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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.

Well I've never really done one before, so should it be mostly hip fire with steady aim? I guess what's the most effective perk combo and striker or spas?
Yup, striker with damage or range and for perks run steady aim, assassin, and sleight of hand.
Run specialist for your killstreaks with hardline, dead silence, and blast shield, in that order.


Well I've never really done one before, so should it be mostly hip fire with steady aim? I guess what's the most effective perk combo and striker or spas?

Striker, eventually with Extended Mags and Damage
Dual Skorpions for mid range or dual FMG9s for close-mid range

Any lethal to your taste
Flash or Stun for tactical, unless you're playing an objective mode that needs tac inserts/smoke

Extreme Conditioning to get you into range (DON'T sprint around every corner). Slight of Hand for fast weapon swaps is an option as well.
Assassin Pro to keep you off the radar
Steady Aim to hipfire

Hipfire all day every day, no need to ads. The Striker is mediocre until you get its upgrades, but this is true for all of the shotguns

The SPAS is decent, but there's little reason to use it over the Striker, which has nearly as much range and is much more capable of engaging and killing multiple targets

Hunt for the flanks of the enemy, engage, take them down, then quickly relocate so you aren't there when they come looking for you. Use your secondaries to engage targets in the open you can't hit with your shotgun.

Specialist is a really good strike package to run with this if you're just looking to k/d whore or play tdm/kc, if you're playing objective, running 4/5 Vests Support is great, as you can supply your entire team with vests for the whole match, or you can run up to EMP if you want as well.


Well I've never really done one before, so should it be mostly hip fire with steady aim? I guess what's the most effective perk combo and striker or spas?
Here's what I do:

FMG9 Akimbo
Sleight of Hand Pro
Quickdraw Pro
Steady Aim
Tactical Insertion

- USAS is better than people think. You just have to always be ready to fire 2-3 shots and never assume you'll get the one hit kill. The Striker is the best and most versatile shotgun in the game though.
- In my experience, shotguns should be aimed in this game. Previous games had little quirks to this, like changing the pellet spread when you aim and etc. I'm not sure if this game does, I just know I get more kills when I aim than when I hipfire.
- The blue perk options barely help a shotty class, so I go with SoH Pro for the quick switch to FMG9's in case someone pops up outside of shotty range.
- Use the insertion to make sure that you're always within shotty range. Quickdraw Pro lets you put one down with little strategy involved - just toss one down whenever you're about to enter an area where you know there will be firefights.

Here's a score I got yesterday, with this setup and the USAS:

Sick man, thanks for tips guys.

I ran the striker and had decent success, I was positive at least. The spas on the other hand has to be the most inconsistent weapon I've ever used. The strategies seem similar to what I usually do, run and gun with smg, I'm just looking for a change of pace. Basically experementing on PS3 until I get my 360 account back from a hack so I can keep good stats on that account.


See this page is what the thread should be like, good stuff.

About to prestige, can anyone recommend a good early class layout that'll keep my KDR decent?
I'm thinking this game is inducing artificial latency on some players like in black-ops

Yeah, tell me about it. I did some more testing on this issue yesterday and quit all matches where I was doing absolutely terrible in head to head battles and would you know the game started searching for a new host every single time I quit. It's practically impossible for me to do well when I'm the host.. slightly frustrating to say the least. I really hope IW does something to fix this but I'm not holding my breath.


See this page is what the thread should be like, good stuff.

About to prestige, can anyone recommend a good early class layout that'll keep my KDR decent?
Sleight of Hand
Quick Draw

Probably one of the better classes at Level 80, too.
Yeah, tell me about it. I did some more testing on this issue yesterday and quit all matches where I was doing absolutely terrible in head to head battles and would you know the game started searching for a new host every single time I quit. It's practically impossible for me to do well when I'm the host.. slightly frustrating to say the least. I really hope IW does something to fix this but I'm not holding my breath.

Yeah I don't like it, above all else it just seems to make the game run worse.

Sleight of Hand
Quick Draw

Probably one of the better classes at Level 80, too.

great loadout
I'm about to hit 80 and I just tried the last SMG for the first time (MP7?)

Is it just me or is that gun amazing? There seems to be very little sway. I usually use the PPM90 which seems to be faster but more erratic. I may use a token on this thing.

Edit: is there a good list of when things unlock in the multiplayer? I didn't see it in the OP and don't want to waste a token
It just needs the M4 switched out for a SCAR (since it unlocks on level 7 or something anyway) and Stalker replaced by Marksman.

Seriously, Marksman is so fucking good. Not just for range but for seeing opponents through bushes and such.

yeah, Marksman is really good, especially since camouflage works so damn well in this game.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
haven't been following the thread so sorry if this has been covered.

In MW2 I was all about using my heapdhones to target where fights were happening and hear people sneaking up behind me and so on. It was a big part of my game and I carried it onto Gears of War and other franchises. But I get nothing from MW3. I've played for about 5 hours now and not once have I felt like sound has helped me or made a difference to my score.

There doesn't seem to be any option or settings to adjust sound output in the game. Bit puzzled and irritated that I'm not getting any decent surround effects from the game.

Is it just me? Do I need to revisit MW2 and maybe try and tweak some setting somewhere or other or is it just the game?


Gold Member
I'm about to hit 80 and I just tried the last SMG for the first time (MP7?)

Is it just me or is that gun amazing? There seems to be very little sway. I usually use the PPM90 which seems to be faster but more erratic. I may use a token on this thing.

Edit: is there a good list of when things unlock in the multiplayer? I didn't see it in the OP and don't want to waste a token

MP7 is great! Currently my fav SMG, running around with rapid fire + silencer.


I'm about to hit 80 and I just tried the last SMG for the first time (MP7?)

Is it just me or is that gun amazing? There seems to be very little sway. I usually use the PPM90 which seems to be faster but more erratic. I may use a token on this thing.

Edit: is there a good list of when things unlock in the multiplayer? I didn't see it in the OP and don't want to waste a token

I think the MP7 is the best SMG. I assume people unlocked the P90 and PP90 and didn't really give the MP7 a chance before they prestiged. The gun is a laser and it can snipe people rather easily with Range.


Yes, marksman is the best tier 3 perk IMO. I only take it off for steady aim when I go SMGs.

Yes. I love Marksman and I'm not a sniper.

I really need to get the pro version of SitRep since having enemy footsteps be louder sounds really helpful but it's taking forever to level that perk up.


Is it just me? Do I need to revisit MW2 and maybe try and tweak some setting somewhere or other or is it just the game?
I think the sound design is worse and less clear than MW2 was - in MW2, you could hear people sneaking up on you even if there were 3 Harriers up causing havoc and blaring noise. In Black Ops and MW3, not so much. With that said, playing with headphones do help in a huge way, at least for me. I can hear people moving around, and where their noise is coming from, as long as the match isn't too noisy. The big problem is that they threw in a lot of stupid noise, the dumbest being the tarps that sound exactly like footsteps.

Reminds me of how Black Ops had some dumb sounds tossed in there for no reason. The worst was the randomly beeping area in Hanoi. Why is there beeping?!

I really need to get the pro version of SitRep since having enemy footsteps be louder sounds really helpful but it's taking forever to level that perk up.
Apparently you can destroy your own Trophy System for SitRep Pro.
every time I play online over the last two days every match stutters like I'm lagging on one bar, but I have four. I have not had this happen before. is my ps3 dying? is anybody else experiencing this post 1.05?


Marksman vs Stalker is a bit of a problem IMO.

Marksman is awesome, but useless against Assassin users.

Stalker is awesome as it is. Even without the claymore delay.

Here's a score I got yesterday, with this setup and the USAS:

Jesus.. how did the game last that long lol.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Ahh I see. At least I know it's not just my 360. I hope a patch comes soon to fix this issue.

There won't be a patch; it's working as intended. The 360 takes longer to authenticate the disc, which is the whole point behind the new format. It should always stop spinning after about 2-3 minutes. Just sit at the menu until it stops if it bothers you?


Got my 8-bit Price emblem :D Was pretty much the one I used the majority of my MW2 playtime (from 2nd prestige and onwards). Gonna be rocking it in MW3 for a long time to come :)


Just started playing this with my friend and so far not liking it too much. I loved the credit system they used in Black Ops since you could skip some guns and save for the ones that you actually wanted. Now the leveling up system is back and it's just rather dull, especially since there is huge caps between locking and unlocking weapons. Tho I do like the idea of leveling up your weapons, it's kinda neat... But overall the weapons are just boring. Personally I have just kept going with the original assault rifle since it seems to be good medium, not terribly powerfull but recoil and accuracy is good enough for me. Well more balanced then rest of the weapons.

MP levels are rubbish, so far there is only one map I have really liked. Major problem with most of the maps is the fact that they are rather big, doesn't really fit with the fast paced action of COD.

edit. then again I have felt like this many times before with COD games and I have always turned around, I might just need more time with this... I do miss the credit system tho :(
I cold connect this morning but I was stuttering around. the game never does that to me. I don't have the best internet in the world, but comcast high speed at 20-30 megs should be way more than enough. I'm worried my ps3 is dying but maybe it is a server issue?? anybody know anything about this?


I cold connect this morning but I was stuttering around. the game never does that to me. I don't have the best internet in the world, but comcast high speed at 20-30 megs should be way more than enough. I'm worried my ps3 is dying but maybe it is a server issue?? anybody know anything about this?

It's lag and ping times that matter more than your speed. I play on a 2 meg connection and it's fine most of the time. I get into mostly 50ms matches.
Got my 8-bit Price emblem :D Was pretty much the one I used the majority of my MW2 playtime (from 2nd prestige and onwards). Gonna be rocking it in MW3 for a long time to come :)

What are the requirements for it? I don't think I got it in MW2.

I did get the cat thing in MW3 for headshotting two people with one bullet. No idea how that happened.
I know that everyone in here is in love with the mp7, but all the smgs deserve some love in this game. For now my favorite setup is a P90 with silencer and rapid fire. HOLY CRAP this gun just tears through guys with this setup. Up close it seems to kill as fast if not faster than a shotgun, it outclasses most guns at mid range too due to the high rate of fire, and it's no slouch when it comes to longe range either.

Here's my setup:

Steady Aim

With steady aim you can hip fire at guys from a good 50 feet away and get the kill no problem, and I can't tell you guys how many times I've gotten doubles and triples just by running up to a flag that was being capped by the enemy only to circle strafe them while hipfiring. SO GOOD
It's lag and ping times that matter more than your speed. I play on a 2 meg connection and it's fine most of the time. I get into mostly 50ms matches.

I have great ping ratings though. I haven't had this problem with mw3 before 1.05. I'm wondering if my ps3 is dying. my kdr was around 2.5. I can assure you my ping and connection are solid. I get into 50-75 ping rated games all the time and it still stutters. should I delete my game data and redownload the patch?


I have great ping ratings though. I haven't had this problem with mw3 before 1.05. I'm wondering if my ps3 is dying. my kdr was around 2.5. I can assure you my ping and connection are solid. I get into 50-75 ping rated games all the time and it still stutters. should I delete my game data and redownload the patch?

I'd probably give it a couple of days.
Thinking of running a shotty class, any tips?

1)Try and get the extended mags and range proficiency as quickly as possible and use those.

2)The model 1887 will work best with steady aim, same with the spas-12 (stay away from the ksg-12)

3) The USAS is an underated gun. It has ridiculous range when you get the range and mags (test it out with buddy in private match if you don't believe me), it has a quick reload, and the firing rate is just high enough that you can easily take out multiple enemies when you are 20-30 feet behind them (something that is not as easy with most of the other shotguns)

4) the striker is the easiest to use, with the most damage per second at around 10-20 feet, but it you'll constantly find you will need to find a corner to spend a long ass time reloading even with sleight of hand.

5) When using steady aim don't aim down the sights or at least minimize how much you do it.

6) FLANK I cannot emphasize this enough. The point of shotguns is to be the guy who takes the most out of the way route so that you can get behind the enemy and take out2-4 guys before they can react. If you are running in the middle of where the action is when using shotgun you are doing it wrong.

7) use cover more. That includes hugging the walls when moving around the stage. This is how you make nearly all your non-flank engagements close range even on a stage like Interchange or Fallen. Unless the opponent is using a type 95 or FMG akimbo, they won't be able to beat a shotgun so long as you force those engagements to be within 20.

BONUS TIP: Expect to hear your enemy rage more. Shotguns are the weapons that people aren't willing accept they got killed by. It's part of what makes getting a 3 hit kill with USAS at 30 feet away so enjoyable.

If this were black ops or MW2 i would suggest using a low recoil pistol as your secondary, but for some reason MW3's pistols take about twice as long to switch to than previous games (.55 seconds instead of .25 seconds) and the FMG and skorpion both take only slightly longer (.66 seconds) to pull out, not to mention the pistols in this game all have too much recoil. If they fist those weapon switching stats then this will become important but otherwise just use the skorpion or G11 for a quick switch.
I know that everyone in here is in love with the mp7, but all the smgs deserve some love in this game. For now my favorite setup is a P90 with silencer and rapid fire. HOLY CRAP this gun just tears through guys with this setup. Up close it seems to kill as fast if not faster than a shotgun, it outclasses most guns at mid range too due to the high rate of fire, and it's no slouch when it comes to longe range either.

Here's my setup:

Steady Aim

With steady aim you can hip fire at guys from a good 50 feet away and get the kill no problem, and I can't tell you guys how many times I've gotten doubles and triples just by running up to a flag that was being capped by the enemy only to circle strafe them while hipfiring. SO GOOD

Yep, thats my main loadout. Fantastic for rushing. I average at least 3:1 in TDM. I usually run the same kit for other game types, especially demo/HQ assassin makes all the difference.

I use the same loadout with hardline if I'm on a cold streak, it really helps me get back in the rhythm, or maybe it's a mental thing, I don't know. If you are ever doing less than you feel you should give that a crack, it usually helps me.

I could probably be doing better but I usually use UAV/Pred/AH6 because I usually try and go for the flank and enemy position is more important than a few extra chopper kills to me. I should probably try and break away from UAV reliance but currently it's working pretty well for me.


FMG9 Akimbo is fucking crazy. I should start using them before they patch the game. I was watching some videos of people using them and the range is insane. It seems like you just have to put in the general area of where the enemy is and you kill them.
1)Try and get the extended mags and range proficiency as quickly as possible and use those.

2)The model 1887 will work best with steady aim, same with the spas-12 (stay away from the ksg-12)

3) The USAS is an underated gun. It has ridiculous range when you get the range and mags (test it out with buddy in private match if you don't believe me), it has a quick reload, and the firing rate is just high enough that you can easily take out multiple enemies when you are 20-30 feet behind them (something that is not as easy with most of the other shotguns)

4) the striker is the easiest to use, with the most damage per second at around 10-20 feet, but it you'll constantly find you will need to find a corner to spend a long ass time reloading even with sleight of hand.

5) When using steady aim don't aim down the sights or at least minimize how much you do it.

6) FLANK I cannot emphasize this enough. The point of shotguns is to be the guy who takes the most out of the way route so that you can get behind the enemy and take out2-4 guys before they can react. If you are running in the middle of where the action is when using shotgun you are doing it wrong.

7) use cover more. That includes hugging the walls when moving around the stage. This is how you make nearly all your non-flank engagements close range even on a stage like Interchange or Fallen. Unless the opponent is using a type 95 or FMG akimbo, they won't be able to beat a shotgun so long as you force those engagements to be within 20.

BONUS TIP: Expect to hear your enemy rage more. Shotguns are the weapons that people aren't willing accept they got killed by. It's part of what makes getting a 3 hit kill with USAS at 30 feet away so enjoyable.

If this were black ops or MW2 i would suggest using a low recoil pistol as your secondary, but for some reason MW3's pistols take about twice as long to switch to than previous games (.55 seconds instead of .25 seconds) and the FMG and skorpion both take only slightly longer (.66 seconds) to pull out, not to mention the pistols in this game all have too much recoil. If they fist those weapon switching stats then this will become important but otherwise just use the skorpion or G11 for a quick switch.

Oh man I hear you about the rage part, it's hilarious too, 3 out of 5 kills people were screaming lol. It's a lot of fun, and I'm definitely getting what I wanted out of it, after 2+ days into it I just wanted to try to mix it up a bit so things don't start to feel stale (not that they are yet, it's just a precautionary measure)

I will say I won't rage a shotgun death unless it's someone camping with their sights trained on a doorway ever again.
I think the sound design is worse and less clear than MW2 was - in MW2, you could hear people sneaking up on you even if there were 3 Harriers up causing havoc and blaring noise. In Black Ops and MW3, not so much. With that said, playing with headphones do help in a huge way, at least for me. I can hear people moving around, and where their noise is coming from, as long as the match isn't too noisy. The big problem is that they threw in a lot of stupid noise, the dumbest being the tarps that sound exactly like footsteps.

Reminds me of how Black Ops had some dumb sounds tossed in there for no reason. The worst was the randomly beeping area in Hanoi. Why is there beeping?!

Apparently you can destroy your own Trophy System for SitRep Pro.

Didn't play much MW2 but the sound was great in COD4/W&W/BO for locating people, just not the case for MW3 at all. Now I'm on a 5.1 surround setup not headphones if that makes a diff
Didn't play much MW2 but the sound was great in COD4/W&W/BO for locating people, just not the case for MW3 at all. Now I'm on a 5.1 surround setup not headphones if that makes a diff

I've found that when I wear my headphones my play improves dramatically. While I agree that the MW3 development mantra of "Busier, make everything busier!" is true for sound as well as graphics you can still hear footsteps fairly well.


What are the requirements for it? I don't think I got it in MW2.

I did get the cat thing in MW3 for headshotting two people with one bullet. No idea how that happened.

Requirements are the same as it was in MW2, get 10 kills without any killstreaks equipped, so you have to turn off any killstreaks (on the class you will be using, not on all classes) and get 10 kills without dying.
I've found that when I wear my headphones my play improves dramatically. While I agree that the MW3 development mantra of "Busier, make everything busier!" is true for sound as well as graphics you can still hear footsteps fairly well.

I think you are right as far as how "busy" everything is, its just that in the other iterations I was always able to hear footsteps now it just seems like I hear everything except footsteps.

Screw all the tarps and chain link fences!!!


I think you are right as far as how "busy" everything is, its just that in the other iterations I was always able to hear footsteps now it just seems like I hear everything except footsteps.

Screw all the tarps and chain link fences!!!

LMAO. The first time I encountered the tarp sound I was spinning in circles for a while trying to figure out what was going on
For those of us who played black ops extensively, not hearing footsteps too clearly is something we're used to. I played MW2 for about a month before 3 hit just to get back to that quick kill time and the first thing that strikes is how loud the footsteps are, you could really soundwhore your arse off in that game. It made Ninja pro a virtual lock in quieter game modes, which to me this is everything bar groundwar.

Infact I like how they 'nerfed' both ninja pro and SoH pro, which were the overwhelming dominant perks in mw2 along with SP. Unless you were UMP running with marathon that is :)

Also I agree about Marksman - great new perk.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Man prestiging in this game is so painless when you have 5 prestige tokens. I unlocked the G36c, Bouncing Betties, Scavenger, Assassin, and Dead Silence.


So anyone on here play Survival? Got hooked on it trying to unlock the G36. I was actually able to survive to wave 30 on underground. Are the guns all the same power on Survival or are some more powerful than others?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Had probably my worst series of matches yet last night. I think I went positive once, but kept playing because I was convinced I might find a decent lobby. It really sucks how sometimes in this game you feel like you have zero control over 1-on-1 encounters. Even with Quickdraw and Stalker, it doesn't matter because the other guy kills me before I can even pull the trigger. I have never used lag as a crutch to explain why I suck at a game – I can totally admit that I'm far from a pro at CoD – but I'd really like to know what my stats would be like if this game played more like MW2, netcode-wise.
I know that everyone in here is in love with the mp7, but all the smgs deserve some love in this game.

Yeah, you can do well with pretty much every single SMG. The silenced PP90 is my choice when I want to go in a stealth mode, PM-9 and MP7 are great in smaller maps and UMP45 is still a beast (prefer it with rapid fire) even though I was slightly underwhelmed with it at first. Been doing really well lately with this run & gun combo:

UMP45 with rapid fire and kick
Sleight of hand
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