Fan expo tickets going on sale? Lol they are greedy as greed gets so not bloody likely.
The last time I went I remember they continued to sell day tickets despite the building being over capacity so people that had weekend passes would go out to get lunch and not be able to get back in.
It didn't help that it was in the north building that year when it should have been the south but they messed up and had a secluding conflict with another con. How the frick they managed to mess that up with these things are planned over a year in advance I'll never know.
And don't even get me started on them expanding the convention to 4 days. Thanks to that a weekend pass is a whopping $115! For reference an Anime north weekend pass can be had for as low as $50 if you buy it far enough in advance (Between January and Mid march) and $60 normal price.
Bloody highway robbery is what it is
lol, that year they were back in the North building was also the last year I went to FanExpo. They over-expanded themselves and made ticket prices way too much.
$50 for one Saturday with limited access? No thanks.