It says my order went through but I didn't get a confirmation email
you enter the information on the next pageAnyone knows if during checkout, when you click on the VISA logo, is that supposed to expand the Visa controls or that happens on the next page after clicking proceed?
Anyone knows if during checkout, when you click on the VISA logo, is that supposed to expand the Visa controls or that happens on the next page after clicking proceed?
"please select an address" for billing
*blank pop up menu with an infinite twirling circle*
Should I keep waiting or try again?
Wow, finally!!!!!!
That was an unpleasant 30 minutes of my life.
Cart button is not clickable unless you add something to the cart.
What I did:
Add one amiibo, just one
PRess Cart -> checkout
Checkout as guest
Page appears with the items you are ordering
Open a new tab and add other amiibos you want to add by pressing add to cart.
When done refresh the "checkout as guest" tab you had open from step 3
Enter your name
Create a new address (THIS MIGHT TAKE A WHILE TO LOAD< JUST WAIT), there is no indication that is loading, JUST WAIT)
Enter your address (make sure postal code has a space between the first 3 characters and the rest eg: N1N 2W2
After this, the page will become unresponsive, you wont be able to even scroll the page, just WAIT
Select payment method.
Check the "I agree to policy" checkbox
Press Continue
You will now be in the payment website which is outside of EB
Good luck
After I save my address nothing happens, and I can only press save again?
Kept telling me to "select an address" but doing either the button or the checkbox left me with errors.I didn't check that box. Checked it once, waited for like 5 minutes and it didnt load at all
it looks like they took the server is offline
has anyone manage to get the Gold amiibo from
Missed the Bestbuy one yet again.
They will put them back up with Lucina!
I have a script trying to add it to cart for the last 2 hours and nothing
Will let you guys now as soon as it goes through.
Literally an hour and a half wasted over this stupid shit and couldn't even get an order through. I have work in 2 hours so this shit better be up and functional by then or else I basically have to buy from a scalper. I'm a huge Mother fan so I'm basically fucked. It'll probably be like $100 or more due to our shitty dollar.
Importing will still probably cost at least $60-$75 due to our shitty dollar.Import? I'm planning to go that route soon too.