Umm OK? I've been following the game for quite awhile so I know exactly what I'm getting into. Sadly, I don't expect anything from Yukes these days so I'm pretty just buying it because my friends and I still enjoy them will be very disappointed with this one
What the fuck. So many people getting games early in the mail. How do retailers selling the same item online justify having street dates in store. So stupid.
For people getting their games early, did you guys get shipping notifications?
got my 57$ish dollars refunded from MS to support the xbone discounted price for my sunset overdrive bundle.
Thank you based jake.
Is anyone going to be doing the Toys R Us buy 2 get 15% off games deal tomorrow? I don't really know if I feel that it's worth it with black Friday so close..
Received my dlc code for lbp 3 but still no shipping or billing from future shit!!!
Same for me here. Order page says I've been charged but I'm fairly confident they're going to spend the entirety of the next day fumbling around with my game right next door before finally getting it to me Wednesday.Received my dlc code for lbp 3 but still no shipping or billing from future shit!!!
for some reason. BB just said that they shipped out my FC4....but with
What do you mean exactly? They shipped TLOU instead of FC4? Or they sent both?
I got TLOU when it first came out....
but the new shipping notice I got says that they're shipping me a copy of TLOU and FC4....
So Guys is GMG the cheapest place to get Unity and inquisition?
My pre order code didn't work either, bummer. It says on the sheet it is active as of 11/11, but couldn't get it to work.Got my code for lbp3 from future shop and doesn't seem to work when I redeem it in the app, anyone else having issues?
So Guys is GMG the cheapest place to get Unity and inquisition?
got my 57$ish dollars refunded from MS to support the xbone discounted price for my sunset overdrive bundle.
Thank you based jake.
Going to try again tomorrow and if that fails email support. Frustrating but glad to know I'm not alone. hope it works for us.So fun playing games a day early, my inbox goes nuts on ps4. Got LBP3 tonight, fun game! This is the 3rd game I've got early - watch dogs, AC: Unity and this one. Kudos best buy shipping.
My pre order code didn't work either, bummer. It says on the sheet it is active as of 11/11, but couldn't get it to work.
Is this the best bet for a 3D World Wii U bundle, or should I wait for a Boxing/Black deal?
Wait a minute, did Best Buy just cancelled my order for FC4 Kyrat Edition? I remember getting it at E3. It says 'Shipment Cancelled'.
Did anyone else order around the same time?
Fuck! I was actually looking forward to it!
Wait a minute, did Best Buy just cancelled my order for FC4 Kyrat Edition? I remember getting it at E3. It says 'Shipment Cancelled'.
Did anyone else order around the same time?
Fuck! I was actually looking forward to it!
Another big release = another BB or PayPal bug?
Got "Unable to Process your Order" email for my Smash Wii U
BB sent an email to everyone who ordered that a while back that it was a mistake and the order would be cancelled.
Anyone else use Paypal during E3 to preorder with BestBuy? They just tried to charge me for a game (assuming it's Smash) and it was unable to process.
The other games in the order before this was charged fine though...
Well that's dumb, looks like it's a Paypal problem then?
The funny thing is there's no way to change/edit PayPal info in BB order details
BB sent an email to everyone who ordered that a while back that it was a mistake and the order would be cancelled.
Yeah, I just noticed the same thing. And no, I did NOT get any cancellation email. I thought they'd just downgrade it to the regular edition once they twigged on, not cancel the entire friggin' order.
Didn't they say that was a mistake right after? I thought it was officially canceled later.
Dear (My Name),
Regrettably, were contacting you directly to inform you of a pricing error that occurred online on June 12, 2014. The product Far Cry 4 Kyrat Edition for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC WebID: 10295271, 10295394, 10295168, 10295375 and 10295354 was mistakenly advertised online at the wrong price of $69.99 when it should have been at $129.99 or $149.99 depending on the platform. We caught the error early and fixed it immediately; however, we cannot honour this price and will cancel your order for this product
From time-to-time these pricing mistakes can happen as a result of weekly price changes to the thousands of products we carry online. As a values-based organization, we look to our guiding principles to help us make the right decisions and corrections quickly. Your trust is paramount to us, and well do everything we can to provide excellent customer service.
Again, were sorry we cant complete your order at the incorrect price. If you havent already, youll soon receive a cancellation notice via email. If there were any other items in this order, they will not be affected by this cancelation. All other pre-order items in your cart will still receive the applied discount, as per the promotion.
As a token of our appreciation and sincere thanks for your loyalty to, wed like to offer you a discount e-certificate for you to apply to the standard edition of Far Cry 4, as advertised during our pre-order promotion window or to the Kyrat edition of the game you originally ordered This discount will be valid until August 15 2014.
With the following code you will receive 30% off Far Cry 4 or $20 off the Kyrat Edition of Far Cry 4 for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 or PC.
Your eCertificate code is:
Not sure about that. I only got that one email from them. It included a code to get 30% off the regular edition.
Just to clarify, when I say they cancelled the order, I mean just Far Cry 4 Kyrat Edition, not the rest of the games that were in the order.
Here's the email I got on July 7:
It's possible this email went to your spam folder.