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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.

Man, I'm thinking of coming back to this game after selling it last week. I tried to play other games but after an hour or two, I tend to just turn off the console. lol

I'd like to gold all ARs and posibly SMGs too and stay in that prestige level. Prestige 3 looks the best looking emblem IMO. Decisions.. decisions..

I've made up my mind to stop at prestige 5 for now. The emblem is pretty cool, too. The fourth prestige is an eye sore. I've pretty much am blazing through so that I can get that ugly purple off my screen.


I've made up my mind to stop at prestige 5 for now. The emblem is pretty cool, too. The fourth prestige is an eye sore. I've pretty much am blazing through so that I can get that ugly purple off my screen.
I'm thinking about stopping at 5th as well. It reminds me of Staryu (Pokemon).

Nori Chan

This game makes me very angry

like hulk smash angry

How's the XM25 work for you with Recon? Was stalking your classes on Elite : p

I don't know you anymore


I remember back in BlOps I played against TheMarkOfJ and got completely ran through. :D Anyone ever get to play with or against some of the more "known" "Youtube herpnderp cool kid" "MLGpro" COD players?
I played against Tejb in CoD4 last year. He was quickscoping, wasn't doing very well and rage quit.

I've also ran into DnB Oos and his crew several times in MW2. The most fun time was when I was alone with 5 terrible randoms and the DnB crew tried to bribe me to leave the game so they could stomp the randoms (they offered to get me hacks like secondary camos). I said "no thanks, like your vids though!" and the jackass brat didn't even respond. :lol

I have played some MLG players on both ps3 and 360, if they really are players of MLG I have no clue. But I didn't seem to due to bad against any of them.
Having MLG in their name or avatar is a great indicator that they're not MLG players.


This game makes me very angry

like hulk smash angry


I don't know you anymore
At least it has no akimbo on it! Although, single MP9 is better than single FMG imo especially if you're actually going to use it in panic/outofammo/needtoreload situations.
Just tried Recon, ... what in the fuck?! This is like cheating and I don't even have the Pro version yet. I'm thinking about making this my first perk for a lot of my classes. Even used it with the XM25 like mention above. It makes the thing ten times better sense it's a hit marker machine.

Useless in Hardcore mode, but damn if you all weren't lying about this being a high tier perk.

what does recon/recon pro do?

how is it worthy?


what does recon/recon pro do?

how is it worthy?

Recon lights people up on the mini map for 12s when they are hit with explosive damage (launchers, stun grenades, frag/semtex). On small maps, a well thrown stun at the beginning of the game can light up nearly the entire team :lol

Recon pro lights people up on the minimap for 12s when they are hit with bullets. It's great if you like pinging guys through walls or don't have super aim and leave guys alive a lot.

edit: by light up, I mean their arrow shows up on the map and it shows their direction as well as a constant update of where they are (similar to BO blackbird)

The most fun I've had with recon pro is with L86+impact+silencer / XM25, ReconPro, 2 stuns. So many "hackeresque" kills through walls :lol
don't get me wrong, it's not a bad perk(silencer seems like a good idea.) but you guys would put it over blind eye and sleight of hand as best perk 1?

i love blind eye, i can literally sit in the middle of the map with a strafe run storming through and i'm still fine.

sleight of hands does everything faster, i shoot down a uav and counter uav in less than 7 seconds. with hardline pro, i basically gets predator missiles every freaking 2 kills.

Blind Eye doesn't do much. Just use Stingers to shoot shit down. Most times I never even see the enemy team get an offensive killstreak that's relevant, and that's assuming it survives for more than 10 seconds.

Extreme Conditioning isn't great outside of Search. The maps are small enough and movement speed is high enough that you shouldn't need to sacrifice a perk to move more quickly. Maybe on a sniper class since the other Perk 1s won't provide much benefit. Even on a rushing class, I think you'll get more value out of Sleight of Hand, or even Recon if campers are getting you down.

Scavenger is meh. If you're super-confident, very highly skilled, and absolutely have to use a certain gun, go for it, but the fact that it doesn't replenish shit besides ammo really really brings it down. I was all over this perk pre-release, but now...

Sleight of Hand is great and absolutely worth using.

My 100% correct perk 1 rankings
1. Tie: Recon/Sleight of Hand
2. Scavenger
3. Extreme Conditioning (#1 in Search along with Recon)
4. Blind Eye

I don't know you anymore

I'd prefer to have an actual secondary when rushing. Though I've only used that class like once this prestige : /. I know that seems inconsistent with my last class, but it's 100% for Dom, purely for capping points.

Also surprised you didn't comment on my strike package in the first three classes. It looks pretty modest but good god does it help the team win.

edit: by light up, I mean their arrow shows up on the map and it shows their direction as well as a constant update of where they are (similar to BO blackbird)

It's ok man, Recon is a very difficult perk to explain. IW fucked up on the description.


I don't know you anymore


Maybe on a sniper class since the other Perk 1s won't provide much benefit.
Sleight of Hand Pro for instant weapon switches when some dude suddenly shows up in your face with a Striker.

Blind Eye Pro should, btw, have the added bonuses of not being taggable by Recon Drones and maybe it should even provide protection from Recon. Then it'd be a much more competetive perk.


I'd prefer to have an actual secondary when rushing. Though I've only used that class like once this prestige : /. I know that seems inconsistent with my last class, but it's 100% for Dom, purely for capping points.
Try the MP9. I think it's the best machine pistol outside of akimbo BS and it doesn't suffer from the first-time draw penalty which makes it a better secondary for fast pace modes like dom where you can forget to switch to your secondary at the start of every life. I can't count the number of times I've tried to switch to a single FMG to finish an easy kill only to be completely burned :(
Try the MP9. I think it's the best machine pistol outside of akimbo BS and it doesn't suffer from the first-time draw penalty which makes it a better secondary for fast pace modes like dom where you can forget to switch to your secondary at the start of every life. I can't count the number of times I've tried to switch to a single FMG to finish an easy kill only to be completely burned :(

I switch to the FMG9 when I spawn to prevent that. MP9 is good though.

And I meant the last class with Blind Eye and the Trophy System was for Dom.

Sleight of Hand Pro for instant weapon switches when some dude suddenly shows up in your face with a Striker.

OK, you got me.

Side note - I'm tempted to go into Search with Recon, Portable Radar, HBS, and the XM25. I want to make some motherfuckers rage.


Recon in Search just seems wrong. :lol I mean is straight up "searchers" out the enemy.

By the way, just know I'm elite creepin' now. Had no idea you could view every ones classes. Ha!

EDIT: Wow! Reading the comments is fucking amazing. "4.2k/d or higher to join" and the dude trying to get people to join his clan haha
lol, my clip finally uploaded to youtube


Watch me get a quad in Kill Confirmed. Special thanks to Timtegra for drawing their fire with his riot shield. Also, Strider makes a surprise cameo in the killfeed.

Nice, I got one tonight on Mission by the truck, four dudes, all fell victim to my P90 hip fired, felt so good. I REALLY wish I had theater mode on :/ I think I'll enable it again, the lag has been non existent for me the last ~week


I know a lot of people give shit to the COD community and how they're all 12 year old kids shouting profanities over mic but I party up with randoms that talk in lobbies about 3-4 times a week and I've encountered a lot of pretty cool dudes. Just finished a session where I was in a party of two and dropped into a lobby where everyone was being friendly/competitive. Playlist update got pushed out and made everyone back out after 2-3 matches so we all partied up. Good times


Why the shit does the game mix teams up after the previous game was an exciting and close game?!

Previous game - 200 to 195 in Dom. Next game. 200 to 87. Nobody left between games. The hell?


Can someone please post the patch notes from that link in here?
Can't view at work.

TU1: Enabled Theater, Vault, Private Match options, Elite and Facebook functionality for Launch Day.

TU2: Fix for YouTube video upload on SD TVs. Matchmaking Improvements.

TU3: Theater Improvements (Fix to FF and RW in Theater), LAG improvements, Improvements to Hot Fix system.

TU4: Change to address hitching and lag in gameplay.

TU5: Further improvements for hitching and addressing lag in gameplay.

Hot Fix Updates:

No Recoil glitch
Infinite Laptop killstreak glitch (Stealth Bomber Glitch)
Map Exploits (Getting into trucks, under maps) Fix
Prevent Slow-mo and Super Fast lobbies

Re-balancing and Updates currently in Development:

TU6: Additional improvements to address lag. Fix for Melee Jump. Clan Tag Validation (remove buttons from clan tags). Improve Host Migration logic. Prevent stat Loss.

Hot Fixes after TU6:
Weapon Rebalancing (Dual FMG-9, Type-95, CM-901 Attachments)
Hitmarker Sound on Ps3
Reticle fix for certain weapons.

Community feedback currently in discussion:

Updates to the Spawn system
Further “lag compensation” or “host advantage / disadvantage” updates plus ability for on-going hot fixes based on feedback.
Default :30 Round Start timer for System Link only, while looking into adjustable timer for System Link games for Competitive Play.
Options to allow System Link players to 'unlock all' for competitive play in System Link only.

-- Just a side note, TU6 isn't out yet but there was a playlist update this morning. I'm not sure if that was a hotfix for anything.


Has anybody noticed any effects of their lag fixes at all? I sure haven't.

Good thing that no recoil thing was fixed before it became a plague. If we could just get cures for the T95/FMG9 plagues now.
the dual FMG-9 and Type 95 balances are going to boil some peoples blood. Ill be good though... ACR is mostly what I use.

I use the ACR, too. While the Type 95 might be stronger, I find that the delay in squeezing off shots is sometimes enough to get me killed -- the triple burst kind of hurts my play style more than it helps.


Why the hell are they nerfing the Type 95? It's good but 3 round burst really limits what you're able to do with it.

God damnit.


Why the hell are they nerfing the Type 95? It's good but 3 round burst really limits what you're able to do with it.

God damnit.
Exactly how does it do limit you when it kills in the first burst 90% of the time, including hipfire at close range?


its the second most imba weapon ive used on CoD.

first was the akimbo 1887. i got alot of lulz while using that shotgun. people dropped in 1 shot at high range lol.


Someone else having CoD fatigue? I've put down tons of hours on MW1, WaW, MW2 and BLOPS. Yesterday I played MW3 again after not playing it for three weeks (Skyrim), and after the first match I was like "God dammit is this boring".
Yeah if you camp and don't die because you're sitting in a corner, your chances of being spawn camped go down dramatically.

I never said anything in my post about sitting in a corner. I love how running and gunning is the only acceptable play style for any online shooter. using tactics and moving at a slower pace isn't camping. I also love how people complain about the auto aim of quick scoping, but give a free pass to the auto aim associated with every gun in the game. you can snipe across the map with a sub machine gun, but it isn't "fair" for a slow rate of fire weapon to quick scope.

feel superior because you run up behind someone with a silenced sub machine gun and take them down. most tactics used, outside of straight cheating are fairly balanced in this game. if you want to cry about someone sitting in a corner, which I don't do- I move from cover to cover and watch my corners, doors, and hot spots, then change your play style or buy some tissues.

I get so sick of the camping complaint. I don't worry about them, because I know their spots and I take them out strategically.
I don't see anywhere in my post where I said to sit in a corner. but I guess run and gun is the only acceptable method of playing any online shooter. playing using tactics instead of running around hoping to catch someone off guard is cheap and requires no skill, right?
It is a tactic used by bad players. It's a legit way to play the game but that doesn't mean I can't talk shit about it.
Someone else having CoD fatigue? I've put down tons of hours on MW1, WaW, MW2 and BLOPS. Yesterday I played MW3 again after not playing it for three weeks (Skyrim), and after the first match I was like "God dammit is this boring".

I took like a 5 month break (at least) from extended play in Black Ops, man coming into MW3 felt so damn good.
PP90 >>> P90

And the mp7 obviously.

I'm just use to the p90 from my cod mw days. I know the other two can be better in certain situations, but the p90 is really adaptable, add in the fact I burst shoot with it and it's almost the perfect 'run and gun' gun...

The striker on mission and dome is still the best, though.
It is a tactic used by bad players. It's a legit way to play the game but that doesn't mean I can't talk shit about it.

that's what my superiority complex would tell me to say if my ego was being challenged too.

get over yourself. my stats back up my play style. just because it is different from what works for others doesn't amount to what type of skill you have. being outsmarted is not a skill. if people want to rush me while I tactically move around and I methodically pick them apart doesn't speak any less about my skill in online shooters. being competitive isn't just about the quickest reflexes, especially when reflexes are negated due to the inconsistencies of competitive play over an unreliable network structure.
Why the hell are they nerfing the Type 95? It's good but 3 round burst really limits what you're able to do with it.

God damnit.

I knew the nerf was coming, started training myself in advance to drop it and get better with other assault rifles. I was trying the FAD, but it's god awful. Trying the g36c now, but I think in the end I'll have to join the masses and be an acr tool.


I knew the nerf was coming, started training myself in advance to drop it and get better with other assault rifles. I was trying the FAD, but it's god awful. Trying the g36c now, but I think in the end I'll have to join the masses and be an acr tool.

The masses? Type 95 is the masses weapon of choice...
Someone else having CoD fatigue? I've put down tons of hours on MW1, WaW, MW2 and BLOPS. Yesterday I played MW3 again after not playing it for three weeks (Skyrim), and after the first match I was like "God dammit is this boring".

adding Kill Confirmed and Team Defender into my game type queue has staved off the fatigue for me. i also just moved back to playing core after playing hardcore almost exclusively since launch (and in BO as well) - it's definitely gotten the blood flowing again.
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