Anyone know of any chains/box stores that routinely or mistakenly break street date on vidya games?
Thinking of going to look for Watch Dogs after work - seeing lots of streams.
Shoppers, The Source?
the Source near me used to break street date all the time on a number of titles. however, that changed recently. I was about to buy a game that they put out prematurely (it was out 3-4 days before the street date) and I think they finally updated their computer system to prevent sales of games that were street dated, since the dude behind the counter said the system is telling him not to sell until such and such date.
Pretty much, yeah. No tracking number because it would cost too much relative to the price of the cards.
after the last bad experience I had with ebay, whatever I send back I'll be putting a tracking number on it, no matter the cost of the item itself. the headache associated with losing that stuff in the mail isn't worth it. Maybe you can tell ebay that if he didn't receive the original order he placed weeks ago, why did he continue ordering cards?