Still there ATM lol
Success! Got it after coming up empty elsewhere.
Still there ATM lol
Success! Got it after coming up empty elsewhere.
glad i waited a little bit to trade my black XB1 for the white sunset bundlejust wanted to update my previous post for those who are interested in Xbox one deal, and if you have a microsoft store in your area (I am in Calgary)
I called the MS store and confirmed a few things:
- Regarding the 100$ Xbox 360/PS3 trade in offer expires, I was told that it no longer ends on Nov 2, it now ends Dec 31
- The 50$ discount will come to Canadians Nov 2
- The 100$ trade in works towards any Xbox One console, including the bundles (I was originally told it would only apply to the non-bundled systems)
- you can combine the 50$ off with the 100$ trade, so potentially get 150$ off in total
This might push me towards the Sunset bundle, and maybe others too.
Holy shit indeed.
So what they're saying is that we can give them our unused Xbox 360 that's sitting idle and collecting dust and on November 2nd pay them $249 to receive the Sunset Overdrive Xbox One bundle?
Wait is the $50 discount only at MS stores??
Is it any PS3 because the last game I was planning to buy for it was persona 5 and now that there's no need I will do this. But I have a phatty.just wanted to update my previous post for those who are interested in Xbox one deal, and if you have a microsoft store in your area (I am in Calgary)
I called the MS store and confirmed a few things:
- Regarding the 100$ Xbox 360/PS3 trade in offer expires, I was told that it no longer ends on Nov 2, it now ends Dec 31
- The 50$ discount will come to Canadians Nov 2
- The 100$ trade in works towards any Xbox One console, including the bundles (I was originally told it would only apply to the non-bundled systems)
- you can combine the 50$ off with the 100$ trade, so potentially get 150$ off in total
This might push me towards the Sunset bundle, and maybe others too.
Looking at used 360s around the area, I think we would be better off with just selling them than giving them to M$ for $100, then again selling shit on kijiji or eBay is not exactly pleasant.
Will they take the old model 360's? ie 360 phat?
I see a shit ton at Thrift stores for $30ish.
anyone else get charged for COD from FS?
Guess they're going to ship them tomorrow...
We get it day zero right? So technically we should get it Monday?
I was under the impression Day Zero was only for digital pre-orders, but I'd be delighted to be wrong on this
Day Zero is for physical preorders as well. It has its own cover art and everything.
hey everyone not sure if there's a thread for this, but I love this thread SO: I Got 2 extra Evolve Alpha codes for PS4, PM me if you want 1.
The Sunset Overdrive bundle for $250 sounds pretty tempting. And I do have an old Elite unit lying around...
Target has a deal where you can pre order CoD Advanced Warfare for $1 and get a $5 Target gift card that can be used towards the game as you get the card when you preorder.
glad i waited a little bit to trade my black XB1 for the white sunset bundle![]()
God damn it why can't there be a MS Store here in Ottawa.
I wonder if you can ship them your console and they send you a trade coupon.
If anyones looking for Diancie codes in Toronto Yorkdale Mall still has them.
Before entering this thread I did not even know that Microsoft Store was a thing in Canada.
There's one opening soon in the Eaton's Centre, and I believe it's, ironically, where the Sony Store used to be.
There's one opening soon in the Eaton's Centre, and I believe it's, ironically, where the Sony Store used to be.
Yep. It's opening sometime in November, and yeah the fact that it took the Sony Store's spot is kind of funny. They finally get to upgrade from that small booth near the escalators that go into the food court.
Yep. It's opening sometime in November, and yeah the fact that it took the Sony Store's spot is kind of funny. They finally get to upgrade from that small booth near the escalators that go into the food court.
Yep. It's opening sometime in November, and yeah the fact that it took the Sony Store's spot is kind of funny. They finally get to upgrade from that small booth near the escalators that go into the food court.
Wait... Eaton Centre's Store Store closed down??? When???
Maybe, I wonder if they will take just the console or if they want cables, boxes, etc. I guess someone has to try or read the fine print if they have one.
Montreal or Toronto?
It will be playable late Sunday night, I have it Preloaded on my PS4 and it unlocks Sunday night.awwww yissss
Although my GF is back from vacay on Sunday and wants to hang out Monday night
Anybody dealing with acanac in Montreal? How is the service? After 7 years I finally fucked off from bell because of their bullshit raises, I looked around and acanac seems the best value + unlimited data
Anybody dealing with acanac in Montreal? How is the service? After 7 years I finally fucked off from bell because of their bullshit raises, I looked around and acanac seems the best value + unlimited data
We wanted to let you know there's a delay with one or more items in the order you placed on June 12, 2014 (Order# x).
"Splatoon - Wii U"
Estimated ship date: January 04, 2016
Looking at their conversation, Toronto.
Montreal or Toronto?
Wait... Eaton Centre's Store Store closed down??? When???
Montreal or Toronto?
I thought that as well but the Sony Store in Montreal is (was) near the escalators leading to the food court.
Picked up Tearaway, Killzone PS Vita and Fortune Street for $6.99 each at shoppers. Should've waited for a points day though.
Would anyone who got/is getting the Sunset bundle be interested in trading the Sunset code for an AC Unity code? I want, Sunset, but want a black system, so I was going to get the AC bundle and try to sell/trade the code.
Picked up Tearaway, Killzone PS Vita and Fortune Street for $6.99 each at shoppers. Should've waited for a points day though.