That I know of:
Pokemon Rumble Blast
Steel Diver
Tetris Axis
Some other small things.
They also have HeartGold and SoulSilver for $20.
I got Star Fox 64 3D at $30 at BB.
And things went from sad to unbelievable (in a good way), when I paid BB, I might've accidentally gave two $20's stuck together and a $10 bill, because I was missing a $20 bill, I was quite down about it. Later I came back and asked the manager if he could help, he said he'd check the money after closing to see if they were overpaid, alright.
As I walked away, he called me back, and just out of the blue, asked a co-worker to give me a $20 bill.
Out of the blue!
Was that a Christmas miracle? :') I BELIEVE!