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Can Xbox make a comeback as a brand?


Gold Member
I think this is also concerning for the console market then. Sony (imo) have been coasting largely with no real competition and it's been really dull to see. Even when they mess up, there's no real consequences as they have the market.

Update: They are all starting to look at the PC market, so maybe they're aware it's becoming dull
True, Sony has taken steps to expand their reach as well. I think both Sony and Microsoft realizes that they need to expand. I think it's more urgent for Microsoft if they are to maintain a gaming division at all, especially with these huge purchases like ABK and Bethesda. Sony's urgency is coming from current concern from recent purchases that have proven to be liability's as opposed to assets. Bungie and Firewalk, to be specific. At least from what I've been able to see, their games cost too much to make. So either find more evergreen streams of income (subscriptions, GAAS) or they too will need to expand to other platforms.

Without competition, Sony has begun abusing their leading position in the console market. A 700 dollar PS5 Pro is an indicator. Raising the price of controllers and Horizon Zero Dawn are other indicators. They are testing to see what they can get away with. You're right, there seems to be little to no consequence in the end for this practice. Sony's output has been...spread out more than what we have been used to. I feel 2025 will be a year where there's a lot more output from Playstation 1st party studios.
Sega CAN make a comeback. Will they? Doubtful.

A comeback to what?

The MegaDrive days where they sold 30m consoles? You’d need more than that to make the business worthwhile these days.

They’d have to stop releasing games on PS5, Switch and Xbox, so goodbye to that money.

How many people would buy a console based on the strength of Sega games alone? I doubt any third parties would support such a thing (a bit like the Dreamcast then).

Finally, it would only really appeal to gen X and older millennials. Most people playing games these days aren’t familiar with Sega consoles.


Writes a lot, says very little
I mean, anything can make a comeback, but MS has to trust their teams and really give that creative freedom, we don't need a team stuck on 1 IP for life like Halo / Gears etc.

Trust that they can make new ideas that can become just as big if not bigger.

Some of the biggest IP Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Guerilla Games etc made, came after their initial hits....MS is literally busy chasing shadows trying to recapture some shit that is long gone. That would fucking be like Naughty Dog just doing Crash still or Insomniac stuck on Spyro, like move the fuck on. Its over, move on. Instead they keep trying to "reboot" this or that and then wonder why they keep failing.

I don't think anything is wrong with those teams btw, I think they are burned out, I think the player base is burned out and MS needs to allow them to just move on.

Black Tusk could have been some massive AAA FPS threat bigger then Halo and before anyone tries to question this shit, look at how many titles are BIGGER THEN HALO. I have nothing against their sports or racing being static as those IP generally are, but with the story based type concepts, some times is best to move on if those reboots are not working.

I think they can do it, with the right creative freedom, do a full reset and have all them teams just making something new. Their first fucking mistake was even trying to center that whole brand around Halo, Gears etc That should have just been part of that brand identity, not the whole damn thing lol
yeah, maybe they should have used the Microsoft money better than buying Activision.
Whats crazy, if they did that from the start, they would have never even needed to buy Activision in the first place.


Gold Member
Turn Around No GIF by Sesame Street


Neo Member
A comeback imply they are willing to return to their "best moment" (Xbox 360) or near. But, I think they abandoned that career already. It's very expensive and risky trying to be the console leader in any market where PlayStation is THE console de facto.

We have no official information about their future plans, except some words from Sarah Bond about their next hardware and techological leap. It's very hard to speculate, even more, when Xbox actions seems erratical.

If you ask me, I think they need a good streak of quality games in different genres and explore new user cases, not the same old charade about "power" and such. Games that people like to play, and good accesibility. I don't ignore the fact they are a competent publisher, with highs and lows. Sadly, some lows has been in some of their flagship franchises.
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This is the only possible way they could do it and it's also something they will never do. It would cost them so much money to do this and it would take a long time before they even started seeing people come back. Also COD is multiplat for 10 years so they couldn't even do that part.
I disagree. Imagine in 2027 Microsoft announcing a next Xbox and the new rules:
- no more game pass;
- full exclusivity.

Then we get two consequences:
1) People know, that the next Xbox will be a powerhouse of exclusive and multiplatform games;
2) People know, that PS6 will not have any of Microsoft's IPs. It will make the PS6 much less attractive.
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First - they need to follow Sonys naming structure.. give it a number so we know clearly what generation it is

2nd - they will need exclusive games that can move hardware

3rd - Gamepass should be $10 a month and have all live features included, and offer up mostly first part/indy titles so that major games can sell.


This gen was their last chance. There was some market goodwill going into this gen. It's all gone now.
The brand damage is irreparable now.

Their only hope is Sony really ballsing it up and opening the door slightly like for XB360, which Sony seem capable of doing at the moment.
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I disagree. Imagine in 2027 Microsoft announcing a next Xbox and the new rules:
- no more game pass;
- full exclusivity.

Then we get two consequences:
1) People know, that the next Xbox will be a powerhouse of exclusive and multiplatform games;
2) People know, that PS6 will not have any of Microsoft's IPs. It will make the PS6 much less attractive.

I think the problem with your consequences is the "people know" section. For instance if MS came out and said that I wouldn't believe it. I just don't believe a word that comes out of that companies mouth anymore. Also even if it was true I know that if I just waited long enough and if their business doesn't recover they will either be forced to sell divisions\ips\etc or go back to multiplat releases. The only question is who is more patient the gamer or MS? Considering MS hasn't' released a must have game that's even made me consider buying their system since the Xbox 360 generation I like my chances.


First - they need to follow Sonys naming structure.. give it a number so we know clearly what generation it is

2nd - they will need exclusive games that can move hardware

3rd - Gamepass should be $10 a month and have all live features included, and offer up mostly first part/indy titles so that major games can sell.
There have been tons of $1 (one dollar) game passes for years and it didn't help at all!
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I'm sure Microsoft will bounce back some day when all those games they are baking are finally ready to come out of the oven (whatever those might be). The only thing is, I won't be playing them on a Xbox console.


Theoretically, yeah, Xbox could make a comeback as a console. However, it would require a reversal of MS's priorities, and it would probably be an extremely costly move (since it would require keeping things exclusive and forgoing sales on other platforms) - so it is extremely unlikely.


There have been tons of $1 (one dollar) game passes for years and it didn't help at all!

No that's not what I'm saying.. I'm saying it should be a cheap service that includes live and only has indy games not major releases
Not to bring more people to it.. to give third parties a reason to bring full games without the GP expectation.


Like I said, Phil did not need to take xbox down this route. He just needed to quietly keep getting games made and build up the profile of xbox with content. Instead he focused on services.
Services are what made Nadella reinvest in the platform though.

His pivot of Microsoft has revolved around them and Phil needed to meet him somewhere or the entire division was gonna be shuttered post-Xbox One.

I understand how it looks now but back then he probably had no choice but to play this card.


Without competition, Sony has begun abusing their leading position in the console market. A 700 dollar PS5 Pro is an indicator. Raising the price of controllers and Horizon Zero Dawn are other indicators. They are testing to see what they can get away with. You're right, there seems to be little to no consequence in the end for this practice. Sony's output has been...spread out more than what we have been used to. I feel 2025 will be a year where there's a lot more output from Playstation 1st party studios.
Nah. This ignores massive global inflation over the past 3 years, lengthier development cycles and increased development costs.

We aren’t seeing arogant Sony yet. I honestly doubt that the 3rd placed Xbox really had that impact this gen outside of the Xbox buying spree creating some investment FOMO.


Gold Member
Nah. This ignores massive global inflation over the past 3 years, lengthier development cycles and increased development costs.

We aren’t seeing arogant Sony yet. I honestly doubt that the 3rd placed Xbox really had that impact this gen outside of the Xbox buying spree creating some investment FOMO.
So basically you're saying this could potentially get even worse.


No, and no one should try to support their comeback as a manufacturer, let them die, if they want to compete do it with games, we have seen the turds they are capable of producing with Xbox360 and Series S.


So basically you're saying this could potentially get even worse.
Sure? But the current environment isn’t because of a lack of competition. A successful Xbox wouldn’t have meant Sony making poor business decisions.

Competition doesn’t automatically mean catering to an entitled community that think they deserve to pay 1994 prices because that’s when they started gaming.


Gold Member
I think Microsoft could utilize their acquired development studios to create awesome IPs that focus on gameplay and innovative ways to play, with new hardware (high end console/decent handheld). It's sad to say, but do the opposite of what the AAA studios are pushing today, and create a space where freedom on intellectual ideas and speech flourish; where lines are pushed if the customer is willing to engage with it. Leave to choice to customers. Make the safe games that sell big, but invest in those weird one offs that make things unique and interesting.
Hardware can only go so far, if Xbox could resemble Steam in terms of games, it would dominate the space


Gold Member
Sure? But the current environment isn’t because of a lack of competition. A successful Xbox wouldn’t have meant Sony making poor business decisions.

Competition doesn’t automatically mean catering to an entitled community that think they deserve to pay 1994 prices because that’s when they started gaming.
What they deserve to pay? The market is all about what the consumer is willing to pay when we are talking about non-essential goods or products. It is not entitled to feel that something is too expensive, regardless of the history. If bananas were 10 dollars a bundle, I would not be buying bananas. Am I entitled because I think bananas are too expensive? No...I'm not. It is the company's responsibility to set prices within reasonable rates for the market they serve. The consumer does not and should not have to give a damn about historical prices when considering what a palatable expense is.

This is when competition comes into play. If Xbox was releasing a competing mid gen console with similar performance for $600 with a disc drive...there is no doubt in my mind that Sony would have thought twice about releasing a $700 console without a disc drive
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Not with that management team, the relationship with the media, the shills on social media.

In my opinion , What it would require is a total upheaval of the culture and the kind of people who are responsible for what they are now and frankly I don’t they have the attitude/care enough to do so.

It’s been obvious for years but some wouldn’t have any of it or chose to kiss their ass for social media clout instead and yes that includes you Tim Dog aka Mr “It is what it is”.

And it’s a real shame, , the potential is there for Xbox to be a fantastic platform especially as a console and we will probably never see it even remotely come close to achieving it.
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I admire your optimism
Did you hear ANYONE complaining about Tracer?

You are acting like my comment is new and revolutionary. We know what gamers want, it isn't complicated. The only reason Woke is not accepted is because it exists purely to make games less fun. It's like deliberately poring soy sauce into your milkshake.

In the end it was never about diversity; it is about punishing gamers for having fun by ourselves. The idea from the beginning is that fun is bad. And that is why you can't have Woke and still sell games.

You can have Diversity and sell games fine; Overwatch 1 had diversity. But Woke is purely hatred and spite.


What they deserve to pay? The market is all about what the consumer is willing to pay when we are talking about non-essential goods or products. It is not entitled to feel that something is too expensive, regardless of the history. If bananas were 10 dollars a bundle, I would not be buying bananas. Am I entitled because I think bananas are too expensive? No...I'm not. It is the company's responsibility to set prices within reasonable rates for the market they serve. The consumer does not and should not have to give a damn about historical prices when considering what a palatable expense is.

This is when competition comes into play. If Xbox was releasing a competing mid gen console with similar performance for $600 with a disc drive...there is no doubt in my mind that Sony would have thought twice about releasing a $700 console without a disc drive
I guess we will see when sales numbers start to come out to determine if it’s a $10 for bananas situation but I think it’s a minority who have noticed or even care about the price increases on controllers or the the premium mid-gen upgrade.

I also don’t think it would have been guaranteed that Sony release a $600 pro in response to a mid-gen Xbox. That’s not how pricing and positioning works, especially for a SKU that’s not designed for a mass market audience. It’s this same silly line of thinking that Xbox fans used when the PS4 price was announced — “they just adjusted the price on the slide back stage after Xbox made their announcement.”

It’s much more likely that Sony decided they were willing to sell fewer pro consoles and make a little money on every console sold than loose a ton of money for a niche SKU. A less expensive mid-gen Xbox would have been met with temporary discounts or a price cut but only when components were cheaper.
Drop gamepass, make COD and all other devs games they own XBOX EXCLUSIVE. That would be a good start. People will go where the games are and give them a chance of rebuilding their brand. And show Mister Spencer the door along with Matt and Sarah.


As a massive PS fanboy, can't deny the envy I used to have back in the first few years of the X360 generation

But that was long ago, I think the stupid camera and weak system from the Xbone pretty much demolished the brand 🤷‍♂️
At this point I think they are happy for their games to just exist on other platforms. Trying to claw back market share is too big of a project with three/four other very dominant platforms.


Neo Member
I don't think Microsoft has the corporate incentive to do what it needs to to compete with PlayStation and Nintendo in sales. Remember how much GamePass Cloud streaming was being hyped. How soon we'd all be playing all of our purchased games on cloud and not just the catalog titles. Playing Series X versions instead of Series S. Pretty sure its still marked as "Beta." PS+ Cloud is better performant. Amazon Luna is up there with Geforce Now in performance and a lot comes with Amazon Prime. There's some major disconnect between all their talk and their execution. People end up on regional services like Boosteroid in Europe instead of GamePass Cloud. They need exclusive mainstream hits every year to pull new players and players on PlayStation and Nintendo to them. On PC I don't think Xbox is a plus brand. At best neutral. If they wanted to push on PC games distribution to rival Steam, they're already behind EGS. I think Amazon is developing into a viable competitor too. How much pull does Xbox have to get a general Windows release that isn't pushing OneDrive and CoPilot+ subscriptions and whatever other default startup applications and services in Windows there are?

Game development themselves. They peaked Xbox and 360. Xbox first wave of studios they purchased and their relative freedom to work on what they wanted and that turned out well with Halo, Fable, Forza, etc. 360 was heavy on third party exclusives (many/most going multiplatform and MS buying Gears from Epic). I feel like their closest thing to a new IP major mainstream hit from their internal studios is Sea of Thieves. That's weak. Something up with how they run their studios
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just force the publishers they bought to make games exclusively for xbox. pretty simple. COD exclusive, get rid of gamepass, no PC. would be huge.

of course they will never do this though, so no.
As per the conditions of the ABK merger, they can't make COD exclusive for 10 years.

And after that... you honestly think they'd kill a cash cow (assuming COD is still a thing decade later)?


Neo Member
I also don't think timing works out for Xbox game studios. Those 2018 acquisition studios and Bethesda studios that should be releasing games in the next couple years, their games - what's there for the next Xbox launch?


I think they can, not with their current strategy or leadership.

But I think they are not interested in a "comeback" anymore, rather a transition into something else.


Gold Member
The brand is in free fall. They should stop harming the industry with their disruptively out of touch strategies and focus on an upgradable “pc for the living room” at a subsidized price to regain market share.


I think the issue is: what's Xbox as a brand mean?

When someone says "PlayStation", that means "gaming". Sure, "PlayStation 5" generally means "overpriced gaming", but I digress. "PlayStation" means big AAA blockbusters, it means consoles kids want for Christmas, it means odd gaming experiments like the EyeToy, Portal, or PSVR. It means God of War, Uncharted, Astro Bot. Sony have worked hard to keep their brand identity - and that brand identity is "gaming".
What does "Xbox" mean? Well, we know what it doesn't mean. It doesn't mean hardware, it doesn't mean exclusive franchises, it doesn't even mean weird gaming experiments. Right now, "Xbox" seems to just mean Game Pass. That's a lot less all encompassing than "PlayStation", and a lot less exciting to the customers.

If the Xbox brand wants to return to its heyday, it's gonna need to define itself and start pushing. Sony have been pushing a consistent "PlayStation" for thirty years. "Xbox" seems to change meaning every time Phil Spencer posts a tweet.


Junior Member
Wow! Fable, South of Midnight, Star Wars Outlaws.

Welcome to our first double-feature, the Xbox Games Showcase, followed by a deep dive into one of the most important RPG’s ever made, Starfield.

Gaming is the most powerful of all entertainment.

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That is why Team Xbox is committed to building the greatest place to play, by partnering with the most ambitious of game creators; and by unleashing the power of the gaming community, enabling all of us to play the games we want, with our friends, anywhere, from mobile devices, to PCs, to consoles.

The lineup we have for you today is just in-credible.

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We made this show, for you. The largest, most engaged and globally diverse fan base in Xbox history.

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From me and all of the team at Xbox, fuck you. — Sarah Bond, Xbox Games Showcase + Starfield Direct.
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