Two questions. Anyone know if Canada is getting the xbone temp price cut? And if so, if I ordered now off Amazon would I be able to price protect it if the sale started a week after?
I know about goo gone (and related products) but I don't remove sticker gunk enough to justify getting something just for that. Lemon juice has worked pretty well for me. I might give olive oil a try though.
Anyone have Sunset Overdrive preordered from any of th E3 deals?
Looking for a screenshot of your order so I can price match tomorrow at either Target or Future Shop.
Would...that even work?
Would...that even work?
Anyone have Sunset Overdrive preordered from any of th E3 deals?
Looking for a screenshot of your order so I can price match tomorrow at either Target or Future Shop.
I don't see how this would work.
I understand not getting the xbox price cut for the christmas shopping season, but what about Boxing Day?
Does anyone think there'll be a price cut there?
Anyone have Sunset Overdrive preordered from any of th E3 deals?
Looking for a screenshot of your order so I can price match tomorrow at either Target or Future Shop.
Yep, me.If anybody in here is buying the white XB1 Sunset Overdrive bundle and doesn't want the game I might be interested into taking it off your hands for a good price.
I'm also OCD about my games so I just swap cases. If I'm going to trade in a game I'll use an old case for it and keep the newer case for another game.
This is basically Photoshopping...
I had to phone them.How do you cancel an order on
I'm doing the whole pre-order up to 3 games and get 15 dollars of xbl credit per game deposited in your account.
I want to cancel one game and switch to another (cancel Minecraft, switch to Sunset Overdrive).
I had to phone them.
Does the Pokemon code start today? Ive been asking stores for a week lol. don't wanna go for no reason
If my experience is any indicator, the Diancie codes are probably all gone since a week ago :lol
(I'm sure some stores actually followed the rules though)
You could try this if you want:Does the Pokemon code start today? Ive been asking stores for a week lol. don't wanna go for no reason
Any good deals on a DS4? Need a new one
I just remembered Freedom Wars comes out tomorrow. Apparently Amazon is preparing the shipment. I wonder if the reason my Bayonetta 2 hasn't shipped from Amazon yet is because they were waiting to send it along with Freedom Wars. They were purchased in two separate orders though. Would Amazon bundle shipments together for items in different orders? Eh.
I was near an EB today, so I decided to try to get a code. The person working was actually really nice. They gave me two codes after asking if I had X/Y/both when I said both. They also gave me two Gengar codes that they still have. None of the "you have to pre-order" garbage I have heard other people mention.
The EB I went to today have been out of codes since the Gengar event started. They've been giving out the Diancie codes. too. : |I was near an EB today, so I decided to try to get a code. The person working was actually really nice. They gave me two codes after asking if I had X/Y/both when I said both. They also gave me two Gengar codes that they still have. None of the "you have to pre-order" garbage I have heard other people mention.
I just remembered Freedom Wars comes out tomorrow. Apparently Amazon is preparing the shipment. I wonder if the reason my Bayonetta 2 hasn't shipped from Amazon yet is because they were waiting to send it along with Freedom Wars. They were purchased in two separate orders though. Would Amazon bundle shipments together for items in different orders? Eh.
I just remembered Freedom Wars comes out tomorrow. Apparently Amazon is preparing the shipment. I wonder if the reason my Bayonetta 2 hasn't shipped from Amazon yet is because they were waiting to send it along with Freedom Wars. They were purchased in two separate orders though. Would Amazon bundle shipments together for items in different orders? Eh.