Internet Surveillance Bill C-30 coming back with a vengeance... the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights is recommending the following in their report on the State of Organised Crime in Canada:
The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada pursue legislation requiring telecommunications service providers and telecommunications device manufacturers to build the ability to intercept telecommunications into their equipment and networks.
The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada introduce legislation requiring telecommunications service providers and telecommunications device manufacturers to decrypt legally intercepted communications or to provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in this regard.
The Committee recommends the establishment of a statutory mechanism enabling law enforcement agencies, without a warrant, to require telecommunication service providers to disclose basic information identifying their subscribers. Privacy measures would have to be created, however, and prior court authorization would always be required to allow these agencies to intercept private communications.
Committee report:
**edit again... link does not seem to auto skip to the appropriate section. Instead here is the Table of Contents and click on "Lawful Access".