I was watching that one GAFfer who posted his attempt at quick scoping on here. It was funny because (I didn't do actual testing, but just something that appeared to be the case)- he appeared to be much more likely to get the one hit kill if he didn't actually zoom in enough to see his sights (or not enough to aim anyway). He zooms in and can't see- bam 50% kill rate. He zooms in and actually is able to see down his sights- 33% kill rate. That's what it appeared like anyway.
Nobody has problems with people who can zoom in, actually aim, and shoot. People have a problem with others getting kills disproportionate to how much they "deserve" them. Snipers shouldn't kill at a 50% rate up-close if the other person is essentially hip-firing one shot.
Of course, like I mentioned the majority of the hate is for the half scope which abuses the auto aim. Half scoping is what it's called when the scopes comes up only to the point just before you actually look through it. Though if I'm running down a ally with a sniper see an enemy stop (or prone) scope in, aim at the target THROUGH the scope and fire with the result being a kill. That gets hate as well.
I understand the difference between the two, to many, is very small and seems like the same thing. It just isn't though.
Now that moves us on to the use of snipers in close range. Everyone will bring up the real life argument, but that argument is void, period. This isn't a simulation. On PC without auto aim if you were in the situation I said above, your chances of survival are far less than on console. There just isn't any argument that can get around that. However there are some that are just really fucking good with the sniper rifles that with that situation they have a chance against most of the other weapons. That goes for a lot games other than Call of Duty. Look at Counter Strike. CQC in CS with a sniper you are done unless you are one of the select few that can pull it off.
There is just no way to balance it. If you make it so the sniper rifles are use like they are in real life, they become useless in these arena style multiplayer shooters.
Sorry if I'm ranting or whatever. I have just been arguing this sense like 00-01. :lol