You don't get to bring friends.
They just went up with some more!
1 CAD = 0.78 USD ouch
Dang son
...so thread title is now 'That 70s cent'?
They just went up with some more!
1 CAD = 0.78 USD ouch
Why is the Canadian dollar decreasing in value?
If I pre-order bloodborne in PSN today, would that lock the price? or do they charge the credit card at release with the price at release? .
Why is the Canadian dollar decreasing in value?
crap I forgot that I needed more PS monies for Atelier Shallie
pls gamedealdaily, put out more codessssss
crap I forgot that I needed more PS monies for Atelier Shallie
pls gamedealdaily, put out more codessssss
Why is the Canadian dollar decreasing in value?
codes are available right now
They have put out more I think, bought 10 of them just now
That's the paypal rate guys.That doesn't make it any better though...
Speaking of paypal, I have hundreds in USD in my canadian account. Is the amount it says in CAD how much ill get using their currency exchange tool or is there a hidden fee?
I can't tell because there's about a 2.7% discrepancy between xe.com and paypals cad value.
Man Sony makes going digital hard with those fucken high prices. $40 for tomb raider, a port of a last gen game that's two years old? Cmon. I've seen that for $20. Plus those E3 deals at futureshop and best buy and Amazon are amazing. I think I'll stick to physical.
Quoting myself from last page:
Still annoyed that there's no Day 1 option, oh well.
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide (Hardcover) for $25.82 (goes for $40 at EB). http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1101898437/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN=1101898437&linkCode=as2&tag=gamesdeals08-20
Depends where you order it from. Places like bestbuy will probably pre-order guarantee you, where as EBgames will not. I've had EBGames make me pay more to keep an order before because of currency/inflation (NEVER AGAIN!).
But that being said I'm locked in for a bloodborne pre-order at videogamesplus.ca for 59.99, I'd suggest them or maybe bestbuy as an option.
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide (Hardcover) for $25.82 (goes for $40 at EB). http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1101898437/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN=1101898437&linkCode=as2&tag=gamesdeals08-20
...shi-Order Complete
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide (Hardcover) for $25.82 (goes for $40 at EB). http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1101898437/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN=1101898437&linkCode=as2&tag=gamesdeals08-20
Dammit, that sucks. If they make the FFXV demo available at the games launch I want to play it the second it's available to download.
That's half the price I paid for the box set with 6 hard cover guides, a treasure chest, golden book mark and stuff.
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide (Hardcover) for $25.82 (goes for $40 at EB). http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1101898437/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN=1101898437&linkCode=as2&tag=gamesdeals08-20
Where did you get that for $50?
Damn, Feb 13th gonna be expensive. New 3DS, MMLE, MH4U, and now the guide.
I usually choose Free Super Saver Shipping and it usually arrives ~2-3 days after the release. I've had some games actually arrive on the release date occasionally. Using better shipping options, I think there's some hope it would arrive in time...
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide (Hardcover) for $25.82 (goes for $40 at EB). http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1101898437/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN=1101898437&linkCode=as2&tag=gamesdeals08-20
I know! *hugs*
For me it's the guide, Amiibo's, MMLE and Kirbys Rainbow Curse. Why did I do this to my wallet?
Wasn't Rainbow Curse pushed back to the 20th?
Bought, thanks!
Not sure where Canon bought it from, but the box set was selling for $60 at my local chapters a few months back.
godfuckingdammit.They just went up with some more!
1 CAD = 0.78 USD ouch
Hmm, was just thinking about this today.
Amount of money I've sunk into this Majora's Mask remake is reaching unhealthy territory.
MM New 3DS, MMLE, European MMLE, Hardcover MM guide. Fuck.
I know! *hugs*
For me it's the guide, Amiibo's, MMLE and Kirbys Rainbow Curse. Why did I do this to my wallet?
Damn! Is the current lowest price what Amazon has now? I would have definitely got it for $60 if I knew, and was able.
anything special with the EU LE?
Doooooo it!
Who really "needs" one?![]()
Meh, I prefer the NA Majora LE. I'd rather have a substantial collectible that I can display over a bunch of trinkets. The pin is sweet, but figure's better. Plus we can get the pin anyway, if we're so inclined.
Posters are the worst. Who's putting up these posters? I'm not 13 years old![]()