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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


So, my clan needs 13 XP to get to level 10.

How in the FUCK? Each person that joined coughed up 500 XP. Did they purposely add a random 13 points to screw with people? I hope they get clan challenges up soon. I want my damn clan tag.


Only played 3 matches today, then just cut off my Xbox. Just couldn't even put up with it. It's not even about the bullshit people cry about. There was just no incentive at all to play the game for some reason. I think I have hit the wall; the burnt out wall.


Yea who runs the Neogaf 360 clan? I've messaged multiple people in the clan..

I've got Elite Founders status, so I bring the bonus points.


I started to play the SP the other day and thought nah i'll finish MW2 first... Loaded that up and I had beaten Burger World and that's it. LOL still have Black Ops to play as well. MP is to addicting I forget it has a story mode..
registered my elite/founder code, played a few games today...haven't been able to pry myself away from Skyrim other then to beat the campaign
No recoil glitch :|

It's a pretty new discovery, but IW knows about it and will hopefully be taking care of it soon. Robert Bowling mentioned on Twitter that weapon balancing can be done via hotfixes (not title updates), but I don't know about a glitch like this.

He also said that a fix for the clan tag exploit is upcoming, as well as one for lag compensation. The fact that he actually refers to it as lag compensation and not just plain old lag (which could mean anything) has me hopeful that something might actually get done.

Lag compensation = anti lag that was introduced in cod4.


So, my clan needs 13 XP to get to level 10.

How in the FUCK? Each person that joined coughed up 500 XP. Did they purposely add a random 13 points to screw with people? I hope they get clan challenges up soon. I want my damn clan tag.

Yeah the PS3 gaf clan has that same problem. It would help though if people who said they wanted to be in actually took the time to accept the invites! :p

Asked earlier in this thread if there was still an open spot for the 360 Clan..If there is


Yea who runs the Neogaf 360 clan? I've messaged multiple people in the clan..

I've got Elite Founders status, so I bring the bonus points.


Both of you go here: GAF MW3 Community/Clan Thread

The Xtortionist is the one sending the invites.

I now have the otherworldly power to grant all members of the 360 clan 2 hours of double XP. Please message me if you want join. I can't promise that you'll get the XP bonus if you join after it's activated. I'll give non-members a day or two to join up before I click that beautiful link.

edit - If we get another founder to join, we'll hit level 20 and I'll gain the arcane ability to shower all members with an additional 4 hours of double XP.



I now have the otherworldly power to grant all members of the 360 clan 2 hours of double XP. Please message me if you want join. I can't promise that you'll get the XP bonus if you join after it's activated. I'll give non-members a day or two to join up before I click that beautiful link.

edit - If we get another founder to join, we'll hit level 20 and I'll gain the arcane ability to shower all members with an additional 4 hours of double XP.

I want in, send me a clan invite please! My GT is the same as my gaf username: Xamdou.
Oh man. I've never really used anything Akimbo before, just tried it a few times maybe in MW2 I think and didnt care for it. I've always been almost strictly a AR kinda guy. So I was bored this morning when I got home from work and decided to give it a try since I've been reading a lot of people talking about them. Not even sure what I used to be honest, I believe its the 3rd machine pistol on the list but WOW. Yeah these do need nerfed. I was running around just tearing shit up in HC Kill Confirmed and it honestly felt like I was cheating. I even got accused of hacking, hahah! People called me every name in the book, they were raging, quitting, etc. The little bit ya hear on the chat when you kill someone was epic. It honestly felt...kinda dirty....but it felt...so riiiiiight, muahahahah!
It's not a problem anywhere and no one has seen a quickscoper go positive, let alone dominate. I mean, some people seem to think that just because that video that keeps getting posted where a guy gets like 10 quickscopes in 20 seconds exists at all, that somehow sullies the gameplay experience even if they still haven't seen a situation anywhere near that video in 50 hours of gameplay.

I hear about issues like the speed/slow hacking. I play quite often (maybe even too much)
and I never even ran across it once. Same with quickscoping. Maybe it's the modes I play, maybe it's my style. Maybe since I play HC almost exclusively and theres not as much kill cam stuff maybe it is there when I play but I just dont even notice it but quickscoping would be wayyyy down the list of things I rage about.

I think my top rage right now is lag issues, followed by the god damn noobtubing that seems to just get worse. That stupid ass X-25 or whatever it's called. Once you start hearing that in a match it never stops

While it doesnt do much damage unless it's damn near dead on, once you have 3 people firing these things down corridors at the same time its beyond annoying.

I never tube. It just feels cheap as fuck. I finally got fed up with getting tubed this morning (before the Akimbo experiment) and started using them myself...and subsequently started hearing people scream about it. Still hated it. It just wasnt fun.
I think we all should unlock hamr scopes on our submachine guns and use overkill with M60s. ;)

Oh man. I've never really used anything Akimbo before, just tried it a few times maybe in MW2 I think and didnt care for it. I've always been almost strictly a AR kinda guy. So I was bored this morning when I got home from work and decided to give it a try since I've been reading a lot of people talking about them. Not even sure what I used to be honest, I believe its the 3rd machine pistol on the list but WOW. Yeah these do need nerfed. I was running around just tearing shit up in HC Kill Confirmed and it honestly felt like I was cheating. I even got accused of hacking, hahah! People called me every name in the book, they were raging, quitting, etc. The little bit ya hear on the chat when you kill someone was epic. It honestly felt...kinda dirty....but it felt...so riiiiiight, muahahahah!

Lol, nice. Same thing happened to me except I was using a heartbeat sensor on search and destroy. Lol.
Ran into a "speed" lobby tonight playing HC KC. Sorry if I missed it in an earlier post, but has IW said anything about stomping on the heads of the fools behind it, or at least making it impossible via patching/game updates?


What exactly has been changed with the stealth bomber that makes it SO MUCH MORE effective than in MW2?
It's commodity. And the much more laid back method of obtaining it. Map design and how common UAVs and AUAVs are along with the fact you can choose to use those killstreaks before the bomber.
Another cool thing happened today, My XBL name is
HELLBOUND 216. So I join this lobby and it throws me right into a game and I spawn right behind this teammate and his name was
all caps and everything, it really made me do a double take and laugh.


It's commodity. And the much more laid back method of obtaining it. Map design and how common UAVs and AUAVs are along with the fact you can choose to use those killstreaks before the bomber.
Also, in MW2 you could pick between the SB or a PaveLow at 9 kills. Basically people could choose between getting probably 0-2 kills or getting 5-20 kills.

Lol, nice. Same thing happened to me except I was using a heartbeat sensor on search and destroy. Lol.
They're right about that one though. Heartbeats and portable radars shouldn't be allowed in S&D. They kinda take the "search" out of the equation.



I now have the otherworldly power to grant all members of the 360 clan 2 hours of double XP. Please message me if you want join. I can't promise that you'll get the XP bonus if you join after it's activated. I'll give non-members a day or two to join up before I click that beautiful link.

edit - If we get another founder to join, we'll hit level 20 and I'll gain the arcane ability to shower all members with an additional 4 hours of double XP.

Im a founder. Gt is "silenttardis" sedn inv plz. Wouldve pmd ya but im on phone and the pm box wont load properly


I got the final kill in a SnD match (round score was 3-3 at the time) after getting shot and going into final stand. It was 1 on 1 as well. I felt kind of dirty and the guy I killed was yelling at me for a while.


Wow I never seen that other thread, duh!

Also thanks for the invite Xtortionist and sorry I just emailed you on XBL asking for invite! I saw you added me to friends list but didn't know you had to go to invites on the computer version of Elite.... I added my 500 founder points and we hit level 20. Also looks like we have 6 hours of double XP waiting now. :)

Fun sighting of the day was: played against an entire clan team using rapid fire controller striker shotguns / akimbo FMGs on capture the flag. They got one flag and then just attacked spawns. That was nuts my entire team just shut down and had no idea what to do. Same thing every round... lol
Wow I never seen that other thread, duh!

I messaged you on XBL Xtortionist. I have founder status for the clan as well.

Fun sighting of the day was: played against an entire clan team using rapid fire controller striker shotguns / akimbo FMGs on capture the flag. They got one flag and then just attacked spawns. That was nuts my entire team just shut down and had no idea what to do. Same thing every round... lol

I think I already sent you an invite.
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