Can I just take a moment to say how pissed off I am as a Canadian Pokemon fan right now.
First there's what Nintendo has been doing with the event Pokemon lately. Who's stupid idea was it to have the mega stones for Heracross and Pincer at Gamestop only in the states?
Sure we're getting it thought the Pokemon trainer newsletter, but later and lord only knows if we'll get both codes and not just one. And good luck getting it if you're a Canadian who wasn't signed up before September.
Any now? Shiny Gangar and Diancie events are coming and they are just like the Megastone event where you have to go to Gamestop and get the download code to get them.
So how are Canadian's going to get these codes? Who knows they haven't said jack about it yet which is really pissing me off. Did they forget they have Wi-fi distribution for event Pokemon these days? I thought the days of us missing out on event Pokemon where over