Xtortionist gave it over to me. What's your GT?
Can I join the clan? I don't really play much, but additional stuff is always welcome.
Xtortionist gave it over to me. What's your GT?
5 months of not playing can take a toll on ya. I'm having trouble readjusting to my TV's input lag.
Can I join the clan? I don't really play much, but additional stuff is always welcome.
Search and destroy is always fun. Pretty much the only thing I'll play now, haha.You disappoint me.
lol j/k
Shoutouts to Stranton to having the balls of getting 34 confirms in HC to get our clan in silver.
I've always been confused where to post Black Ops II stuff since there is no thread for it, but i wish they would give us a time for this reveal. It seems to be going very quiet for a multiplayer reveal.
I hope it's not like Black Ops where it's a Multiplayer Teaser Trailer and then it says Full Multiplayer Reveal on [insert early September date here] at the end.
Strider brought that up to me and it seems like thats what it actually is going to be, and not a reveal like the press thing Black ops had or Cod XP. I think that press thing will be in September like always.
If you think about, for campaign trailers, they always say it's the worldwide reveal of Black Ops II etc... , so by saying it's the worldwide reveal of multiplayer might just mean it's a teaser trailer.
lol, so many people call me that online.
But yeah, we only got bronze for that one.
Make sure to turn off Motionflow/Dynamic contrast/other features on your TV to eliminate lag
They gonna bring MP to gamescom for the public to get hands on with it. That is from 16-19 Aug. i believe. Surely we will get allot of footage and all the info we need just like Cod XP.
Me playing Demolition
Real k/d killer for me. Bet I'm lower than Noriega now : /
Even when we were winning it felt like a total clusterfuck. Props to the other Gaffers for holding it down.
I don't think there will be hands on multiplayer at gamescom. You must be thinking of the Gamestop Expo, which is taking place on August 29th in San Antonio, TX. It is practically like replacing COD XP, without all the other activites and the ceremony. It allows fans to play multiplayer against each other.
CODXP only told us everything because of the convention though, not the hands on multiplayer.
I really hope they have a convention that can be watched live, or at least is similar to black ops, where the media posts as it is happening live.
They allready said they are bringing the mp to gamescom.
And Vonderhaar mentioned a couple of times they will blow the lid of in 10 days.
i saw those last week lol
You mean like 4am, right?
Is it just me or does this game punish you for having decent internet? I have noticed when I host, the game lags really bad, but other times when I am not the host I do really well...
It's the essence of how bad the lag compensation system works in this game. If you have fast Internet and nothing running on the computer, your performance will be 50/50. If you have spotty Internet and stream Netflix in the background, you're going to whip everybody if you have average skill.
They allready said they are bringing the mp to gamescom.
And Vonderhaar mentioned a couple of times they will blow the lid of in 10 days.
I'm so hyped to see how big they've made the zombie mode considering what they've said about it.That's awesomeThats why i said i don't think theres multi there haha. I couldn't find anything about it. In the past gamescom has usually just been a repeat of E3, except for last year when spec ops survival was playable. So now we have this trailer tomorrow, gamescom, and the gamestop expo for multiplayer. Hopefully zombies shows up soon. Black ops had no zombies details whatsoever before release :/
I had my best game ever yesterday, going 30-3, Kill Confirmed on Lockdown!