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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


I have still only been killed 3-4 times total by quickscopers in my almost 1 day of playtime. Maybe I'm playing at the wrong time of the day? Are quickscopers the daytime television of Call of Duty?

Play with me and you'll see them every match. I'm a quickscope magnet. It also might have something to do with 'true skill' matchmaking. Maybe you're getting people who just aren't experienced enough to attempt it.

Quickscoping doesn't bother me though. If you ever look at their stats you'll see that they're always negative as shit.
I have still only been killed 3-4 times total by quickscopers in my almost 1 day of playtime. Maybe I'm playing at the wrong time of the day? Are quickscopers the daytime television of Call of Duty?

Funny you should mention that - the akimbo FMG9ers and quickscopers come out of the woodwork at almost exactly 12PM CST for me and my buddies. It's one of the signals that we need to get our asses off of MW3.


I really hate my internet with a passion now, always a 3 bar connection vs. 4 bar connections and I barely stand a chance in most confrontations.


With that surely I'd get a 4 bar connection sometimes?!
Play with me and you'll see them every match. I'm a quickscope magnet. It also might have something to do with 'true skill' matchmaking. Maybe you're getting people who just aren't experienced enough to attempt it.

Quickscoping doesn't bother me though. If you ever look at their stats you'll see that they're always negative as shit.
whether or not you see quickscoping in a match largely depends on the game mode you play. I rarely see it in team death match, but in groundwar you'll see it every match. Also, there is no true skill matchmaking in CoD.
Where are people finding all these sniper lobbies? No offense guys, but if you're getting wrecked when going up against snipers when you're using an auto weapon, then you're probably just not good at the game.

I see them a lot, im level 53 but pretty good at the game, so most of the matches I join nearly all the players are 1st, 2nd prestige.

I have matches where the entire enemy team are just using snipers


:lol at the quickscope hate. The salt is excellent. Someone said the game wasn't meant this way or something, yet quickscoping has been apart of Call of Duty sense the very beginning. Even before Call of Duty and even Infinity Ward there was "quickscoping". Maybe I don't get bother by it because I played shooters on PC way before I got into console shooters. On PC sniping has always been this way. Not for the same reasons of "fun" and "showing off" or "looking cool". It was just the best and most effective way to use a sniper in the majority of games that included them.

Fun fact: Call of Duty 2 tournaments back in the day only allowed one scoped rifle because of how strong they were in the game.


I did that on MW2. Shit is fucking impossible in this game though. I got it on MW2 by basically creeping around the map playing like I would die in real life. Being sneaky with a LMG is very hard. It's the only way to complete the challenge though. Also I did it with the RPD, which was the most manageable LMG to use.
That is amazing! :) I never even tried seriously on this challenge because i knew it is pretty much impossible for me hehe.

It works for pretty much everything except bullets from killstreaks. It's pretty awesome.

Trophy System Tips

Here is my updated Mt. Dew Tradelist:

Trade with me! :D
Great, thanks for that Trophy System video! :) I didnt know that it protected against killstreaks as well. I usually try to take down air support, so having trophy system as well can be quite useful then (except against helicopters and stealth bombers of course).
:lol at the quickscope hate. The salt is excellent. Someone said the game wasn't meant this way or something, yet quickscoping has been apart of Call of Duty sense the very beginning. Even before Call of Duty and even Infinity Ward there was "quickscoping". Maybe I don't get bother by it because I played shooters on PC way before I got into console shooters. On PC sniping has always been this way. Not for the same reasons of "fun" and "showing off" or "looking cool". It was just the best and most effective way to use a sniper in the majority of games that included them.

Fun fact: Call of Duty 2 tournaments back in the day only allowed one scoped rifle because of how strong they were in the game.

But I think that's the point. It SHOULDN'T be the most effective way to use a sniper rifle. It doesn't bug me much. I enjoy final kill cams that show someone missing like 5 shots before hitting their target while QSing, but not everyone is that bad at it.


But I think that's the point. It SHOULDN'T be the most effective way to use a sniper rifle. It doesn't bug me much. I enjoy final kill cams that show someone missing like 5 shots before hitting their target while QSing, but not everyone is that bad at it.
By quickscoping I actually don't mean what the majority on Xbox Live do. The majority do some hybrid "wish me luck" half scope that DOES use auto aim. Quickscoping in most games is used to scope in, kill a target, unscope and be aware of your surrounds. That was the basic use of quickscoping to maintain awareness of your surrounds. In some games the quickscope mechanic was combined with weapon switch to cancel certain animations so you could scope again "quickly". etc. To be honest there is no way to implement a sniper in a game and make it 100% balanced. There are just too many variables and someone is ALWAYS going to complain no matter what.


Quick scoping doesnt bother me much, it's the shotgun guys who piss me off. Runnin around with auto shoties and the range wpn perk, ugh


I personally hate people who use assault rifles. They're just too good at all ranges. Everyone should be forced to use SMGs


I personally hate being knifed, more than anything in the game. Melee should be hitting them with the gun twice to kill. Fuck that panic insta-kill knife shit. They could leave the knife in the game as well, just make it equipment that you have to switch to.
I personally hate people who use assault rifles. They're just too good at all ranges. Everyone should be forced to use SMGs

It's the versatility that makes assault rifles the most used guns, not just in MW3, but in any military shooter out now for consoles.

I personally hate being knifed, more than anything in the game. Melee should be hitting them with the gun twice to kill. Fuck that panic insta-kill knife shit. They could leave the knife in the game as well, just make it equipment that you have to switch to.
Insta-melee's need to go now. People should only be able to one hit kill someone with their knife from the back


I personally hate those assholes that shoot me with guns. The game should not be so imbalanced that I can get shot by guns and die. Guns are way too overpowered and Infinity Ward needs to fix that shit.


I personally hate people who use assault rifles. They're just too good at all ranges. Everyone should be forced to use SMGs

I shit on people nonstop with smgs man. If they're using AR's it's their loss. Especially in Bootleg and Dome.


Has there been any updates regarding the lag compensation patch?

I feel I am getting punished a lot for my good connection. 10 ping, 58 mbps down, 8 mbps up.


Gold Member
Ground War is such a cluster fuck of quickscopers. Why do they even play domination games if they are only going to stand in a corner, or jump of a building spinning like fairies?
I don't even.

Would love a HC playlist with increased max players.


By quickscoping I actually don't mean what the majority on Xbox Live do. The majority do some hybrid "wish me luck" half scope that DOES use auto aim. Quickscoping in most games is used to scope in, kill a target, unscope and be aware of your surrounds. That was the basic use of quickscoping to maintain awareness of your surrounds. In some games the quickscope mechanic was combined with weapon switch to cancel certain animations so you could scope again "quickly". etc. To be honest there is no way to implement a sniper in a game and make it 100% balanced. There are just too many variables and someone is ALWAYS going to complain no matter what.

I was watching that one GAFfer who posted his attempt at quick scoping on here. It was funny because (I didn't do actual testing, but just something that appeared to be the case)- he appeared to be much more likely to get the one hit kill if he didn't actually zoom in enough to see his sights (or not enough to aim anyway). He zooms in and can't see- bam 50% kill rate. He zooms in and actually is able to see down his sights- 33% kill rate. That's what it appeared like anyway.

Nobody has problems with people who can zoom in, actually aim, and shoot. People have a problem with others getting kills disproportionate to how much they "deserve" them. Snipers shouldn't kill at a 50% rate up-close if the other person is essentially hip-firing one shot.


I was watching that one GAFfer who posted his attempt at quick scoping on here. It was funny because (I didn't do actual testing, but just something that appeared to be the case)- he appeared to be much more likely to get the one hit kill if he didn't actually zoom in enough to see his sights (or not enough to aim anyway). He zooms in and can't see- bam 50% kill rate. He zooms in and actually is able to see down his sights- 33% kill rate. That's what it appeared like anyway.

Nobody has problems with people who can zoom in, actually aim, and shoot. People have a problem with others getting kills disproportionate to how much they "deserve" them. Snipers shouldn't kill at a 50% rate up-close if the other person is essentially hip-firing one shot.
Of course, like I mentioned the majority of the hate is for the half scope which abuses the auto aim. Half scoping is what it's called when the scopes comes up only to the point just before you actually look through it. Though if I'm running down a ally with a sniper see an enemy stop (or prone) scope in, aim at the target THROUGH the scope and fire with the result being a kill. That gets hate as well.

I understand the difference between the two, to many, is very small and seems like the same thing. It just isn't though.

Now that moves us on to the use of snipers in close range. Everyone will bring up the real life argument, but that argument is void, period. This isn't a simulation. On PC without auto aim if you were in the situation I said above, your chances of survival are far less than on console. There just isn't any argument that can get around that. However there are some that are just really fucking good with the sniper rifles that with that situation they have a chance against most of the other weapons. That goes for a lot games other than Call of Duty. Look at Counter Strike. CQC in CS with a sniper you are done unless you are one of the select few that can pull it off.

There is just no way to balance it. If you make it so the sniper rifles are use like they are in real life, they become useless in these arena style multiplayer shooters.

Sorry if I'm ranting or whatever. I have just been arguing this sense like 00-01. :lol
I'm on the 3rd prestige. Fuck my life.

PS, Max, your vids are sick. I'm like you, I enjoy using the type 95 but I feel bad about it so I force myself to try new shit.


So the PS3 GAF clan finally got their gold tags and we have 2 hours of double xp coming up.

Last call for anyone who wants to be in the clan!


Alligator F*ck House
I'm on the 3rd prestige. Fuck my life.

PS, Max, your vids are sick. I'm like you, I enjoy using the type 95 but I feel bad about it so I force myself to try new shit.

What's really werid, is I'm back to using my primary weapon from MW2. The Scar with Ext Mags...but with a silencer this time. So funny seeing red tiger on the gun, getting MW2 flashbacks haha.
I'm on the 3rd prestige. Fuck my life.

PS, Max, your vids are sick. I'm like you, I enjoy using the type 95 but I feel bad about it so I force myself to try new shit.

question, and not necessarily directed at you; is that all there is to people enjoying a weapon, it's effectiveness? I find the type 95 to be bland and boring, and enjoy using the other guns in the game far more than the type 95


I really hate my internet with a passion now, always a 3 bar connection vs. 4 bar connections and I barely stand a chance in most confrontations.


With that surely I'd get a 4 bar connection sometimes?!

looks passable to me, but ping bar indication in MW3 isn't accurate as the game has serious issues with lag and possible framerate issues. I'm still amazed how people are trying to play this game cause you cant even test your reflexes like you could in MW2 without 2 second lag.
looks passable to me, but ping bar indication in MW3 isn't accurate as the game has serious issues with lag and possible framerate issues.

if he's pinging 56ms to a server 50 miles away his connection isn't that good. He's either playing on wi-fi, or his broadband is running over some poor quality lines.

he should call his IP and complain.
I really hate my internet with a passion now, always a 3 bar connection vs. 4 bar connections and I barely stand a chance in most confrontations.


With that surely I'd get a 4 bar connection sometimes?!

I wish people would just stop looking at bars, and speed tests and just accept things as they are. Not as they wish they would be.

My internet is slower than yours, and I don't believe it is to blame for my performance in this game. I don't even think the bars matter all that much. Personally I've had 3 bars and thought it felt great. I've also had 4 bars and thought it felt laggy. There are many variables involved, but the speed of your internet is not one of them.
What's really werid, is I'm back to using my primary weapon from MW2. The Scar with Ext Mags...but with a silencer this time. So funny seeing red tiger on the gun, getting MW2 flashbacks haha.
considering the game is basically feels the same bar the maps it must be really nostalgic :p

question, and not necessarily directed at you; is that all there is to people enjoying a weapon, it's effectiveness? I find the type 95 to be bland and boring, and enjoy using the other guns in the game far more than the type 95
not really. My favourite guns in cod4, world at war, and mw2 were pretty damn unpopular. Besides the type 95 my second fave gun is the M14 and not a lot of people use that. I just enjoy the type 95 because I enjoy the m16 but the m16 is worthless in this game so it's the closest thing to that type of weapon.
Xtortionist I was able to join, ill bring my 500 xp to the table when I'm allowed to redeem codes again. In the meantime ill play on xbox whenever my friends on ps3 aren't on. Gt is in profile, add or message if you want to play sometime.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I personally hate being knifed, more than anything in the game. Melee should be hitting them with the gun twice to kill. Fuck that panic insta-kill knife shit. They could leave the knife in the game as well, just make it equipment that you have to switch to.
I hate it too, purely because it doesn't seem to fucking work when I try to do it. It must have something to do with how badly I'm lagging in some matches, because it seems like 75% of the time, I get the insta-kill/lunge animation, and it doesn't fucking kill the guy. I had three of those in one match alone last night. I wish I could train myself not to even bother using the knife when a guy pops out of nowhere, but it's instinctive at this point.
What's really werid, is I'm back to using my primary weapon from MW2. The Scar with Ext Mags...but with a silencer this time. So funny seeing red tiger on the gun, getting MW2 flashbacks haha.

I don't know if it's my connection or whatever, but I don't have much luck with the lower-fire rate ARs like the SCAR and ACR. I always end up coming back to the M4, G36C and Type 95. Same with the SMGs...UMP45 does nothing for me.


Gold Member
Finally got my Elite working on the web. Had to recreate the account from scratch and relink accounts, the one I made during the launch disaster was totally borked.

Joined the clan, brought clan 500xp founder bonus


What's really werid, is I'm back to using my primary weapon from MW2. The Scar with Ext Mags...but with a silencer this time. So funny seeing red tiger on the gun, getting MW2 flashbacks haha.

Ooh! If you're taking requests, do a video on the FAD. I want to like that gun so much solely because of the way it sounds, plus it kinda reminds me of the Aliens pulse rifle.
Just played a match of kill confirmed. Teammates all lagged out, but left my brother and I, alone, against 6 others for an entire fucking match. No one joined us. What. The hell. This game sometimes. I just don't know.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Didn't know that when there's 3 active UAV on your team, it turns into a Advance UAV.

I do like this feature, because I find the Advanced UAV to be kind of useless as a pointstreak reward otherwise. It's not worth having to get 12 kills/points, and then another 12 to get a second, considering it's not real-time like the SR-71, it's still useless against Assassin users, and it's even more visible and easier to shoot down than a regular UAV.

Nelo Ice

I have Skyrim,Saints Row The Third, Batman AC and a ton of other games yet MW3 is my most played game on steam. Damn u COD! lol.
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