I'm getting real tired of Future Shop's shit.
I put in a bunch of orders last E3. My credit card was due to expire between the E3 sale and when some of the items on my orders shipped, so I put in a garbage future date for one, and my actual expiration for the other (as one item came out before expiry). As soon as I got my new card, I called in got all of my orders updated to the new expiration date. I had to call in because their website doesn't let you update expiration dates and hasn't for as long as I can remember.
I then check my e-mail when Super Mario 3D World releases, and see a notification asking me to update my information as they were unable to process the order. I have to call in, of course, because the website is (still) janky. I call in and double-check both outstanding orders -- neither order has the updated CC info. The CC info is updated on both as per that call.
A week later I get an advisory that my order for SM3DW was /cancelled/ because billing continued to fail. I call in AGAIN (since I still can't fix it on the website) and find out that the old expiration date is still on /both orders/. I get the orders with outstanding components updated YET AGAIN but get told I will have to re-order SM3DW online and will have a credit posted to my account. I do so, get it eleventy billion days after release, and get my credit, but nothing else for their bullshit.
Fast-forward to today -- I get home, open my e-mail looking for the shipping info for Mario Kart 8, and there's another fucking e-mail advising me that they could not process the billing information. I call in again (because I can't update it on the website) and find out that order STILL HAS THE OLD EXPIRATION DATE (but hey the other order, which was the SM3DW order, is updated). I get it updated and now am twiddling my goddamn thumbs waiting for this shit to arrive.
I am really salty right now, and I have no Twitter account to go @whine about their @bullshit.