Picked up 120 in Psn and 80 in eshop money.
Eshop charges taxes right? I may need to pick up another card if that's the case. Iirc psn doesn't?
Yes. Make sure your province is set to Alberta so you only pay 5%.
Picked up 120 in Psn and 80 in eshop money.
Eshop charges taxes right? I may need to pick up another card if that's the case. Iirc psn doesn't?
Good call. I will do that, thanks.Yes. Make sure your province is set to Alberta so you only pay 5%.
Yes. Make sure your province is set to Alberta so you only pay 5%.
Is this easy to change at any time?
Is this easy to change at any time?
Yeah the province setting for the eShop is actually separate from the region setting of the consoles (in the system settings), so you can pretty much keep it as Alberta without ever having to worry about changing it back. But if you want to for some reason... it's just a quick change from within the eShop.
mhmm I got my system settings on BC but on the eShop it's Alberta. Runs off Alberta's taxes.
Yes. Make sure your province is set to Alberta so you only pay 5%.
"I regularly spend massive amounts of money on videogames, but I simply and easily changed my address so that I could save a few bucks on shipping while sending promo items to a Gaffer, and Nintendo banned me and deleted my digital goods for not reading the TOS."
I thought Nintendo banned him for registering multiple copies of the same game in his various club Nintendo accounts?
I get that people want to save money, but is sending your tax dollars to another province really the best way to do that?
To be accurate, you're not really sending it to another province, you're sending it to the federal goverment, because the 5% you're paying there is GST. Alberta doesn't have PST.
Huh? How do you do that? I have been showing up as from Alberta in Mario Kart lol.mhmm I got my system settings on BC but on the eShop it's Alberta. Runs off Alberta's taxes.
top left (your mii on the home menu) -> user settings -> location -> whatever provinceHuh? How do you do that? I have been showing up as from Alberta in Mario Kart lol.
Yes. Make sure your province is set to Alberta so you only pay 5%.
Reposting this.
I can confirm that EB Games in Canada did not receive enough allocation of Destiny Ghost Editions to meet the preorder numbers they took. This is for both online and in store orders.
My store only received one and luckily I was first. I made them show it to me with my reciept and everything on it to make sure. Other stores have had staff remove their names from the list to have customers get theirs. If you're one of the unlucky folks make sure to ask if they went through and removed staff preorders as it's a mandate from head office to do so.
I would check in so you're not disappointed on the midnight launch. They did send extra Limited Editions for those Ghost Edition preorders they won't be able to fulfill.
How is best buy with shipping stuff early? I live relatively close to a warehouse, just wondering if I have any chance of receiving destiny tomorrow.
No. I believe cards are non-refundable everywhere.does ebgames do returns on (eshop) cards?
bought a 20$ last week, maybe buy one at target then return it at eb?
i'm guessing no, ebgames is shit
How is best buy with shipping stuff early? I live relatively close to a warehouse, just wondering if I have any chance of receiving destiny tomorrow.
Haha oh man, no way that would've happened when I was working there. That really sucks though.
I blame myself for cancelling my BB order for Ghost Edition, I thought I'd be the nice guy and leave my copy for someone who needs it since EB confirmed a few days ago that I can pick mine up at midnight! From now on I'll just collect all the copies I could, sit on them for weeks then return whatever I don't wanna keep!
So far Windsor EB Games hasn't told me mine is cancelled but I knew from previous CE's i should keep my futureshop one just incase this shit happened again.
Has ebgames said if you get any kind of discount if you choose the LE?
Almost definitely not. They'd rather you get it a day late. I live near a warehouse and always receive my games on day 2.
So apparently if I ordered Destiny today I could get free release date shipping, but since I ordered it a couple months ago I'm not able to get it at release (it says I'll get it on Sept 15 but it'll probably be a day or two after release)?
Come on Amazon :/
How do you get free release day?
My copy of Destiny just shipped from BestBuy!