Tell me, have you ever used the PM63?
You think the idea of using an underused gun wasn't appealing to me, of course I tried out the PM63. Unfortunately, 30-20 damage and a 20 round clip is only usable in black ops if you are host, otherwise you find that half of your bullets will disappear thanks to netcode that is much worse than MW3 netcode (as shown in the kill-cams with the slower and less consistent rate of fire).
I mostly tried getting good kills with the Uzi, but for some reason Treyarch thought that a 30-20 SMG having 32 rounds would be overpowered unless it was combined with really bad sights and high recoil. The spectre was usable thanks to it's 30 round round clip, medium recoil, and good sights, but even that SMG couldn't do well against an AR because of the way the shitty netcode worked.
I've used every class in every game. SPAS, M60, L96 in Black Ops. Models, Barrett, and PKP in MW3. Even said so it my last post.
What you said in your last post was that you avoided the striker, type 95, and FMGs. My point was that you there are more than enough sections for taking a more long range role in almost all of the maps (exception being dome). The maps don't have to have as much wide open space as Hazard. The LMGs in MW3 are designed for overlooking a choke-point and the AR can somewhat do that role. Every single one of these maps (except dome) has blatant choke points that give longer range weapons an advantage.
I never got a chance to enjoy COD4 since I did not have a 360/PS3 at that time. But by your wonderful logic, you only use shotguns and LMGs, which means you know nothing about the ARs and SMGs, right?
Actually, I mostly use whatever I see no one else using. The PM9 has a better reload, has better range, and fires at a faster rate than the PP90M1. It makes the SMG BETTER at using hipfire than the PP90M1. But everyone ignores it because it's pretty much impossible to use in anything past its effective range.
The CM901 is a really high recoil gun that requires kick because unlike the LMGs you can't use crouch or prone to reduce the recoil significantly.
Ak47 is a lot like LMGs in the sense that most of the recoil is just a visual gunkick.
The G36 has really hard to use sights and the recoil is pretty high if you don't put kick on the gun.
But thing with ARs and SMGs is that there hundreds, if not thousands, of videos that show people how those guns are meant to be used, while the same quite true of LMGs and Shotguns. Those guns are all about twitch regardless of distance, where the ARs kill faster at medium-long range while the SMGs kill faster at short-medium range (short range when using a silencer). A shotgun style is about using the walls, corners, rooms, and cover to keep all your engagements within your shotgun's effective range. And as I said before, LMGs are about overlooking a choke point and being able to easily take out 5-6 guys in a row coming through a choke point without reloading. Snipers are the only class I'm not that apt on, mainly because I'm not a quickscoper and I don't like having to go even more defensive than I would with an LMG.
And in CoD4, I used pretty much everything. My favorite guns were the Mini-Uzi silenced, M14 w/Red Dot, RPD w/grip, and RPD w/ACOG. I found that in that game it was ridiculously easy to get headshot kills with a silenced M4 while the shotguns were not only at a disadvantage but a pain in the ass to complete the expert challenges for. The Skorpion was well balanced because while it had pretty much no recoil or sway and a high rate of fire it had only 20 rounds per mag and did 20 at all but really close range. In that game the only guns that were overpowered were the M16 and M40 w/ACOG.
The problem with black ops (and MW2) was the lack of sway. When you don't put sway on assault rifles, they become insanely overpowered. Black Ops made things even worse in that regard by making ARs and the 74u the only low recoil guns with decent damage.
MW3 solved that shit by putting sway on almost everything. It's not the perfect solution (and certain guns need some recoil added to them, such as the MP7 and silenced ARs), but it's still much better than the shit you had in Blops, because at the very least if you don't want to use an AR there are lots of options.
I don't like shotguns and I don't like LMGs. I've tried and they just aren't my cup of tea. I'm not going to stop using ARs just because people like you complain because people use a gun you don't like.
My complaint was more to do with the fact that out of the 5 (six if you count the riot shield), classes you could try, you mostly tried two and then asserted that because there is more cover to use the SMGs are at an unfair advantage (even though what is making the MP7 cheap is the fact that it is too good at long range) when the truth is that in Black Ops and MW2 the ARs were at an unfair advantage and you don't like that ARs aren't as easy to use as they were in those two games.
I don't like running slow, so I dislike LMGs. I don't like the play style of shotguns, so I don't usually use them. Not even when SPAS and Models were destructive in MW2. It has nothing to do with the fact that those two classes have been neglected in the last two Call of Duty games.
First off, if you couldn't do well with the spas in MW2, then you simply didn't know how to use shotguns. Second, the point of LMGs was always supposed to be that you move less and aim more, but that didn't work in MW2 and Black ops because ARs were better than LMGs at every range. At least in MW3 you can utilize stuff like rapid fire for mid-range superiority and go crouching or prone for long range superiority.