I currently live in Winnipeg, would have to move.good luck is it closer or further than you current job?
I currently live in Winnipeg, would have to move.good luck is it closer or further than you current job?
With mine, it will be $34.83.
OMG job interview this week in Waterloo for basically the same job I have now but easier and 20k more a year.
I can't afford to buy a house anywhere anywayYeah but you can't buy a house for less then 400k.
Unless you want to live in Cambridge and who wants that?
OMG job interview this week in Waterloo for basically the same job I have now but easier and 20k more a year.
Does anyone know if major stores will have a Destiny midnight launch? And do you think I'd be able to get the PS4 bundle if I went
I can't afford to buy a house anywhere anywayrents would be about the same.
I currently live in Winnipeg, would have to move.
OMG job interview this week in Waterloo for basically the same job I have now but easier and 20k more a year.
OMG job interview this week in Waterloo for basically the same job I have now but easier and 20k more a year.
Holy shit, you'll be right at the source. Woo, indeed.Nah. Wilfrid Laurier
Heh. That's less than I'm paying now in Winnipeg. 1k plus utilities.
welcome to the 226
Nah. Wilfrid LaurierNot Blackberry I hope.
Heh. That's less than I'm paying now in Winnipeg. 1k plus utilities.I pay $850 for a 2 bedroom utilities included so year Rent isn't too bad. Although there are some expensive as fuck places available for rent.
I pay $850 for a 2 bedroom utilities included so year Rent isn't too bad. Although there are some expensive as fuck places available for rent.
Yaaaay...Say goodbye to MTS, say hello to Rogers and Bell. bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha
I currently live in Winnipeg, would have to move.
Any deals for destiny on ps4?
OMG job interview this week in Waterloo for basically the same job I have now but easier and 20k more a year.
Yeah, I really should have pre-ordered on Amazon when it was briefly $40. The beta's convinced me it's the Real Deal.
Got my last of us money ready, either Target with the deal and the 5$ receipt coupon, or EBgames with the 5$ coupon I got for buying Watch_Dogs back on Day 1.It can't be for nothing, right?
P.S. I pay 425 for my part of a 3 bedroom apartment. Reading these 1100$ prices for people is making me hurt.
when was it 40 dollars?!
I ordered ME3 for Wii U off of Best Buy used. The paper cover has a tiny corner which is fine. However, there is a giant (like 1/4 of the back) sticker on the back and the clear plastic part of the case is messed (due to the heat gun they use to wrap them?). What is the best way to get the sticker off? Are there any places I can buy Wii U cases?
Single case = $1.50 + $3 shipping.You can order wii u cases from Nintendo for I think $5
Damn. I pay $1350 for rent for half a duplex here in Edmonton, nothing included.
Single case = $1.50 + $3 shipping.
Because they charge $3 for shipping on orders of $5 or less and $7 for shipping on orders of $5.01 or more it's cheaper to make two orders of 3 cases each (2x3x$1.50 = $9 + 2x$3 shipping for $15 total) if you want 6 of them than to make one order of 6 cases (6x$1.50 = $9 + $7 shipping for $16 total). It starts being cheaper to make one order once you want more than 6 cases.
3 cases would mean $7.50 (3x$1.50 + $3 shipping). It looks like they only have red WiiU cases also. They have red or white Wii cases if you want to go that route.Damn, that seems expensive. At most I only need 3 (ME3, Mario Kart, and my Tekken case came messed).
3 cases would mean $7.50 (3x$1.50 + $3 shipping). It looks like they only have red WiiU cases also. They have red or white Wii cases if you want to go that route.
If they only have red Wii U cases that ruins the point. I wanted a blue one for Mario Kart to be uniform.
I guess $2.50 each isn't that bad when it is from Nintendo directly.
Speaking of jobs, you know what sucks? Lunch/breaks not being paid
I started at a place last week that requires employees to put in 8 hours every day but lunch is not included in that period. I don't know how common that is but after working at places where the policy was "doesn't matter as long as your work is getting done".
Before taking my leave of absence this summer I learned that while I've been working 40 hour weeks for the last three years - my contract is only for 35 hour weeks.
I hope you got paid 40 hours a week
I have a blue case kicking around the house. I bundled it together with two Wii cases and sold it on eBay only for some dummy account to bid on it, so now I have to go to the hassle of sticking with some false bid for another month only to still have the thing still in my house.
What I'm saying is, maybe I can hook you up in September.
Is Mario and Sonic at Sochi worth $17? Target has it and I want to decide whether or not to get it by Wednesday.
Nah. Wilfrid Laurier
Heh. That's less than I'm paying now in Winnipeg. 1k plus utilities.
As a followup to the coming week's Target flyer, it does indeed say "all ps4 games". So if the team member argues otherwise, push for the money off The Last of Us.
How do I go about returning a Futureshop preorder if they don't pack in receipts?
You don't even need to do that. Just walk in with the game + the credit card that made the purchase. I always pulled up the receipt from my account on my phone but it wasn't ever necessary. I don't know what happens if the order was paid for with PayPal.Print it off from the orders in your account on the site
With or without the Wiimote?