like "oh shit" then I was like "awww yeah"


I know the series has always been a split-second difference in who gets killed but it just seems so much more pronounced this time. I have some guy dead to rights and am unloading into him and he doesn't take a single hit. So many of my deaths just piss me off completely because I'll react instantly but the kill cam will show me out in the open plain as day. It's incredibly frustrating. :(


If I equip just the predator missile assault kill streak and no second or third kill streak, shouldn't the kills from the predator missile count towards a new predator missile? It doesn't seem to be the case.
If I equip just the predator missile assault kill streak and no second or third kill streak, shouldn't the kills from the predator missile count towards a new predator missile? It doesn't seem to be the case.

No. Kill streak kills do not carry over to continue the cycle. Its a good design choice in my opinion. If they allowed what you ask for, youd be able to get to chopper or reaper, or what have you and easily cycle through in many cases.


If you don't use the Blind Eye and Assassin perks, you are dumb. Also, when going full auto the two attachments option is advised. One of those attachments should be a silencer. The other should be your scope of choice. I like the Acog with the ^ sight. But the Hybrid sight is pretty good too, since it has zoom modes.
Trying not to camp much but learning the maps solo (none of my friends play COD) has been a challenge.

I'm looking forward to getting some of the Pro perks as well, just gotta find the time to put into the game. A week off after surgery in December should help with that nicely.

I can't say this enough: play cautiously. Don't run around like a maniac and stick to the outskirts of the map. Always assume that there is an enemy around the corner so execute your reloads with care.

I'm a lowly 1.15 KDR right now but I was going 3-20 for the first several hours of play. It'll get better.


Does anyone else hate when you walk "into" a team player and your movement start to stutter? I wonder if they will ever change that, i think that it has been i almost every COD game. It doesnt happen very often though, so personally i think that it is hardly complain worthy, but i just had to mention it anyway :)

I also got the platinum trophy today :D


Does anyone else hate when you walk "into" a team player and your movement start to stutter? I wonder if they will ever change that, i think that it has been i almost every COD game. It doesnt happen very often though, so personally i think that it is hardly complain worthy, but i just had to mention it anyway :)

I also got the platinum trophy today :D

Yeah I hate the player collision. So many times I mistake it for me suffering crippling lag or frame-rate drops because the whole experience goes to shit as soon as you bump into a teammate. It's especially bad at the beginning when everyone darts in the same direction.

Why can't teammates just pass through each other?
Yeah I hate the player collision. So many times I mistake it for me suffering crippling lag or frame-rate drops because the whole experience goes to shit as soon as you bump into a teammate. It's especially bad at the beginning when everyone darts in the same direction.

Why can't teammates just pass through each other?

Not to mention assholes that just sit in doorways. Definatley in favor of passing through teammates.


Yeah I hate the player collision. So many times I mistake it for me suffering crippling lag or frame-rate drops because the whole experience goes to shit as soon as you bump into a teammate. It's especially bad at the beginning when everyone darts in the same direction.

Why can't teammates just pass through each other?
Exactly. Luckily it doesnt happen very often though (at least to me). I've thought about having no clipping on the team players myself, but maybe they dont make it like this so avoid "bugging". Imagine if i.e 5 players stand on the exact same spot, then i imagine that the hit boxes would probably mess up. This is most likely not a realistic example in random games though, but maybe the hit boxes can be messed up even with just 2 players being close to each other.


MP7 is fucking awesome, too bad I'm about to prestige and it'll take me another 20 odd hours of gameplay to get it. Really want an extra custom class though.

Oh, and am I right in thinking that if I prestige in MW2 then I'll get a token in MW3? My profile is sitting on lvl70 so I may as well.
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