This lag compensation talk is absolute nonsense. I have 2 xboxes at my house: One is wired and the other is floors above the router on a wireless connection. Even though I get a 4 bar on both consoles, I get better speeds with my wired xbox which results in games that have noticeably less lag and better hit registration.
Having a good connection DOES NOT encumber you in this game.
This. I have tried playing this game in two different rooms as well. One room uses a direct connection to the main router (one that connects to the modem) with a 25 ft cable. The other is a room on the top floor of the house that uses a 50-75 ft wire to connect to a port that then goes through a 100 ft cable all the way to the main router. There is no lag compensation unless you get lucky enough to get host in which case that's just the usual case of host advantage given to a good connection with massive ping.
The only thing that makes me think there is some other factor is that there is a house in a much more rural area that for some reason has a better connection than you would expect usually, but I suspect it just has to do with the fact that I get host a lot more often there.
I'm not sure how to tell if you have host in this game, but I've definitely had games where I felt like I did.
The whole thing about lag compensation just got blown way out of proportion. It almost seems like someone made a snide remark somewhere along the lines of, "god the lag in this game is so bad, I bet it actually benefits you to have a bad connection", and then that sentiment snowballed across the internet until people started believing it was true.
Actually, there was lag compensation before. There was even a video where a guy proved it by increasing his ping 250 ms (probably by switching a 75 ft wire) and found he was doing a lot better. But that was fixed a while ago.
Fact is, most people don't even understand how lag compensation works. It doesn't slow down players with a faster connection. WHAT IT DOES DO is try to compensate for the lag of the player with the worse connection by predicting where he is on a map given how many milli-seconds behind his connection to the host is. If anything players should be begging Infinity Ward to improve their lag compensation system, because every time you get killed even though you thought you were safely behind a wall, that my friends is lag compensation failing you.
I can forgive getting killed if a had only been behind the wall for a fraction of a second. What I have a bigger problem with is when my shots aren't counted as having hit the opponent when this happens:
1) I fire a few bullets
2) I get hit while firing, causing recoil that is making me shoot above or to the side of the enemy
3) I get killed and don't even get a hitmarker
4) the killcam shows I was firing, which according to my perspective, was clearly on target and if I wasn't killed I would have gotten hitmarkers for those first few shots I fired.
The thing with MW3, though, is that "feeling like you're host" is a bad thing. When you get host in this game, it's like everyone is 2 full seconds ahead of you. You can never kill anyone you're not approaching from the back and everything instakills you.
Whenever I get host I find that the exact opposite is true. I end up having more time to be out in the open until that sniper will kill me and if I am using shotgun I find that I have an easier time getting kills.
It was definitely in Black Ops to some degree, but the real connection issue with black ops was that you could see in the kill-cams that the servers would simply ignore half of your shots (hence your gun firing slower and less consistently in the kill-cams), making low damage, high RoF guns useless. I never see this problem in MW3 unless there is a connection problem going on.
If theatre wasn't tied to online, then it wouldn't be quite so bad. Theatre in Halo doesn't affect the netcode at all, since it basically records the game status every frame locally.
Lets not kid ourselves here. Halo doesn't have as many lag complaints because:
1) Less people are playing Halo, which means a lower chance of complaints
2) Halo was never meant to be as seriously played these days. In halo you aren't supposed to care that there's a guy who grabbed the sword and is easily getting a sword spree because later you'll get your revenge with the rocket launcher.
3) Halo doesn't have as many people playing against each other per match
4) Guns aren't as accurate in halo. No pinpoint accurate ironsight.
5) Guns take a lot longer to kill, so no matter what you almost always get a chance to react. And for stuff that could have pissed people off (melee) they made it so that if it's close enough you will both die.