Asus B650E-F and 7950x3D owner here. Have 64GB G-Skill DDR5 6000 C30 RAM. My CPU got fried within the first few weeks back in March of last year right after buying the CPU and putting my machine together. There were literal scorch marks under the CPU and board pins. This was the EXPO SoC voltage blowing up my CPU, or so I thought.
RMA those parts and use a refurbished board with a brand new CPU from AMD. This time I had the "fixed" BIOS from day one. Same fucking problem happens again. System becomes unstable randomly crashing, and the memory controller was damaged again causing the system to fail to POST if making changes to the memory settings in the BIOS other than absolute stock. EXPO is out of the question.
RMA those parts for a 2nd time. Get back another brand new CPU from AMD and this time a brand new board from Asus because I put up a huge stink about buying a brand new board and having it get fried within 3 weeks, and replacing it with a refurb. Leave the pasts unopened for weeks as I contemplate selling them and walking away from this dumpster fire of a system, and also because I have a newborn baby I'm caring for so I don't really have the time, energy or care to work on my PC.
Finally decided to open them up and install them, thinking there's no fucking way I got 3 defective boards in a row, surely it can't happen again, right?
WRONG. 1.5 months later, same fucking problem happening again. Major system stability problems, corrupt files in Windows, random reboots, and toggling EXPO in the BIOS causes the system to fail to POST again. At this point I'm so fucking done with AMD and never want to give them another penny again. I knew I shouldn't switch sides but I was tempted by the 3D cache version of Zen 4 and the idea of having 16 cores which I could really use for productivity and still have a beast gaming rig. It's been nothing but a disaster and the worst purchase of my life.
Before anyone suggests it's my other components to blame eg power supply, RAM etc. I ran with an i7 7700k and Asus Maximus Z270 Hero for 6 years just fine. When my AMD parts died and had to be RMA, I slapped the old rig back in and ran it just fine for accumulatively months at a time in the between phases of dealing with this problem. My PSU is a super high end EVGA Titanium 850w. It's the fucking AMD parts and their garbage memory controller/SoC IO die problem. It's still happening, if you run your RAM hard. I'm utterly disappointed in this system and if I could go back in time and never buy it I would in a heartbeat.