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Canadian Federal Task Force on Marijuana Legalization shares report

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Subete no aware
I'm still wondering how long it takes for companies to get into pot, particularly if it's not as onerous to sell as it is in the States.

I can see Titanfall 3 branded Dew, Doritos, and Dope. lol
I hate the smell though. Hope my neighbours don't start smoking too much. Our building strata actually just recently talked about this.

We have this problem in our apartment complex right now. The building is trying to clamp down on it. If people want to smoke, that's fine, but my apartment shouldn't smell of your pot.
I'm not a pot smoker myself but that all sounds great. Pretty much everyone i know are fairly heavy smokers though, i know my partner will be very happy.


Hopefully they also heavily subsidize grow operations and try to beat out illegal operations and sellers with low prices and better quality. Either way good news so far.


I have some concerns about them choking out the illegal trade. The illegal trade subsidizes low income and a much larger level than people realise. I hope the government actually funnels the money back down to the people that need it. I know a lot of single Mom, waitress types that trim as a side gig. Pot is a very social thing and all the little grow ups provide real income to people that need it.

I've never actually heard of that angle before. I think the amount of low income people that sell drugs is very very small and I think that choking off a portion of the drug trade through legalization is a net positive for low income communities as the big bads in the drug business most certainly enjoy preying on the destitute.

This whole thing is pretty adventurous stuff though so who knows what will come of it.


Subete no aware
I've never actually heard of that angle before. I think the amount of low income people that sell drugs is very very small and I think that choking off a portion of the drug trade through legalization is a net positive for low income communities as the big bads in the drug business most certainly enjoy preying on the destitute.

This whole thing is pretty adventurous stuff though so who knows what will come of it.
Not that I know anything about the people selling dope on street corners, but I assume that like all retail, the low level employees benefit the least and the management/suppliers make the bulk of the profit.

Smoke A Bowl Before You Smoke The Enemy (tm).
CoD: 420 brah.


Don't they already do this with Alcohol? There's no real reason for a cheap bottle of wine to cost a third as much as a cheap bottle of whisky.

Unless this means that costs won't be linear with THC concentration.

Right, but isn't this a different scenario? The equivalent would be if they taxed vodka more than they taxed wine, as an example. And maybe they already do? I'm not well-versed on Canada's liquor laws.


I've never actually heard of that angle before. I think the amount of low income people that sell drugs is very very small and I think that choking off a portion of the drug trade through legalization is a net positive for low income communities as the big bads in the drug business most certainly enjoy preying on the destitute.

This whole thing is pretty adventurous stuff though so who knows what will come of it.

When you're talking hard drugs i completely agree they prey on the weak and destitute and hurt society as a whole. Weed just doesn't fit into that model at all. Sure there is organized crime that deal in pot but the vast majority of causal ordinary pot users don't go anywhere near that. They get it from someone they know and trust. They are normal contributing members of society. They get from a waitress at their local watering hole or hairdresser. These are your standard single mom, need a little cash for school clothes kind of people. I do not want to see that income choked out, only to see the government piss it away. Also the big grow ups trickle money down. Like I said I know hairdressers that trim bud and its a good gig for few hours cash money on a weekend. Some one has to clean it all up for sale. The government will change that from a $25 an hour cash job to a minimum wage or fully automated job.
Where did you get that number from? I don't get it from a legal or medical perspective?
Well, from what I know the science isn't conclusive yet and more research needs to be done. I looked up some links and found this (http://www.apa.org/monitor/2015/11/marijuana-brain.aspx) for example. The hypothesis is that the brain is still developing at rapid pace before the age of 25, and marijuana can have a negative effect on this development.


Well, from what I know the science isn't conclusive yet and more research needs to be done. I looked up some links and found this (http://www.apa.org/monitor/2015/11/marijuana-brain.aspx) for example. The hypothesis is that the brain is still developing at rapid pace before the age of 25, and marijuana can have a negative effect on this development.

Even if true that is more an argument for raising the age of majority than anything to do with pot. We let people drink, smoke and do a whole host of things that are bad for you once you are legal age. The study you quoted actually state that legalization has no impact on adolescent usage.
Even if true that is more an argument for raising the age of majority than anything to do with pot. We let people drink, smoke and do a whole host of things that are bad for you once you are legal age.
Yeah, you're right. I think more should be done to warn people about that though, maybe a warning on the package.

Edit: though, the initial mission of this legislation was to decrease marijuana usage among youth. If it fails to reduce it among the 18-24 demographic, I wouldn't consider that a success.

Edit 2: okay, I see from the PoliGAF thread that there are important caveats for 18-24 year olds in this law. I'm good now xD


Wait, if weed is easy to grow and if anyone can just grow their own 4 plants at a time why would anyone buy it when it at the store fronts?
Mainly for convenience; I could brew my own beer right now if I wanted to but would rather just grab a 12 pack from the store.

Also, most wouldn't know wtf they're doing when it comes to a grow so what they'd get from a store would most likely be better than what they grow at home.


So they want to table legislation for Spring. What's the timeline for tabling, debating, passing, and enacting legistlation? I have no idea how long this stuff takes.

Wait, if weed is easy to grow and if anyone can just grow their own 4 plants at a time why would anyone buy it when it at the store fronts? Retail weed will be heavily taxed so I don't understand the appeal of obtaining it that way.

It's not the govt.'s job to prop up an industry, so it's very important that people are allowed to grow crops.

Anyone can grow tomatoes, or chives, or mint, but all this stuff is sold.


Maybe I should move to Canada after all. Legal weed and a more stable health care system sure sounds good right about now.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
30 grams wow, thats more than an ounce. This feels so surreal, bless.

Wait, if weed is easy to grow and if anyone can just grow their own 4 plants at a time why would anyone buy it when it at the store fronts? Retail weed will be heavily taxed so I don't understand the appeal of obtaining it that way.

Why do you buy fruits and vegetables from the store when you can grow it yourself?


How hard and expensive is it to grow the allowed four plants at home? How stinky?

A single cycle will easily pay for set up. It literally is like growing money on trees. You could probable be good to go for $500 with an ozone generator to eliminate all odors. Been a long time since I grew and the tech will be much improved, you can easily google the yield of a single plant.


Wonder about concentrates and edibles. My biggest reason for wanting this shit legalized is so that I can have access to healthier methods of THC consumption, so I do hope they will allow for that.

from the official report:

Additionally, for edibles:
> Implement packaging with standardized, single servings, with a universal
THC symbol
> Set a maximum amount of THC per serving and per product

Actually, go to page 20 on this document.


It has a whole section on it. Edibles are in.
A single cycle will easily pay for set up. It literally is like growing money on trees. You could probable be good to go for $500 with an ozone generator to eliminate all odors. Been a long time since I grew and the tech will be much improved, you can easily google the yield of a single plant.

Fuck it I am doing it. All that was needed was the legalization aspect, I would have done it already but no way would I risk charges.

Incredible news


Fuck it I am doing it. All that was needed was the legalization aspect, I would have done it already but no way would I risk charges.

Incredible news

Its super fun, you will be amazed at how much you love growing it. I grew because I had some debt I had to get out from under. In 3 months I paid 2-3K in debt put 1-2K in my pocket and had enough left over for personal. Personal meaning enough for anyone that came to our house to smoke for free for like a summer. Then I walked away and went back to school. There is a reason everyone is doing it. I did more than 4 plants, but the 4 plant law will get challenged right away. If you clone a huge crop from a single seed how many plants is it, technically?
Its super fun, you will be amazed at how much you love growing it. I grew because I had some debt I had to get out from under. In 3 months I paid 2-3K in debt put 1-2K in my pocket and had enough left over for personal. Personal meaning enough for anyone that came to our house to smoke for free for like a summer. Then I walked away and went back to school. There is a reason everyone is doing it. I did more than 4 plants, but the 4 plant law will get challenged right away. If you clone a huge crop from a single seed how many plants is it, technically?

Jesus Chris, the more I read about this legalization of weed the more I think it will forever change the country for the positive. It's a phrase thrown around a lot on this forum but seriously, what a time to be alive.


Jesus Chris, the more I read about this legalization of weed the more I think it will forever change the country for the positive. It's a phrase thrown around a lot on this forum but seriously, what a time to be alive.

I did it back in the 90s and I know a lot of guys that did. That period of your life when you doing a shit job and its tough to get ahead. I know a guy that did it to get his wife an engagement ring and another that did a cycle to pay for all the shit with his first child. There is really very little risk if your not an idiot about it. The problems come in because of the illegal part of it. Guys fucking around with electricity and half assed setups and they burn the damn house down.

My biggest concern about legalization is the corporations coming in and taking it over. With it legal there will be little profit in it for the little guy.
I did it back in the 90s and I know a lot of guys that did. That period of your life when you doing a shit job and its tough to get ahead. I know a guy that did it to get his wife an engagement ring and another that did a cycle to pay for all the shit with his first child. There is really very little risk if your not an idiot about it. The problems come in because of the illegal part of it. Guys fucking around with electricity and half assed setups and they burn the damn house down.

My biggest concern about legalization is the corporations coming in and taking it over. With it legal there will be little profit in it for the little guy.

Honestly, from my perspective, I wouldn't even get into it for the purposes of making money. I just think it's a fucking riot that having your own plants is being legalized along with pre-packaged product. I would totally be down to invest the money to get all the shit set up in my rec room here at home, and get it going.

I had not even considered the idea that they'd allow you to grow your own plants. Hmm, I need to start thinking of a name for my strain . . .
I did it back in the 90s and I know a lot of guys that did. That period of your life when you doing a shit job and its tough to get ahead. I know a guy that did it to get his wife an engagement ring and another that did a cycle to pay for all the shit with his first child. There is really very little risk if your not an idiot about it. The problems come in because of the illegal part of it. Guys fucking around with electricity and half assed setups and they burn the damn house down.

My biggest concern about legalization is the corporations coming in and taking it over. With it legal there will be little profit in it for the little guy.

Of the many anti-legalization arguments out there, this was always the main one that stuck me as a good point. I've heard a few argue that corporations, or even governments, being able to sell hallucinogenics to people is problematic. And it's not hard to see how that could get bad in the right hands.

The right regulations will be key.


Of the many anti-legalization arguments out there, this was always the main one that stuck me as a good point. I've heard a few argue that corporations, or even governments, being able to sell hallucinogenics to people is problematic. And it's not hard to see how that could get bad in the right hands.

The right regulations will be key.
No, it is still a terrible argument. The main reason for legalization is to stop wasting time & money, and to stop putting people in jail for something so stupid. That is reason to legalize it asap, even if some of the rules are not ideal.


No, it is still a terrible argument. The main reason for legalization is to stop wasting time & money, and to stop putting people in jail for something so stupid. That is reason to legalize it asap, even if some of the rules are not ideal.

Yeah I'm not worried about anything to do with the drug being a hallucinogen, that sounds like conspiracy theory to me. I am 100% for legalization, because it being illegal does far more harm than legalization will. I just don't want to see that money pissed away by the government or just lining the pockets of corporate fat cats.


Hope it passes

I voted for legalization in California, I've never smoked pot and I don't plan to, but I see more harm in keeping it illegal than making it legal.
No, it is still a terrible argument. The main reason for legalization is to stop wasting time & money, and to stop putting people in jail for something so stupid. That is reason to legalize it asap, even if some of the rules are not ideal.

Oh don't get me wrong, at the end of the day, the legalization pros greatly outweigh the cons. The cons, at best, amount to "well as long as we acknowledge that issue, we can account for it".

It's good that the Canadian government is aware of the potential issues, and seems to be addressing them best they can. I'm all for doing this thing right.


Locking this in for 10 years from now:

I predict the youth unemployment rate will be worse than it is now.

I'm not talking a few basis points worse. I'm talking going from 13% to 16% type of worse.

I know it's fun and gamez on the Internet when it comes to marijuana legalization, but making this legal for 18 year olds will mean it will become much more prevalent in high schools in general. The link between marijuana use and poor academic performance is a virtual consensus in scientific research.

Sure, in the short term us Canadians will enjoy some juicy tax boosts. Hell, there may even be job creation from a legalized source of revenue in addition to marijuana tourism.

But at what cost? Selling addictive garbage to kids who aren't even old enough to drink?

This is disgusting. I don't care if a 20-something smokes. That's your business (as long as the smell doesn't interfere with my comfort in my private residence). But keep it far and away from the high school age group... Like wtf... This isn't rocket science.
Locking this in for 10 years from now:

I predict the youth unemployment rate will be worse than it is now.

I'm not talking a few basis points worse. I'm talking going from 13% to 16% type of worse.

I know it's fun and gamez on the Internet when it comes to marijuana legalization, but making this legal for 18 year olds will mean it will become much more prevalent in high schools in general. The link between marijuana use and poor academic performance is a virtual consensus in scientific research.

Sure, in the short term us Canadians will enjoy some juicy tax boosts. Hell, there may even be job creation from a legalized source of revenue in addition to marijuana tourism.

But at what cost? Selling addictive garbage to kids who aren't even old enough to drink?

This is disgusting. I don't care if a 20-something smokes. That's your business (as long as the smell doesn't interfere with my comfort in my private residence). But keep it far and away from the high school age group... Like wtf... This isn't rocket science.

It's pretty easy to get weed in Canada, dealers don't check ID's.
Locking this in for 10 years from now:

I predict the youth unemployment rate will be worse than it is now.

I'm not talking a few basis points worse. I'm talking going from 13% to 16% type of worse.

I know it's fun and gamez on the Internet when it comes to marijuana legalization, but making this legal for 18 year olds will mean it will become much more prevalent in high schools in general. The link between marijuana use and poor academic performance is a virtual consensus in scientific research.

Sure, in the short term us Canadians will enjoy some juicy tax boosts. Hell, there may even be job creation from a legalized source of revenue in addition to marijuana tourism.

But at what cost? Selling addictive garbage to kids who aren't even old enough to drink?

This is disgusting. I don't care if a 20-something smokes. That's your business (as long as the smell doesn't interfere with my comfort in my private residence). But keep it far and away from the high school age group... Like wtf... This isn't rocket science.

Criticism of the top of my head:

- They are explicitly not selling to 18 or younger kids. Where did you get this idea?
- The current system of keeping the drug illegal has been ineffective in keeping drug out of kids' hands. Part of the reasoning for legalization is the capability to keeping it out of minors hands like alcohol at LCBO.
- To be honest, I'm not entirely sure youth unemployment won't go down with or without legal weed.
Of the many anti-legalization arguments out there, this was always the main one that stuck me as a good point. I've heard a few argue that corporations, or even governments, being able to sell hallucinogenics to people is problematic. And it's not hard to see how that could get bad in the right hands.

The right regulations will be key.

It looks like they're at least aware of this concern, although I have no idea how they will enforce this. Seems like it would be an insane investment to get into growing considering the required security. This LCBO decision I think will lead to more independent shops though, hopefully.

In fact, it said the professional production techniques developed under the current system should be applied to the cultivation of cannabis for personal consumption, a potential boon for some producers who have been looking to cash in on a liberalized marijuana market.

However, McLellan said, the task force does not want to see production concentrated in the hands of only large producers.

"We heard from a great many parties that they wanted a diversity of producers, and we agree with that," she said, adding she hopes some black market producers will choose to bring their operations under the new legal regime.

Also, I agree with Yani's point above. If anything negative happens to the Canadian employment rate in the next few years, weed would become an easy scapegoat, but I think it's obviously more complicated than legal weed.
Locking this in for 10 years from now:

I predict the youth unemployment rate will be worse than it is now.

I'm not talking a few basis points worse. I'm talking going from 13% to 16% type of worse.

Speaking as a Youth, don't use us as your scapegoat for being against this. We're fucked with or without Marijuana Legalization.

- The Economy is in the shitter
- We already can't get jobs when going up against far more experienced people
- We can't move to the city, let alone the suburbs to get access to jobs because of costs of living
- Trump in the USA is going to cancel NAFTA, meaning we are on track to get fucked again for something we couldn't control

I can go on and on, but it has nothing to do with this topic

I know it's fun and gamez on the Internet when it comes to marijuana legalization, but making this legal for 18 year olds will mean it will become much more prevalent in high schools in general. The link between marijuana use and poor academic performance is a virtual consensus in scientific research.

Sure, in the short term us Canadians will enjoy some juicy tax boosts. Hell, there may even be job creation from a legalized source of revenue in addition to marijuana tourism.

But at what cost? Selling addictive garbage to kids who aren't even old enough to drink?

This is disgusting. I don't care if a 20-something smokes. That's your business (as long as the smell doesn't interfere with my comfort in my private residence). But keep it far and away from the high school age group... Like wtf... This isn't rocket science.

- The Drinking Age is already 18 in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec. It's legal to drink at 19 everywhere else.
- The Age of Majority is 18 in six provinces, and 19 everywhere else

Not to mention, it says in the report that the recommended 18 is only a minimum and Provinces can increase it if they want.
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